Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 331

Chapter 331: Who knows that when I surrendered that day, the Dark Lord died..

Ivan had been silent for a long time when he heard this, but he didn't expect that Douglet would become a Death Eater because of this reason.

"The Dark Lord only gave me ten minutes to think about it, and finally I agreed, and he carved the Dark Mark on my left wrist."

Dougtra opened the sleeve of his left hand. The pale black skull mark on it was clearly visible, and his face was an indescribable complex color.

After a pause, Dougt continued.josei

"After I took refuge, the Dark Lord planned to launch a general attack that night!

But at night, the Dark Lord missed his appointment and did not participate in the battle himself, because he temporarily received news that he had more important things to do. Before leaving, the Dark Lord ordered the attacking Death Eaters to temporarily obey my command. . "

"So in order to avoid heavy casualties in the battle between the two sides, I found a few good friends to explain the situation and persuaded them, and then took the control of the entire St. Mungo Hospital for Magical Injuries and Diseases without bloodshed."

"You didn't find a chance to speak to Dean Bohan?" Ivan was a little strange. Since Dougte has the ability to contact his friends, why not convince his father directly.

"You don't know my father, he is a stubborn man who will never surrender!" Dougt shook his head, and then said, seemingly mockingly, self-deprecating.

"You must not have imagined that when we met again, his first sentence actually asked me why I was still alive?"

"Yeah! He must have wished that I was tortured to death by the Death Eaters. It would be better to be chopped into several pieces and transported back!

In this way, he can point to the corpse and proudly say that his son is a respectable soldier! Is a fearless hero! "

At this point, Dougt's emotions were a little out of control, he roared loudly. "But not! I came back alive and became a Death Eater! This will make him look up in front of others, and it will make the Bohan family face a big loss.

He only cares about the justice and glory in his eyes! He felt that it was more important than anything else, more important than my life, his life, and the lives of more than a hundred people in the St. Mungo’s Magical Injury Hospital! "

"He likes to be a saint himself, so he thinks everyone is a saint like him!" Doug said gritted his teeth, his muddy eyes covered with bloodshot eyes.

Dougt knew his father very well, that man would force everyone to act according to his beliefs, whether they wanted it or not!

But when he recalled the shocked and unbelievable look on his face when he walked to Bohan alive, Dougert was very pleased.

From childhood to adulthood, he was forced to do things that met the expectations of the other party, but this time he made a completely opposite decision to his father's expectations!

Dougte wants to prove his choice is right!

It was myself who protected the lives of so many people, otherwise everyone present would die in extremely painful circumstances!

But fate was like a joke with him, and not long after he fully occupied the St. Mungo’s Magical Injury Hospital, a bad news came.

Voldemort, the most powerful dark wizard in the magical world, is dead!

Died in the hands of a child who was just born not long ago!

When he heard the news, Dougte even thought he had misheard him. He only saw the Dark Lord tomorrow morning. He was so powerful and alive!

How could a child destroy such a powerful Dark Lord!

But the Aurors quickly rushed in and arrested the Death Eaters who were in panic, including him!

What makes Dougt unimaginable most is that in the trial court, he thought his father would stand up and say a word for himself, but there was nothing!

If he hadn't insisted on claiming that he was controlled by the Imperius Curse released by the Dark Lord himself, and some friends helped to operate it, I am afraid he would have been thrown into Azkaban to be the company of those dementors!

After coming out of the trial court, although Dougt escaped the Ministry of Magic's punishment, his father did not let him go. Not only did he exempt him from the position of vice-president, he also expelled him from the Bohan family.

In one night, he lost everything, was knocked down from the peak to the bottom, and became a betrayer and coward who was spurned by others.

"After that, I came to Knock Down Alley by myself and met your mother, Aisia, and your mother in the back should be clear. This is probably what I want to say." Dougter touched his waist subconsciously, but found him He didn't bring a hip flask at all, and he couldn't help but smile.

Ivan and others, who were listening to the story, looked at Dougte, who was paralyzed by the side, with different expressions.

Hermione was the most touched, her eyes full of sympathy.

When she knew that Dougt was a Death Eater, she thought that he would be like the description in the book, a vicious thug who likes to murder, but she did not expect that Dougt was being used to protect relatives and friends. Forced to become a Death Eater.

Ivan stared at the decadent and alcoholic middle-aged man in front of him, and for some reason he thought of the photos he had seen on the walls around the mansion.

It was a handsome wizard with thick brown hair, always holding a trophy and smiling. It was Dougert from more than ten years ago.

Ivan has never understood that in more than ten years, Dougt will have such a big change.

I don't even understand why this man, who had been the deputy director of the St. Mungo's Magical Injury Hospital at a young age, fell to the point of drinking in Knockout Alley.

Now, Ivan finally understands a little bit. At that time, Dougt may have been heartbroken under the successive blows, so he will hide in Knockoff Alley, a place where he is not concerned, to escape reality, so that some people cannot find him. .

But Ivan can’t comment on anything~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although Dean Pohan may not be a good father, he has problems of this kind.

But it is with such a stubborn and steadfast righteous person that in that dark age, the wounded Auror and the persistent resistance can have a place to heal their wounds and continue the fire for the cause of the anti-dark demon.

The St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries will survive the day when Voldemort’s forces are destroyed.

The same Ivan could not refute Dougert's choice, because not everyone can leave everything that is cherished, and many people who go to death generously with their relatives and friends will abandon some bottom lines and temporarily compromise in order to protect the cherished people.

To put it bluntly, this is a difference in the concepts of the two parties.

In addition, Dougte was really bad luck, just in time for the prediction to kill, so he could only play GG in despair.

If Voldemort’s rule continues for a while, and Dougt’s choice saves these people’s lives, perhaps the result will be much better than it was at the beginning. Even though Dougt made a statement in the court, his defense would appear pale and weak.

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