Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 325

Chapter 325: You will (make) witness 1 kill! Blood on the ground is like hell...

"Ivan, he... he doesn't seem to be dead..." Hermione stammered.

Ivan turned his head suspiciously, followed Hermione's gaze and saw the black-robed wizard on the ground, only then did he remember that he had previously petrified an enemy with snake eyes.

However, this guy's luck was obviously good. He was not hit by a falling rock when he was in a coma, and he did not die from the aftermath of magic, so he survived...

"Pour down this potion for him, hurry up!" After thinking for a while, Ivan held Esiah in one hand, and took out a bottle of de-petrification potion from the wizard's robe with the other hand and handed it to Hermione.

Hermione was confused, but still obediently followed, and at the same time noticed that the petrochemical state seemed to be gradually fading after the opponent drank the potion.

Before Hermione could figure out why Ivan would do this, she was dragged out of the black magic shop.

Before she left the house, Hermione looked back at the hellish scene in the magic shop, and for some reason, she suddenly thought of Sybil Trelawney's prediction.

You...a...kill! Blood... hell!

Or maybe...you will witness (make) a killing! Blood on the ground is like hell!

Hermione had a comprehension and completed the content of the prophecy in her heart. She remembered the teacup used for prophecy. She personally handed it to Ivan, and then was interpreted by Professor Trelawney. Perhaps this prophecy is more than just It was aimed at her alone...

A few thoughts flashed in Hermione's mind, and the little witch quickly returned her mind to reality. She looked at Ivan who was dragging herself hurriedly and asked. "Where are we going now?"

"Go to a place and find a **** bastard!" Ivan gritted his teeth, thinking of Dougt who had turned himself away.

He never thought that Dougte would be a Death Eater!

And maybe it has anything to do with this attack...

Ivan was furious at the thought of this, and this time he won't let Dougt run away...

Soon after the two left, in the black magic shop, the petrified black-robed wizard suddenly moved, and his pale complexion gradually became ruddy.

After gradually regaining consciousness, the black-robed wizard held his head and his body was still a little stiff. He climbed up with difficulty, picked up the wand that had fallen to the side, and stared blankly at the hell-like scene around...

Where is this? What is going on here?

The black-robed wizard almost didn't recognize that this was the black magic shop he searched earlier.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps behind him, and the black-robed wizard who had just been awake and somewhat confused turned his head and looked over, a pair of orange and yellow vertical pupils came into view...

Again... these eyes again!

The moment he stared at each other, the black robe wizard felt his soul drifting out of touch, all thoughts and thoughts disappeared without a trace, but this time he finally saw the master of these eyes clearly.

But how is it possible?

That's just a kid...


On the other side, Ivan and Hermione ran all the way to Dougert’s mansion.

"You're waiting here!" Ivan temporarily gave Aysia to Hermione to take care of him, put on his invisibility cloak, and stretched his wand to the door.

"Alaho Cave is open!" Ivan said softly, and the locked door was opened with a soft sound.

Ivan opened the door gently and walked in cautiously.

Although in his impression Dougert should not be his opponent, the performance of Dougert that day was really weird. Ivan didn't even know how much this deep-minded man had concealed himself?

After so long in disguise, maybe the identity of Death Eater is just one of them...

The hall was very messy, no different from when he came last time. After walking a few steps, Ivan finally saw Dougert's figure.

It was just different from what he had imagined, Doug sat leaning on a large chair, snoring drunkly. His face was stained with wine stains, and he was still wearing the weird robe with one long and one short sleeve. One foot was leaning against the table in an unimaginable manner. There were a large number of empty wine bottles lying around and on the ground in a mess.. .

Appears to be drunk...

Ivan stared at Dougt blankly, his face changed uncertainly...this is what he has always guarded against, the Death Eater who has been pretending to be deeply thoughtful for more than ten years?

Ivan rushed to Dougt's face in disbelief, grabbed the sleeve of Dougt's left hand, and pulled it away. It was engraved with the mark of a pale black skull...

A serpentine snake crawled out of the big mouth of the skull and formed an inner ring of eight characters on the wrist.

"Death Eater mark!!" Ivan muttered to himself, and what he saw that day was correct!

Seeing the drunk and unconscious Dougte, Ivan's face was uncertain, and now he can send him to **** with a curse at will!

But since Dougte drinks like this, how can he talk to his past self later...

"Ivan!" Hermione hurriedly helped Aysia enter from the outside, and closed the door with her backhand.

"What's the matter?" Ivan frowned, and he obviously asked Hermione to wait outside the door.

"I saw you coming here... It should be almost outside the door now! Let's find a place to hide with the invisibility cloak!" Hermione said to Ivan anxiously.

Ivan nodded, but suddenly thought of something, suddenly spoke.

"No, we can't hide!"

"Why?" Hermione asked strangely. They just need to put on the invisibility cloak and find an inconspicuous corner, isn't it all right?

"Because I will blow up this place later!" Ivan said with a headache.

What did you blow up this place for? Hermione looked at Ivan with a weird look, but soon realized that Ivan should be talking about him in the past.

Ivan vaguely remembered that he was here more than three months ago, asking Dougt to find a way to save the dead "Asia ~www.mtlnovel.com~, but was mocked and ridiculed by this bastard, and finally lost control of his emotions and took the whole building The houses were destroyed.

But the current situation is obviously different from the past. The **** Dougt was drunk and unconscious.

Could it be that the past has been changed? Have you entered a parallel time and space?

Then when the detention time of the time converter arrives, which time and space will he return to?

Ivan was a little at a loss, and there were rapid footsteps outside the door. Ivan suddenly remembered something in a panic and touched the pocket of the wizard's robe.

"Wait...I seem to have a bottle of compound decoction!"

What he drank to the black-robed witch before was the compound decoction that her future self asked Hermione to hand over to him, and the bottle he made himself had not been used before, and remained on him...

But Ivan hesitated a little, because after so long, he lost control of his emotions at the beginning, and it is impossible to remember every word Dougt said to him, let alone every word...

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