Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 330

Chapter 330: Do you believe Voldemort?

"In these eleven years, Dumbledore has been hiding in Hogwarts to protect his students, making it a paradise, the only place Voldemort dared not enter." Dougter's words are half admiration and half admiration. It's ironic.

Because at that time the parents of countless students died in the hands of Death Eaters, or they simply joined the Death Eaters. Those students were happy when they were in school, but not necessarily when they returned home.

"As far as I know, he still did some things, such as the Order of the Phoenix"

Ivan said that Dumbledore established a secret resistance organization, the Order of the Phoenix, when Voldemort's power began to show his ugliness, and called the rebels to fight the Death Eaters, not just sitting by and watching Voldemort's rise.

And he had been in contact with Sirius, so naturally he didn't have to worry about others asking about his sources of intelligence.

However, it is true that Dumbledore spent most of his time as his headmaster in Hogwarts. Most of the members of the Order of the Phoenix were resisters organized spontaneously by the people, not the regular army.

Ivan guessed that maybe like the Second Wizarding War, the Minister of Magic was unwilling to hand over the command of the Auror to Dumbledore. There were constant conflicts between the two sides, so the old principal could only start anew.

"I should be clear about the Order of the Phoenix, after all, my father is one of Dumbledore's friends." Dougart curled his lips in disdain, and continued.josei

"But everyone in the magic world knows that Voldemort is the core of the Death Eaters. If you don't kill him, the power of the Death Eaters will only grow!"

"So the best way is to create an ambush, or force the Dark Lord to fight head-on to kill him! The Ministry of Magic once planned a siege and dispatched a full fifty for the Auror. As a result, no one came back alive. !"

"Where was Dumbledore at that time? Don't tell me that he couldn't find Voldemort in the past eleven years." Dougt's face was very sordid. Among those who died, there was his best friend.

He thinks this is largely due to Dumbledore's inaction.

It is not even necessary for Dumbledore to kill Voldemort, as long as Voldemort is defeated a few times in a fair manner, the cohesion of the Death Eaters will be greatly reduced.

If Voldemort is no longer invincible, the power of the Death Eaters will not swell to the point of rampant invincibility.

Doug sighed again.

"But that's right. Dumbledore is the most famous wizard in the magical world. Naturally, he will not risk his life in a desperate duel with Voldemort."

"Perhaps he plans to wait for everyone to be powerless, and then save everything as the savior. After all, he did the same when he defeated Greenward last time.

Yes, great Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world! "

Hermione opened her mouth. She felt that Professor Dumbledore would not be such a person, but she didn't know how to refute it.

Ivan knew a little bit more, and understood that Dumbledore had delayed the final battle with Greenward for five years because the blood curses of non-confrontation between the two sides restrained them.

But it was indeed strange that Dumbledore had been watching Voldemort's growth for eleven years.

Decades ago, Dumbledore dared to fight to the death with Greenward holding the old magic wand.

At that time, Dumbledore, who had already possessed the strongest wand, could not fear the newly risen Voldemort.

This white wizard who can tell that death is nothing but a great adventure, is not a person who is afraid of death.

Could it be that Dumbledore knew at that time that Voldemort could not be killed for some reason?

Or maybe Dumbledore knew he couldn’t keep him

After all, Greenward was willing to fight to the death with Dumbledore because of their special relationship, and Voldemort had no such concerns. If a wizard of this level deliberately avoids the battle, it is difficult to be caught, and even more difficult to be killed.

This may be why Voldemort claims to be stronger than any living wizard, but many people suspect that he has always been afraid of Dumbledore.

A few thoughts flashed in Ivan's mind, but Ivan didn't say it, but kept the doubt in his heart, he shouldn't know so much.

After venting for a while, Dougert calmed down again and spoke.

"Just when Voldemort's power was at its strongest, St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries was not immune to the treatment of the Auror and the resistance of the Dark Lord.

They organized seven large-scale offensives throughout the year. There were hundreds of medical staff in the hospital, and more than 400 wounded and wounded. When the seventh offensive, there were even less than 50 people who still had combat capability. personal! "

When Dougt said this, his tone was very sad. He had seen too many tragedies and life and death.

Some people are seriously injured and still fight on the front line of the battlefield. Some people may be joking yesterday, and today they have become cold names on the list of deaths.

The despair of not seeing hope almost enveloped the entire St Mungo’s Magical Injury Hospital. Everyone knew that they would probably not be able to survive the next attack.

"During that battle, I was caught by a Death Eater!" Dougt shuddered as he recalled the scene. "They tortured me all day and want me to take refuge in them and work for the Dark Lord!"

So you surrendered?

Ivan looked at Dougte without saying clearly, but his eyes revealed his thoughts.

"Of course I didn't agree!" Doug said angrily, then sighed again.

"But the Dark Lord found me in person the next day!

Tell me that the Death Eaters lost a lot of manpower to attack the St. Mungo’s Magical Injury Hospital. This makes the Dark Lord very annoyed. His patience has been exhausted, and he is ready to attack it by himself. Only a massacre can quell it. His anger!

When the time comes, he will kill all the people there, whether they are resisters or innocents, not one will be left! "

Dougt could not help but recall the scene at the time~www.mtlnovel.com~The St Mungo Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries was no longer able to withstand the next attack, let alone Voldemort himself.

And there are his friends, hundreds of wizards who have lost the ability to fight, and his father.

"The Dark Lord promised that as long as I join the Death Eaters and conquer St Mungo's Magical Injury Hospital, he will not kill anyone, and everyone in it will be at my disposal." Dougte said.

"Do you believe Voldemort's words?" Ivan frowned, and Dougter wouldn't worry about the Dark Lord's temporary repentance at that time, and he would kill the donkey.

Dougt shook his head and explained.

"He has no choice! In the war against the Resistance and the Auror, the Death Eaters suffered heavy casualties. The Dark Lord needs a large number of wizards who can use healing magic, and no one else can control the Holy Spirit. Mungo Hospital for Magical Injuries! That's why the Death Eaters didn't kill me."

(PS: Dougt didn’t know that wizards of the rank Voldemort were difficult to deal with. In his opinion, Dumbledore could defeat Greenward and end the Wizarding War with this, and could also deal with Voldemort and Death Eaters in the same way. Complaining about Dumbledore's inaction)

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