Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 368

Chapter 368: Nick Lemay

The phoenix who was dozing on the olive branch opened his eyes, and the beautiful wings flew to Dumbledore's shoulder, and he let out a low cry like a song, and a hot flame ignited all over his body.

The flames spread to Dumbledore in a short while, and he almost turned into a fire man, but Dumbledore's face was still calm and calm without any pain, and his robe was intact.

The next moment, the flames swelled up, then collapsed suddenly and disappeared, and the figures of Dumbledore and Phoenix also disappeared in the principal's office...

When the flames obstructing the view disappeared, Dumbledore had come to a remote suburb, where there was nothing but dirt, gravel, bushes and shrubs.

Dumbledore looked around, determined the direction, and walked toward the open grass.

Vaguely he felt something obstructing his actions, and then took a few steps forward, the surrounding space suddenly changed, and a vast courtyard appeared in front of him.

In the center of the courtyard, there is a strange, as if alive house. Several eye-like windows looked over Dumbledore's body, shaking his huge body from time to time, and thick white smoke constantly emerging from the chimney made it look full of vitality.

After Dumbledore approached, there was an extra square channel right in front of him, with jagged spikes on both sides of the channel.

But the weird big courtyard opened its big mouth so that the old wizard with white beard could enter its body.

Dumbledore was not here for the first time. He walked in without fear, and vaguely felt a rush of heat. The flames beside him were burning in the stove, and the rising heat warmed the interior of the house. of...

The right side of the entire hall is full of bookshelves, densely placed with a large number of books, some parchment with symbols or patterns scattered on the ground in a mess.

A group of small, chirping alchemy creatures, who did not know when they got close to his feet, Dumbledore had to carefully confirm the location of his feet while walking, so as not to step on them...

"Albus? Why are you suddenly free to see me?"

At this time, an old voice sounded.

Dumbledore turned his head and looked over. It was Nick LeMay who came out of the back room.

Compared to the last time we met, Dumbledore keenly discovered that Nick's condition was much worse.

The wrinkled face was pale and almost invisible. The thin body made people worry about whether it would be blown down by the wind. Only a pair of bright and intelligent eyes were still dazzling.

"Long time no see, Nick!" Dumbledore said aloud.

"Yeah, it should be more than a year?" Nick waved away the alchemy creatures gathered around Dumbledore's feet, and said jokingly.

"I think there is nothing important, you may not think of coming to me, so let's talk about it inside!"

"You know, my work has always been busy, and I have to deal with some troublesome children...Of course, sometimes there are some troubles that need to be dealt with outside of work..."

Dumbledore's face was surprisingly thick, and there was no change in Nick's color under Nick's jokes, as he spoke casually, he walked towards the back room.

After entering the back room, Dumbledore was surprised to find that this place was very different from the last time he came. It looked more like a Muggle's living room.josei

TV sets, refrigerators, ovens and other home appliances are all available, but it seems that they have been magicalized. Dumbledore can easily feel that these are alchemy items.

"Unexpected?" Nick LeMay saw the startled look on Dumbledore's face and smiled.

"Yes!" Dumbledore nodded.

Nick LeMay said with emotion.

"These Muggle-made things are very interesting and always give me a lot of inspiration...

It seems that living a long time still has some advantages, especially since the world has suddenly become more interesting in the past 100 years, not as monotonous as before..."

Speaking of this, it is a pity for Nick LeMay. He can no longer see a more distant future...

"By the way, Albus, did you come to me this time because of that person's business?" Nick LeMay quickly recovered his emotions and asked about business.

"No! Voldemort is fairly safe lately, I don't know where he is hiding, and no news has come." Dumbledore shook his head, then placed a broken time converter on the table and said again.

"Can you fix it?"

Nick LeMay glanced around, noticed the fine cracks on the time converter, and said unexpectedly.

"It was so damaged... Thoroughly! How did you do it?"

"I just want to know..." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

"Well... let me take a closer look!" Nick LeMay picked up the time converter and looked at it carefully.

Although there is no tool to detect, but with experience, Nick LeMay can roughly confirm the state of this thing.

"The specific reason for the damage is that the frequency and intensity of use exceed the limit it can withstand..." Nick Lemay said, and used his wand against the time converter to cast an unknown spell.

The golden hourglass turned over, and the fine sand slowly flowed down ~www.mtlnovel.com~ It took nearly a third of the dust and sand before it stopped. After a long time, the hourglass turned upside down again and returned to its original shape.

"It seems that the user used it to go back three months ago and stayed there for a long time." Nick said with certainty. When he was about to continue the analysis, his face showed an unbelievable look because the golden hourglass was once again. Moved.

"How is this possible?!"

"What's wrong? Nick?" Dumbledore asked strangely.

"No wonder... no wonder the damage was so thorough." Nick LeMay said to himself before explaining it.

Because the power of time is too amazing, in order to avoid accidents when the holder of the time converter is in use, there is a protection mechanism on the time converter.

The safe time limit is five hours. Once this time limit is exceeded, the thing will become unstable, and it is easy to trigger the protection mechanism to send the user back to the original time and space.

Generally speaking, the longer the backtracking time, the more unstable the time converter will be, and it is difficult to stay for long...

However, the holder stayed for two months!

Nick LeMay did not know how the other party did this, the only thing that is certain is that the time converter should have been damaged after that.

But the holder used a certain method to make this time converter continue to perform high-intensity work, draining its last trace of magic...

"Albus, can you tell me who owns this time converter before?" Nick LeMay looked at Dumbledore with interest and asked.

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