Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 369

Chapter 369: What are you worried about?

Dumbledore was also surprised after listening to Nick's explanation.

When he saw the time converter, although he was surprised by the damage of this thing, he did not expect that Ivan would have the ability to affect the operation of the time converter.

But soon, Dumbledore recovered from his surprise and said to Nick.

"His name is Ivan Hals, a little wizard who just entered the third grade, I think you should have some reflections of this name!"

"Halse? Was it the one who protected the Philosopher's Stone last time?" Nick Lemay pondered for a while before thinking of who Dumbledore was talking about, and immediately had some good feelings for Ivan.

"Yes!" Dumbledore nodded.

"That's a coincidence. When I was reading the newspaper, I often saw him in the Daily Prophet..." Nick LeMay said with a smile.

Dumbledore noticed that there were many newspapers on the side table, the top ones were reports about Ivan, and then he remembered that Nick had always read every issue of the newspaper.

"I remember he should be a potion genius. Does he still know some alchemy?" Nick Lemay was a little confused. It is not easy to affect the operation of the time converter, and that requires extremely high alchemy.

"He is probably an extremely rare all-rounder... In the past two years, he has produced some very useful magic items. I heard that the Ministry of Magic has purchased a lot." Dumbledore praised.

"That's really an interesting little wizard..." Nick LeMay laughed. Even in his long career, he has never seen someone as good as Ivan at the age of twelve or thirteen. people.

This made Nick Le May interested in this little wizard who had never met before.

"Albus, since you are familiar with Hals, what do you think of his character?" Nick LeMay asked suddenly.

"What? Are you interested in taking another student?" Dumbledore laughed.

"Then you have to see if it fits or not, my wealth is always bad, and it will be cheaper for the Ministry of Magic..." Nick LeMay curled his lips.

has lived for more than six hundred years, and Nick LeMay has seen a lot of things. So he originally planned to donate all the books in his collection to Hogwarts after his death, and the rest will be handed over to the Ministry of Magic, leaving only this house and some memorable things for his funeral.

After all, he has no heirs at all, and none of the students he received in his early years can survive him. It can be said that he has nothing to worry about.

But the appearance of Ivan rekindled Nick Le May's interest in accepting disciples. He felt that this might be an arrangement of fate, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

"Halse? It's hard to tell..." Dumbledore groaned for a while, frowning, and did not give a clear response for a long time.

"Oh, don't even you can't figure it out? Feel embarrassed?" Nick Le May was very surprised. No matter how genius Ivan Hals was, he was nothing more than a twelve or thirteen-year-old wizard.

"He is a very complicated little wizard, and please forgive me for using these words to a child!" Dumbledore said, with a hint of memory on his face.

Dumbledore did not directly talk about his views to Nick LeMay, but as far as possible to explain to Nick LeMay from the perspective of an observer, what Ivan has done in recent years, and let Nick make his own judgment.

Among all the students he has taught, Ivan is undoubtedly the most special one. He has seen many beautiful qualities in Ivan, such as bravery, intelligence, loyalty to friends, and ability to resist temptation (return the old magic wand) and so on...

But at the same time, I also know that Ivan is eager to improve his strength, even risking his life for it, he is very good at lying and concealing, and he does not care about the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts rules...

After speaking, Dumbledore looked at Nick LeMay quietly, looking forward to his evaluation.josei

"Wonderful...really wonderful!" Nick Lemey clapped his hands and couldn't help asking.

"Albus, are you sure you are talking about what happened, not a fairy tale from somewhere?"

Nick LeMay can hardly imagine that the little wizard named Ivan Hals had such a magical experience! Fighting monsters, riding dragons and flying, confronting mysterious people twice and defeating them, seeing through and driving away two professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts, this experience is legendary!

"It seems my luck is good!" Nick LeMay said with emotion.

Dumbledore laughed bitterly. He felt that Nick LeMay was too optimistic. In his opinion, Ivan was a little wizard who could easily go astray without guidance.

It is precisely because Ivan is so good that he needs to be vigilant and pay attention to guide him in the right direction...

"Can you imagine? Nick? After defeating the legendary Dark Lord, the first reaction of an eleven-year-old kid was to hide himself as much as possible, trying to push this glory off his friends, and his mind Make up reasons to fool me."

Thinking of the conversation he had with Ivan at the end of the first grade, Dumbledore felt a bit of a headache. He couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking about. You should know that he never felt like this when facing Tom when he was a child~www .mtlnovel.com~ You just feel that Hals' growth is beyond your control... so I feel uneasy! "Nick LeMay said indifferently, didn't care about Dumbledore's previous words, and then continued.

"Then I ask you...Does Hals hate Muggles? Want to kill them all?"

"No! He doesn't have any bad feelings about Muggles... and he has a close relationship with a child born in a Muggle family." Dumbledore shook his head.

"Or is he arrogant, vicious, arrogant, obsessed with the study of black magic?" Nick asked every word.

"Not really!" Dumbledore shook his head again.

"Then what are you still worried about?" Nick LeMay asked puzzledly. "You can't impose your standards on him, Albus! Not everyone is a saint, a capable little wizard. Isn’t it normal to have your own thoughts?

What if he wants to do something? There is nothing wrong with changing someone to be the Minister of Magic! It's better than some incompetent fools coming to power..."

Nick LeMay doesn't care about the small shortcomings of Ivan that Dumbledore said. Compared with Ivan's outstanding ability, these can be ignored.

And in his impression of those with great talents and amazing talents, no one is safe and guarded, and it is normal to want to do things.

The progress of the world is also driven by these people...

"Or, you saw your own shadow on him, so you keep on it?" Nick LeMay suddenly realized something and looked at Dumbledore and asked.

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