Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 349

Chapter 349: Bok: You must be deliberately confusing the Ministry of Magic!

In a daze, Bok couldn't help but remember the black-haired teenager who came to the magic shop to do odd jobs decades ago. They were all the same young, strong, and equally ambitious...

Time and space seem to have returned to that time, the two figures overlapped together...

But soon, Bock overthrew his previous thoughts, because the little wizard in front of him was obviously more bold than the Dark Lord at that time!

Tom Riddle in his youth, although he knew how to win people's hearts and form cliques, he could never make such a bold layout!

"Don't you worry about being discovered by the Ministry of Magic?" Bok couldn't help but asked aloud.

While he was surprised by Ivan's courage, he didn't understand why the other party had so much confidence to calculate the Ministry of Magic. You must know that if such a small action is discovered by the Ministry, it will definitely anger this behemoth!

And Ivan, who has not grown up yet, can't cope with the pursuit of the Ministry of Magic...

Of course I am worried! If you are not worried, I will ask you what these do? Ivan rolled his eyes and complained in his heart.

This idea is just that Ivan is cautious and temporary. If it doesn't work, he will give up decisively.

Just as Ivan was about to explain, Bok's face changed. He suddenly realized something and said loudly.

"No, that's not right! You have a plan a long time ago, so you don't worry about this at all!"

"Amazing!" Bok admired again.

"You are smarter and more cautious than I thought! Know how to use some means to confuse the Ministry of Magic to gain their trust!"

Bok quickly figured out Ivan’s plan. The protective items Ivan sold to the Ministry of Magic must have no problems, and they can easily pass the review of the Ministry’s professionals.

The purpose is to let them relax their vigilance. The real maneuvering is when repairing protective props!

At that time, the Aurors were probably used to the convenience that these protective items brought to them, and of course they would no longer doubt whether Ivan had bad intentions.

The Ministry of Magic is also unlikely to collect all the protective items distributed to the Auror and check it again.

Even Ivan can wait until he really needs to deal with the Ministry of Magic, and gradually leave secret doors for those protective items.

This is undoubtedly reducing the possibility of being discovered again...

Such a bold and prudent plan made Bock amazed. The one who came up with this plan in particular was a twelve or thirteen-year-old wizard like Ivan...

Is this a genius?

Bok sighed in his heart. He already had a foreboding that the magical world that had been stable for more than ten years would be a storm again... This time the magical world would probably face a more difficult existence than the Dark Lord!

Listening to Bok’s admiration, Ivan was at a loss and didn't understand what Bok said.

He is just a bit more frustrated, and he temporarily consciously wanted to beware of the Ministry of Magic, so as not to be scammed by his own magic props. Are you so surprised?

"Mr. Bojin! You haven't answered my question yet!" Ivan reminded helplessly.

Bok has just recovered from it.

"There is no major problem with your plan. Although there are wizards who are proficient in alchemy in the Department of Mystery Affairs of the Ministry of Magic, they are relatively average. If you don't investigate carefully, you will never find those arrangements." At this point, Bokton said. Pause, hesitated for a while, and continued.

"But I advise you to endure it for a few more years and don't act rashly. After you become an adult, you will have the strength comparable to the Black Devil before you start!"

"Otherwise, even if you destroy the Auror, it will be difficult to convince the public, and you can't control the entire magical world. Time is what you lack the most now!" Bock talked freely.

The reason for saying this is because Bok suddenly felt that he was not sure to die. With the ambition and courage of the little wizard in front of him, he may not be able to tolerate him. It is possible that the other party is just testing whether he has enough value!

Therefore, under the battle between heaven and man, dignity is still lost to the desire for survival.josei

More importantly, Bock believes that he is defeated by the uncrowned king of the magical world in the future. It does not seem to be a shame...

Annihilate the Auror? Control the magic world? Ivan looked at Bok with weird eyes.

At this time, Ivan also realized that the other party might have misunderstood something, but he was not stupid enough to reveal it.

Because Bock’s attitude has obviously changed, unlike before, he didn’t say anything if he didn’t take the initiative to ask questions. For many questions he asked, he answered honestly one by one, and sometimes he took the initiative to point out the omissions.

So soon this small room temporarily used for imprisonment became a place for two people to study alchemy.

Bock has a very old experience and a unique inheritance of alchemy knowledge. After decades of painstaking research, he has a high level of alchemy.

Ivan's alchemy level has also been raised to level five, and the gap with Bok is not that big.

In addition, for a dying person, Ivan did not need to hide too much, confided a lot of core knowledge and exchanged blogs, so the nature of the two is more inclined to discuss rather than unilaterally teach.

During this process~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan quickly absorbed the alchemy knowledge of Bock. The most direct manifestation is that the alchemy proficiency in the status bar has skyrocketed by just one day. More than a hundred points!

That long desperately long strip of proficiency has directly increased by one-tenth!

Ivan was very happy when he left. If he continues to grow at this rate, it won't be long before his alchemy can be upgraded to level 6.

In the next few days, except for a few trips to the Bokimbock store and emptying the library there, Ivan spent the rest of his time studying alchemy with Bok.

What makes Ivan a little strange is that this time the stay time seems to be abnormally sufficient.

It is calculated that he has been here for more than half a month, the time converter is still the same, cold, and Hermione has no sign of being kicked back to the original time and space.

"Mr. Bojin, have you ever studied the alchemy of time?" During a discussion with Bok, Ivan suddenly asked tentatively.

"No, I don't know about this. The only alchemy tool that I know about time is the time converter.

The production method of this kind of thing has been lost hundreds of years ago. Only the Ministry of Magic still has some stocks, but even in the most dangerous form, the Ministry of Magic has never seen it used. Big restrictions. "Boke shook his head, saying he couldn't help.

Then Bok seemed to think of something again, hesitated and continued.

"There is one exception, he should know this knowledge..."

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