Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 370

Chapter 370: Come on, professor! We have no college points to deduct...

"Sure!" Dumbledore closed his eyes and said solemnly.

The more contact Ivan is, the more Dumbledore feels that Ivan is different from Tom Riddle!

Although they all have a dedication and desire for power, Ivan knows what love is... what is friendship! But Tom will never understand...

So in comparison, Ivan is more like himself when he was young, ambitious and thoughtful... and has some bottom lines!

It is precisely because of seeing his own shadow in Ivan that Dumbledore pays more attention to Ivan. He doesn't want him to be the same as himself, waiting for him to do something irreparable before he wakes up.

Having strong power is sometimes not a good thing, especially if it is so strong that other people can't fight you at all. Such people usually become arrogant, feel that they are superior and have the ability to control everything...

So it’s very important to learn how to restrain one's power, so as to ensure that the power can be used in the right place instead of causing damage...

Thinking of this, Dumbledore sighed. He didn't realize this until Ariana's death. This is undoubtedly a painful and profound lesson...

"But Hals is much better than I was at that time!" Dumbledore immediately said again, and he could not miss the deathly hallows like the old wand, even when he was a young man, he couldn't do it.

"I agree with this point!" Nick LeMay nodded in agreement.

Dumbledore was speechless.

"So you are a bit too wide, Albus!" Nick LeMay smiled and continued.

"I told you at the beginning that we are old. We only need to do our own business and let the young people handle the rest. Don’t you think it’s good now? Even if the mysterious person is resurrected, there will be some in the future. To deal with him..."

"Maybe," Dumbledore said non-committal.

He doesn't think so. It turns out that the lawful wizards in the magical world have too serious a fault.

Whether it was Grindelwald decades ago or the rising Voldemort, the entire European magical world could not find a wizard to fight against them besides himself. How could he be relieved?

If possible, he just wants to be his principal at Hogwarts quietly, but the burden on his body is too heavy, so he can't be free...

Nick LeMay saw that Dumbledore did not approve of his words, but Nick did not say much to persuade him. People like them have long been entrenched in their thinking, and they cannot be easily changed with a few words.

"When are you going to bring him to see me?" Nick LeMay said instead.

"We better wait...I think it's too early!" Dumbledore hesitated and persuaded. "Those alchemy knowledge is too dangerous, especially about the Philosopher's Stone! You should know the consequences of letting a child who is mentally retarded and still growing up master these..."

"I can teach him step by step, starting from the simplest!"

Nick LeMay did not agree with Dumbledore's statement, but he still felt the persistence of the old principal, and finally had no choice but to compromise.

"Well, I can wait, but you need to know that my time is running out... you better as soon as possible!"josei

Nick LeMay would like to meet Dumbledore's little wizard with such a legendary experience in person, but with his current physical condition, it is not easy to go out.

What's more, there is still Voldemort who covets the Sorcerer's Stone.

Now the Philosopher’s Stone has been completely destroyed by them, but the problem is that Voldemort may not be willing to believe it!

"I understand, it won't be too long!" Dumbledore assured him, then set his eyes on the damaged time converter on the table.

"By the way, what about this time converter? Can you fix it?"

"Of course, no problem! But recently I was working on a very interesting thing. I don't have time to fix it for the time being. You can pick it up later!" Nick LeMay waved his hand with lack of interest.

Dumbledore nodded, and after putting down the time converter, he called in Phoenix and left the alchemy hut...


At the same time, in the Hogwarts dean's office, Professor McGonagall was stern, angrily reprimanding the two little wizards in front of him.

"Mr. Hals, Miss Granger, I think Principal Dumbledore should have reminded you that the power of the time converter needs to be used with caution!"

"I'm sorry, Professor! I have been thinking about a potion improvement these days. I was too anxious, so I accidentally overused it and broke it... Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore told me that he has a Friends can fix this!" Ivan said apologetically.

Hearing that the damaged time converter can be repaired, Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, and then complained again.

"How can you think like this? Hals? Even for learning and research, there must be a limit! You still have time when you are young now, there is no need to be so anxious..."

If someone told her that she had broken a time converter because she was too active in studying, McGonagall would not believe it, but Hermione and Ivan are different.

The little witch usually performs very well and keeps the rules. Ivan is even more powerful than his peers, especially in transformation skills, much better than some adult wizards~www.mtlnovel.com~Presumably on weekdays Do some hard practice in private...

More importantly, Yifan took out his research results-an improved version of the compound decoction, which greatly increased the duration of the potion compared with the original version, and the effect became more stable.

Of course, this is far less shocking than Ivan's development of the wolf poison potion last school year, but it is already a pretty good research result.

Professor McGonagall felt a little distressed when he thought of this, and seriously asked about the physical condition of Ivan and Hermione, how hard it would be to damage a time converter!

If it is not for frequent and high-intensity use in a short period of time, the time converter is not that easy to damage.

Ivan and Hermione shook their heads quickly, indicating that they are in good physical condition, and they have taken care to take a good rest when using the time converter.

Professor McGonagall felt more relieved, and then felt that this matter could not be forgotten, so he sternly said.

"Gryffindor was deducted 50 points for your actions! I hope you can remember this lesson!"

"But professor, now Gryffindor has no points to deduct..." Hermione replied weakly.

Professor McGonagall looked at them in surprise.

"Our college points have been deducted by Professor Dumbledore a long time ago!" Ivan explained indifferently, anyway, if you have more debt, can you deduct it as a negative number?

Professor McGonagall saw Ivan's expression in his eyes, guessed his thoughts, and raised his eyebrows and said to the two.

"Then I will save these fifty points for the next deduction!"

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