Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: It's time to cook!

The middle-aged wizard in the lead nodded. From this point of view, Aysia was indeed still in this magic shop.

Thinking of this, he turned to Ralph and said.

"You take them upstairs, remember to pay attention, don't separate too much, especially don't touch anything here!"

"Don't worry, we know that she can't run..." Ralph grinned, then greeted the three black-robed wizards to search upstairs with him.

After watching Ralph ascend the stairs, the leading middle-aged wizard directed the remaining black-robed wizards to search in pairs on the first floor to see if there were secret passages or basements.

Although it's not a wise way to be active in a magic shop, but fortunately, they have enough staff, and they are not weak.

In addition, according to information, Aysia also brought a child who was less than thirteen years old and had some potions talent.

This is why they chose to do it today. With such a burden by their side, this time it should be stable...

Ivan, wearing an invisibility cloak, quietly listened to their conversation in the corner of the first floor, and the corners of his mouth curled up, just as he was willing to split up.

If these people just want to get together, then Ivan really can't think of any good way to solve them.


On the second floor of the magic shop, Ralph and others searched the living room carefully and found nothing.

Perhaps he felt that searching like this was a bit too slow. Ralph waved his hand and asked two of the black-robed wizards to search in those rooms. He himself went to the kitchen and storage room with the other black-robed wizard. Take a look.

Once there is something, you can get there as soon as you tell each other.

Ralph walked into the kitchen cautiously and glanced at it. There is a lot of space here, and there are many processed ingredients stacked next to him.

Kitchen knives, spoons and other kitchen utensils are all available, neatly placed on one side, it looks normal.

However, from Ralph's eyes, it is natural to see that magic has been applied to these kitchen utensils, and they are all real magic items.

"Armor for body protection!"

Before entering, Ralph blessed himself with an iron armor curse.

He was a little worried whether this would be a trap. For example, as soon as he entered, these kitchen utensils would fly up and hack him to death...

Fortunately, none of this happened. The kitchen utensils were put there neatly, and Ralph was relieved. It seemed that these were just ordinary magic kitchen utensils, which were found in many wizard families.

Then Ralph searched in the kitchen.

Although the space here is not small, there is nothing worth looking for except for a few relatively large cabinets that may hide people.

Ralph turned his head and was about to greet his companions to leave, only to find that he was staring at a cabinet in a daze...

"Lawlins, did you find anything over there?" Ralph raised his eyebrows and said aloud.

The latter did not respond at all. Ralph faintly noticed that something was wrong. He approached a few steps and found that a crystal skull full of cracks was placed on the cabinet, and the hollow eye sockets were burning with gorgeous purple flames...

Ralph looked a little surprised, and even felt that the crystal skull in front of him seemed to come alive. The pink flesh was squeezed out of the cracks in the skull, twisted and squeezed together, disgusting...

But Ralph quickly broke free from the illusion and returned to normal.

However, Laurinsi, as if possessed by a demon, slowly stretched out his hand to grab the skull.

"No! Don't touch that thing!" Ralph waved his wand, and a black spell beam hit the crystal skull, breaking it apart.

It's a pity that it was a step too late. Before that, Laurins' fingers had touched the crystal skull, and purple flames splashed out of the skull's eye sockets, like a tarsal maggot burning up the fingers, so that the entire arm was stained. flame...


The harsh screams suddenly sounded in the black magic shop, Laurin rolled on the ground in pain, trying to extinguish the flames on his body, and the wand in his hand fell to the ground.

Ralph cursed inwardly for waste, but he drew out his wand for the first time to help him extinguish the weird purple fire.

At the moment when he was distracted, a white light and shadow suddenly pierced through the thick wall on the side, like a bolt of lightning rushing towards him...

Ralph could faintly hear the neighing sound in his ears, turned his head and looked over, only a white light magnified in front of him.

Ralph's heart was alarming, and he wanted to turn around and avoid him.

But the white light and shadow were too fast, and a moment of effort was close at hand, the behemoth with sharp horns on its forehead raised its front hoofs, and stomped down!

Ralph barely avoided the point, the magic barrier of the Iron Armor Curse stood in front of him, and then slammed to pieces...

The two hooves of the Unicorn Shadow hit Ralph's chest, and the latter only felt like he was hit by a bull, and his body hit the wall behind.

Even with the defense of the Iron Armor Curse, Ralph still suffered serious damage. He straightened up and coughed up a large mouthful of blood...josei

What makes Ralph a little confused is that the white light and shadow that attacked him before has disappeared.

"What happened?" The two black-robed wizards who were also on the second floor naturally heard Laurinsi's screams, and only after they came over did they find that the situation was worse than they thought.

"Help me, save me!" Laurinsi yelled madly.

"This is a trap, get out of here!" Ralph quickly reacted and roared.

The two black-robed wizards had already stepped in. After hearing Ralph's voice, Gu Shi's complexion changed and he wanted to escape.

It was a pity that it was too late, the shadow of the white unicorn blocked the door, and the azure blue eyes stared at the people in front of him.

As the two black-robed wizards entered the kitchen, the magic kitchen utensils hung on the wall moved on their own, and the knives, forks, and iron pans were slowly suspended in the air...

Make a jingle...

It's time to cook!

"Flaming flames!"

"Bone to pieces!"

The two black-robed wizards panicked and cast their spells towards the shadow of the unicorn~www.mtlnovel.com~ The rays of all kinds of spells went straight through the illusory body of the unicorn, bringing up white mist. .. As if the things in front of you are not physical.

They were naturally clear about the patron saint curse. The thing could not directly cause harm to the wizard, but the scar on Ralph's chest reminded them that the patron saint in front of them was not as simple as they thought.

Just when the two of them hesitated, the shadow of the unicorn made a clear neigh, and stepped on the white mist to launch a charge towards them. The magic kitchen utensils suspended in the air also flew out...

After a while, there was the sound of cooking in the kitchen...

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