Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 350

Chapter 350: It turns out that even you were kept in the dark by him!

"Who?" Ivan asked curiously.

"Nico LeMay!" Bok slowly uttered a name.

Hearing this name, Ivan suddenly realized!

Except for this legendary alchemist who has lived for more than 600 years, there is indeed no one else.

In the time when Nicol LeMay lived, the method of making time converters still existed, and the other party may have some research on this aspect.

But then Ivan was a little discouraged, and Bok's words were the same as he hadn't said. An alchemist at the level of Nicol Lemay is not something he can reach.

What's more, Niko destroyed the magic stone that made the elixir not long ago. Ivan is not even sure whether the opponent is still alive.

Thinking of this, Ivan had to throw aside the thought of inquiry, took out a protective ring from the pocket of the wizard robe, and threw it on the ground.

Because of Bok’s recent good performance, Ivan would usually untie the rope that binds his wrist when discussing alchemy with Bok, otherwise it is always inconvenient to not be able to draw pictures when teaching magic texts.

Ivan also didn't worry about Bok's sudden violent attack, because the other party had neither a magic wand nor the exquisite magic props in his hand. He wanted to subdue Bok without much effort.

"Are you done? So fast?" Bok picked up the protective ring that Ivan had thrown on the ground and looked at it for a few times. He suddenly realized that Ivan had turned the plan they discussed before into reality and produced the finished product.

"Of course!" Ivan nodded affirmatively.

After studying carefully for a while, Bok saw that Ivan had set up an induction mechanism in the protection ring. As long as he received some kind of magical fluctuation, he would stun the holder in the opposite direction.

As for why not kill?

Bock understands very well, if the Auror is killed in one go, who will maintain the rule? So just get rid of the diehards, and the rest will naturally surrender...

"How is it?" Ivan asked.

"It's very delicate. If you didn't know in advance that you moved your hands and feet on this ring, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to tell it." Bok tut and exclaimed. Ivan's learning ability or alchemy talent is far better than he expected The medium is higher!

In just over a week, the other party has absorbed and understood the knowledge he taught, and can use it initially.

Bock has never seen such an all-rounder. Generally speaking, a person's energy is limited, especially when he is still young, he usually achieves certain achievements in one aspect and is bound to share other aspects of energy.

But Ivan seems to be omnipotent, but Bock remembers that the little wizard in front of him is the developer of the wolf poison potion, and the potions must be extremely accomplished.

Coupled with outstanding strength and a good level of alchemy, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Bock would never believe that such a person would exist.josei

After a silent sigh in his heart, Bok turned his mind back to research, reminding Ivan that the place where the secret door was arranged can be more secretive.

It is best to hollow out the inside of the ring and engrave the magic text inside. In this case, unless the other party deliberately destroys the ring, it is difficult to find the clue...

The two discussed for a whole afternoon. It was not until dinner in the evening that Ivan waved his magic wand to restrain Bok again, and the latter did not intend to resist.

Bock knows that he has not gained Ivan’s trust, so he is very patient...


"Did you go to the guy Bok again?" At the dinner table, Aisia watched Ivan coming out of the room where Bok was held, and asked subconsciously.

"Yes! Mr. Bojin provided me with a lot of ideas..." Ivan grabbed a shortbread cookie on the table and said lisp.

"You don't want to think about it, what if he is lying to you?" Aixia somewhat helplessly reached out and rubbed Ivan's hair, and asked with some worry.

"Alchemy knowledge is always true anyway. Didn't I show you the compiled notes?" Ivan shrugged and didn't care too much.

He only needs to use the proficiency prompts given by the system to be able to judge whether Bok has deliberately misled himself in the communication process.

Not to mention that blog seems to be something that the brain has supplemented, so the attitude will be flipped one hundred and eighty degrees.

Now Ivan is at a loss and dare not ask more, for fear that Bok will ignore himself if he exposes his stuff...

Looking at Ivan, who was full of confidence, Aysia didn't know what to say for a while.

As for the notes Ivan said, Aysia has naturally read it. The above is the alchemy knowledge that Ivan has carefully sorted out. It is simple and easy to understand, and she has also benefited a lot.

Even so, Esiah still wonders if there is any conspiracy in it?

Bock doesn’t make sense. Such kindly professor Ivan has so much secret alchemy knowledge... But Aysia didn’t say it clearly, but planned to ask him personally from Bock!

Ivan didn't know what Aysia was thinking, and after having lunch in a hurry, he was taken to the training ground by Wokla.

Since he almost died that day in the Bojinbok Magic Shop, Walker was very eager to improve his strength, so he begged to go to Ivan.

Ivan considered that he promised Walker would take the time to teach him the magic of thunderbolt explosion last summer vacation, so he readily agreed to ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and brought Hermione with him by the way.

Anyway, it’s all about teaching. Ivan doesn’t care how many people learn...

Before leaving, Ivan hadn't forgotten to remind him.

"Mom...you remember to give Bok something to eat later, don't let him starve to death!"

Aisia nodded, waved his magic wand to clear the round table, and then walked towards the room where Bok was held with a bowl of gruel and some shortbread.


The sound of pushing the door opened Bok, who was lying in the corner dozingly. He thought it would be Ivan who came in, but unexpectedly saw Esiah with a bad expression.

"Bok, what do you want to do?" Aisia put the plate in her hand casually, holding the wand, and asked very seriously.

There was a puzzled look on Bok's face, and he didn't quite understand what Aysia was talking about.

"Those alchemy knowledge should be very precious, you just impart it to my children unconditionally? Don't tell me, because you know that your death date is approaching, so you plan to find an inheritor..." Aysia looked at Bok, Said sarcastically.

Aisia knows how deep the grievance between her and Bok has been for more than ten years, so she doesn't believe that Bok will have such kindness.

"You ask me what I want to do?" Bok's expression became very strange.

A moment later, Bok grinned, and the smile made Aysia a little bit cold.

Just as Aysia frowned, Bok's laughter suddenly stopped. He stared at Aysia for a while, and said with great certainty.

"So even you were kept in the dark by him..."

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