Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 367

Chapter 367: Why don't you hang them from the roof and whip them fiercely...

Because of this, Ivan has been reluctant to meet Dumbledore. This powerlessness makes him very uncomfortable.

But what makes Ivan a little strange is that since entering the door, he hasn't noticed that Dumbledore has used Dementia. I don't know if it has been used on Hermione and he didn't notice it... .

"Can you tell me what you did with the time converter?" Dumbledore asked.

"This is something private, it is not convenient for me to tell you...Professor!" Ivan hesitated and shook his head.

What can he say? Said that he went back to Knock Down Alley in order to save Aysia and killed a group of vicious dark wizards?

Although some thugs died, he is only a thirteen-year-old wizard, with so many lives in his hands, it is hard to say what Dumbledore would think after hearing the news.

Ivan's words disappointed Dumbledore, but he didn't mean to continue to ask. Ivan insisted that he didn't want to say it, so I can't ask anything if I ask again...

"In that case, I must punish you for your violation of the rules this time!" Dumbledore said in a deep voice.

Ivan's heart touched her throat, Hermione pursed her mouth in fear...

Dumbledore's fingers were crossed together, his blue eyes looked at Ivan, and he spoke.

"It's you first! Hals! You used the time converter to go back in private and violated the regulations of the Ministry of Magic. Gryffindor Academy will be deducted 100 points for your actions!"

"And you...Miss Granger!" Dumbledore's gaze turned to Hermione again, "You have not played your due supervisory responsibility, so I will deduct Gryffindor College again. Fifty points! This time converter will be confiscated because you do not have the ability to keep it."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he waited silently for the two to digest the news.

Hermione lowered her head and was very sad, but Ivan was a little surprised.

just... that's it? Points deducted?

Ivan was confused and said after thinking about it.

"Professor, what about the compensation? I broke the time converter. How much do I need to compensate the Ministry of Magic?"

Ivan asked Dumbledore about the approximate price of the time converter. At the same time, he was a little distressed. Although most of the Jin Jialong he saved was exploited from Lockhart, it was hard money!

It's just how long Dumbled did not continue to speak, Ivan's heart sank, and he asked tentatively.

"Is three thousand gallons enough?"

"Five thousand gallons?" Ivan felt his heart clenched together, and Dumbledore was silent.

"Ten thousand gallons?!" Ivan was desperate, he could only take out ten thousand gallons...

Where did you get so much money? Dumbledore gave Ivan a surprised look. He wondered if Ivan did something shameful after returning to the past...

"There is no need for compensation. You have good luck this time. I happen to know a master alchemist who should be able to repair this time converter." Dumbledore explained.

Ivan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and his tight expression relaxed. In this case, they don't have to worry about the Ministry of Magic making trouble for them.

Hermione is a little strange. She clearly read in the book that the production method of the time converter has been lost for hundreds of years. It is said that no one now knows how to make and repair a time converter.

Ivan remembers that Bok had told him that Nick Lemay may still retain the method of making time converters.

And Nick LeMay happened to be one of Dumbledore’s friends, so the alchemist in the old professor’s mouth could only be him!

Thinking of this, Ivan is somewhat moved. It is not easy to improve his current alchemy level. Nick Le May is one of the few people in the magical world who can teach himself.

Ivan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't speak. He just broke a time converter. He really didn't have the face to ask Dumbledore to meet with Nick LeMay.

Besides, he and Nick Le May have no relatives, and the other party has no reason to teach him alchemy.

"Professor Dumbledore, what about our class?" Hermione suddenly thought of the schedule scheduled for tomorrow morning. Now that there is no time converter, she no longer has the ability to take several courses at the same time.

"Then you need to cancel several conflicting courses, and you personally apologize and explain to the professors of each subject!" Dumbledore's words paused, and then he said solemnly.

"So I hope you can remember this profound lesson..."

Seeing the two nodded solemnly and remembered these words, Dumbledore waved his hand. "Well... if nothing else, you can leave!"

"Thank you, professor!" Before leaving, Ivan said gratefully.

Ivan knew that if Dumbledore didn’t find someone to help repair the time converter, they would be held accountable by the Ministry of Magic, and it wouldn’t be possible to deduct points at that time...

After the two left the principal’s office~www.mtlnovel.com~ peace was restored here again.

Dumbledore stared at the badly damaged time converter in his hand, lost in thought.josei

On the portrait behind   , an old man with a long beard chattered.

"Albus, you are so kind to these students who made mistakes. They broke a precious time converter and planned to lie to conceal what they did.

If I were replaced by me as the principal, I would definitely hang them from the roof and whip them fiercely! Go into the little black room again until they are willing to tell the truth! "

"Mr. Black, I need to remind you that the bad habit of corporal punishment of students was abolished decades ago! I must act in accordance with school rules..." Dumbledore explained casually.

In the existing school regulations, it is not without punishment.

Just considering that there are too many lessons for Ivan and Hermione and there is little time, these small punishments can't do much, so Dumbledore didn't mention it.

As for Ivan deliberately concealing what he did in the past, Dumbledore is also somewhat helpless, unless necessary, he does not want to use the mind to learn everything.

Especially he has sensed that Ivan is prepared for this, and even learned to make some false memories to fool himself with his brain closed.

In this case, the forceful use of dementia will only have a counterproductive effect, making Ivan even more dissatisfied and wary of himself...

"Fox! Take me to Nick!" Dumbledore thought for a while, held the time converter, stood up and turned to look at Fox, and said.

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