Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 324

Chapter 324: Killing...blood...hell!

Before he started, Ivan predicted that the short body would roll over to avoid the blow, and in the end he directly retracted into the invisibility cloak and disappeared into Yadean's sight...

"Get out of here!" Yadean looked around angrily. Under the slam of his wand, the gravel on the ground shot up like flying arrows and scattered in all directions.

However, these rubbles did not have any effect. They were affected in mid-air, distorted and turned into flying birds that obscured Yad'an's sight...

"Shen Feng Wuying!"

Ivan stretched his wand out of the invisibility cloak and pointed it at Ad'an's chest, and the invisible magic blade cut across Ad'an's body and brought a blood stain.

"Come out!" Yadean let out a roar, but he couldn't wear the disguise of the invisibility cloak. He could only judge his position with the sound of Ivan's curse. He waved his wand frantically to cast spells and exploded everything around him. Smash!

Ivan hiding in the invisibility cloak is as flexible as a fish in the water. He doesn’t stay in one place at all. He circles around Yadean, and uses Shenfeng Wuying to add one to Yadean’s body from time to time. Road wound.

Adrian's vitality was unexpectedly strong. Although the blood flow continued, he still stood firm. In the end, the wand that was abandoned directly embraced the collapsed counter with brute force and swept forward...

It's a pity that such obvious movements are too easy to be seen through, but will reveal flaws, and Ivan easily avoided it.

Adyan seemed to be a giant, waving the counter repeatedly, but couldn't hit the dwarf Ivan...only a small amount of physical energy was consumed.

Taking advantage of the moment when Adyan’s old power was exhausted, Ivan waved his wand and the wide chair underneath changed into a giant snake entangled Adyan’s ankles and fixed him in place.

"Bone to pieces!" Ivan cast a spell again,

Adyan’s face changed, and he barely blocked a blow with the counter in his hand.

However, Yad'an was wounded very seriously. He was at the end of the crossbow. He was entangled in the giant snake and unable to move. After a difficult resistance for a while, he was killed by a splitting curse...

Seeing Yad'an's body crashing down, Ivan finally breathed a sigh of relief. The strength of the opponent was a little bit beyond his expectations.

If it hadn't been for the sneak attack before, but now with the help of the Invisibility Cloak, it would take some effort and a lot of magic to kill Yad'an.

Ivan shook his head when he looked at Adrian who was not looking at him.

As the leader of these black-robed wizards, Yadean might know something, but Ivan didn't have much time and didn't have that kung fu torture.

He remembers that he saw the fire and heard the explosion not long after entering the Knockdown Alley, and then ran all the way to the scene in just a few minutes...josei

It is estimated that it is already halfway,

Noticing the blood marks cut out by the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse on Yad'an, Ivan's heart moved to blow up those marks with the Smash Curse, and then he walked towards the inside of the store.

The black-robed witch who was stunned by him before did not know when she was awake. Unfortunately, she was hit in the back by a falling rock that was blown up by the aftermath, and she was climbing out of the pile of rocks with difficulty...

Ivan put his hand into the wizard robe and walked towards her...

Seeing Ivan approaching, the black-robed witch grabbed the wand on the ground to cast a spell in horror, but was snatched by Ivan.

"Let me go...Let me go!" The black-robed witch looked at Ivan pleadingly, "Bock instigated us to come, I can tell you everything I know..."

As she watched, the little wizard in front of her took out a bottle of potion from her robe, and the black-robed witch was delighted. She thought that the other party was definitely ready to heal herself.

After all, if you want to kill yourself, you just need to cast a spell, and you don’t have to be so troublesome...

The black-robed witch drank the potion quickly, and then suddenly covered her neck. She was horrified to find that her body had begun to deform. This was not a potion to treat injuries at all...

What Ivan gave her was naturally the bottle of improved compound decoction that Hermione brought over.

When I stunned Aysia before, Ivan took a piece of Aysia's hair and put it in the potion.

"What did you drink for me?" The black-robed witch wailed in pain, and the wound pulled by the muscles when she deformed made her almost faint with pain...

Ivan silently watched the black-robed witch in front of him, rapidly changing, her appearance becoming more and more gorgeous, and finally becoming Aisia's appearance.

The transformation finally ended, the black robe witch lay down on the ground weakly, her body trembling from time to time, her wailing sound was much weaker, a large amount of blood continued to soak the robe along the **** back, and flowed on the gray floor. on...

Ivan looked at her struggling painfully like Asiah, and was really unbearable, so he waved her wand and killed her, then ran to the entrance of the basement in three or two steps, opened the trap door, and ran towards the practice room. go with.

At this time, the fearful little witch, who was curled up in the practice room, suddenly lifted the invisibility cloak when she saw Ivan, and slammed into Ivan's arms.

"Great, Ivan, are you okay!" Hermione said excitedly. The huge explosion just frightened her for fear that Ivan would encounter something unexpected on it.

"Didn't I tell you? They will definitely be the ones who die, look... I didn't get hurt at all!" Ivan pretended to comfort Hermione with ease.

Hermione looked at Ivan carefully, and everything was fine except for a little blood stained on his clothes and a little pale face.

"Anyway, let's go out first..." Ivan put his arms around Isiah, who was unconscious, and beckoned Hermione to go outside.

Hermione nodded, and ran out of the basement with Ivan and Esiah~www.mtlnovel.com~ When she saw the scene on the first floor, Hermione's pupils shrank slightly, and she couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand to avoid shouting. ,

The previous black magic shop has become a ruin at this time. The flames are blasting into the sky, and a strong smell of blood is puffing on the nose. There are several **** corpses lying underground. The corpses and pieces of meat can be seen everywhere. The scene of vice hell...

What makes Her sensitive even more surprised is that one of the female corpses turned out to look like Aysia...

Is it a compound decoction?

Hermione soon wondered why Ivan was obsessed with developing the improvement of the compound decoction, and why he had to figure out what effect the potion would have on the dead. It turned out that he wanted to create the illusion of Asia’s death. ...

"Yeah..." Hermione ran all the way, but accidentally kicked something and nearly fell to the ground. Looking back, she found that it was a black-robed wizard who fell to the ground...

The black-robed wizard's eyes were open, and he was lying on the ground stiffly, as if he was petrified, and there were no wounds on his body...

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