Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 322

Chapter 322: Why did you die suddenly?

At the same time, the black-robed wizards who were searching on the first floor turned it upside down, but they didn't get any results.

The black-robed wizard in the lead frowned as he listened to the report from the crowd. Fortunately, the two who came last brought good news.

"Mr. Adrian, we found a basement!"

"Very good! Let's go and take a look!" The black-robed wizard Yadean led the corner of his mouth and greeted everyone to go first.

But just as they acted, a scream of screams suddenly came upstairs.

"It's Laurins's voice!" Adrian's face suddenly changed. It seemed that Laurins was probably hitting some trap by mistake, and of course, it was also possible that she was confronted with the female shopkeeper.

Adrian immediately gave up his plan to explore the basement and was ready to go up and check the situation.

But what he didn't expect was that within a few seconds of kung fu, there were a few wailing and angry shouts from upstairs, and it didn't take long for the voice to gradually weaken.

The black-robed wizards downstairs showed shocked expressions, and Yadean's pupils shrank slightly.

He certainly knows what this means. Ralph, Laurins and others must have been attacked by each other, and the four of them were completely at a disadvantage. They might even be knocked down two or three in this short period of time. people...

Yaduan couldn't help feeling that he might have misestimated the strength of the female shopkeeper. Ralph and others were not weak. Even if they used the advantage of the venue to carry out a sneak attack, it was not easy to do this.

"Coulson, Maggie, you guard here, everyone else will follow me! She must be upstairs!"

Yadean, who has outstanding self-sustaining strength, did not rudely lead everyone up to support, but left two guarding the entrance.

This is also to prevent the other party from screaming, after all, this is a mother, maybe she is going to delay them upstairs with her own life, so that her child who is hiding in the basement can escape.

Adrian never underestimates the determination of a mother to protect her child, nor does he want to let that little devil slip away because of a momentary negligence...

Adrian, who left in a hurry, didn't know, but the child in his mouth had been standing beside them wearing invisibility cloak.

Ivan silently watched Yadean rush upstairs with most of the people, then glanced around at the two black-robed wizards who were left on the first floor.

There are only two people left, which is much easier to deal with...

It seemed that everything did not exceed his expectations, Ivan couldn't help but smile.

The trap in the magic kitchen on the second floor was naturally arranged by him in advance.

In fact, Ivan also placed many triggered black magic items in other places, but it was a pity that these people were too cautious and didn't dare to touch any of them.

Only the crystal skull capable of creating phantoms played the expected role. Together with the utensils of the magic kitchen and the shadow of the magic unicorn of his blood, four enemies were eliminated in one fell swoop!

Now as long as the two people in front of him are resolved, Ivan feels that even if the battle is head-on, he will not lose.

Thinking of this, Ivan slowly leaned towards them...

The two black-robed wizards guarding the first floor did not feel the danger coming. One of the witches complained a little nervously after Yad'an took the people away.

"I knew we should kill her halfway. I always think this store is a bit weird. Ralph and the others don't know what's going on..."

"That can only mean that Ralph is a trash. With so many people, I can't catch that woman... it's just right to die." The black robe wizard sneered disdainfully. He had seen Ralph very much. I was upset, but this time he wouldn't work with Ralph if they hadn't shared a common goal.

what is that?

While the black-robed wizard was speaking, she vaguely saw something shimmering in the darkness behind the witch, looking like two orange-yellow gemstones...

Is that a pair of eyes?

The moment he thought of this, the black robe wizard felt as if his consciousness had been drawn in.

"Enough, Brand! Give me a few words..." The black-robed witch frowned in dissatisfaction, and planned to reprimand.

But before she could speak, Brand's eyes suddenly became dull, and the next moment he fell straight down.

The person who was talking to himself just now suddenly fell to the ground without knowing his life or death...

The black-robed witch had never encountered such a strange situation before, and her pupils suddenly shrank, and a chill came from the soles of her feet.

"Brand...Brand?!" The black-robed witch stammered and shouted. The latter did not respond at all. She took two steps back in fear, and a sharp object hit her. The back.

The black-robed witch turned her head abruptly, only to find that a 13 or 14-year-old wizard had appeared behind her at some point.

With a white light shining in front of her eyes, the black robe witch lost consciousness and fell to the ground.


Ivan lightly chanted the spell, knocked the opponent out, and put the wand away. He didn't mean to make up the sword. It was useful to keep the opponent.

"I knew I wouldn't need snake eyes... the loss of magic power is too great." Ivan rubbed his sour eyes and glanced at the status bar of the system. His magic scale had been reduced by half.

Thirty percent of it is used for the shadow of the unicorn, two apparitions and the rest of the casting cost, and the remaining two are the magic power that is consumed when the snake eye is activated.

Perhaps it was because I knew that Aysia was staying in the basement safely, and the magic eye without the enhancement of killing intent was much weaker than the effect of direct death before.

After consuming 20% ​​of the magic power, the wizard who stared at him did not die directly, but was heavily petrified.


Continuous explosions came from the top of the building, Ivan’s complexion suddenly changed, and his bloodline magic unicorn shadow was actually shattered...

Because the magic is limited~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan did not choose to use magic to repair the body of the unicorn, but let it dissipate...

"Audan? It seems that they are still a little capable..." Ivan muttered to himself, the patron saint and his vision are connected, of course he saw the whole process, destroying the shadow of the unicorn The man is Adrian, the leader of those black-robed wizards.

The other party is somewhat savvy, and ruthless enough!

After gaining insight into the characteristics of the shadow of the unicorn, he used large-scale blasting magic to destroy this special patron saint while it was attacking a companion.

The poor black-robed wizard is also blasting the coverage of the spell, I don’t know if he is dead...

It is worth mentioning that before the blood magic was lifted, Ivan also saw that Adrian was carrying out a large-scale bombing of the second floor. Perhaps it was suspected that the caster was hiding there...

After a while, the explosion sounded upstairs stopped, followed by the sound of stepping on the stairs. Ivan glanced at the two people on the ground and put the invisibility cloak on him...josei

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