Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 385

Chapter 385: Meeting with Sirius

Over Hogwarts, Ivan, transformed into an owl shape, was flapping his wings and flying out of the castle quickly.

The dementors scattered around the school flicked in mid-air from time to time, but turned a blind eye to this weird owl.

Because the Ministry of Magic gave them an order to catch a wizard who escaped from prison, not to catch some flying animal...

Not to mention that there are too many owls in and out of the castle every day, no dementors will pay attention to this...

This makes Ivan's actions much more convenient. After flying only a short time, the beating willow erected not far from the lake is already in sight. From afar, Ivan can still see a black one. The big dog was crouching silently beside the tree trunk.

When Ivan approached, the **** dog also noticed the gray-white owl in the sky.

Having seen the shape of Ivan Animagus, it naturally recognized it at a glance, with a humane expression of joy on its face, yelled a few words in a low voice, and then got into the one below the beating willow. In the big hole, and motioned Ivan to follow.

Ivan nodded, waved his wings and followed.

Inside the big cave is a very deep and long passage that continues to extend forward...

At the end of the passage is a messy room that seems to have been abandoned. The walls on all sides are pitted, the white wallpaper is peeled off, the bricks and stones underground are covered with stains, the furniture is all broken, and you can vaguely see what has been damaged. The bite marks...

Before Ivan could take a closer look, Sirius, who had turned back into a human form, walked over.

"Halse! It seems that you didn't let me wait too long this time..." Sirius said jokingly.

"You know, when I first started school, I was busy with a lot of things. I really can't get away, and I can't spare time to see you..." Ivan was embarrassed to explain, and he let Sirius wait near. January is indeed a bit unauthentic.

Fortunately, Sirius didn't care about this, and after a casual joke before, he turned serious. "Okay, let's not talk about this! Last time I was pressed for time, I didn't have time to tell you some things! I guess you must not have thought of who I saw in Knockdown Alley!"

"Is it my mother Aisia, right?" Ivan guessed.

"You know?" Sirius was stunned, with a very surprised expression. He originally wanted to tell Ivan about this incident as a surprise.

In order to confirm the authenticity, he was almost beaten by a group of werewolves who didn't know where he came from. Fortunately, his Animagus form ran so fast and slipped away in time before being blocked.

At the same time Sirius also noticed that today Ivan looked much calmer than he was a few months ago, and there is no such gloomy air on his face.

"I said earlier, I will have a way..." Ivan didn't give too much explanation, but simply mentioned.

Sirius took a deep look at him. He did hear Ivan say this, but at that time he felt that these words were just Ivan's self-comforting words, so he didn't care...

But I didn't expect that Ivan seemed to have really done the incredible thing to bring the dead back to life!

Sirius was puzzled. In the months before school, Ivan had a gloomy appearance, and that expression could never be a disguise!josei

Based on this, Sirius combined the confessions of the four black-robed wizards to confirm that Aysia was dead.

So after Ivan went to Hogwarts for class, he was still investigating the cause of Asiah's death in private, but he accidentally met Asiah himself during an investigation.

Had it not been for the small changes in Aysia’s appearance in the past ten years, he would almost think that he had admitted the wrong person...

Sirius wanted to ask how Ivan rescued a person who was deemed dead within a month.

After all, Ivan's attitude just now undoubtedly shows that Aisia's "resurrection" is related to him.

But seeing Ivan shut up and didn't want to say more, Sirius didn't ask any more.

Ivan also moved the topic along with Sirius and learned about Aysia's current situation. He still wanted to know what happened in Knockout Alley after he left, and what happened to Aysia and Furen.

"Your mother looks good, and your magic shop reopened soon after you left..." Sirius briefly said to Ivan.

He actually didn’t know much. After learning that Aysia was still alive, Sirius could not wait to sneak up to Hogwarts to find Ivan to explain the situation, but he did not wait until Ivan took the initiative to contact him...

Then, Sirius suddenly remembered something and said again. "By the way, do you remember the Bojinbok store we searched for? The brand of that store was recently taken off, as if it had changed the owner!"

"Do you know who the new boss is?" Ivan asked aloud with a thought.

"I'm not familiar with that person, but the sign that I hung up is quite interesting called St. Mungo's Magic Hospital..."

Speaking of this, Sirius was also very speechless. It was the first time he saw someone delete the two words of St. Mungo’s Magical Injury Hospital and he dared to put up a sign upright, and the other party was not worried about being troubled...

"Dougt!" Ivan heard the name of the sign and instantly guessed who the new boss is, and said with gritted teeth.

If he remembers correctly, the old man clearly told him three months ago that Bojinbok Magic Shop was being spotted by many tricky people, so he had better not be bothered by it.

I didn't expect this **** to do it himself now...

"What's wrong? That person is one of your enemies?" Sirius looked at Ivan's angry look very curious~www.mtlnovel.com~ No, nothing, just being cheated! Ivan shook his head, and soon adjusted his mood.

The location of Bojinbok Magic Shop is very good, and it is also a transit point in Knockdown Alley. It is better to be taken by Dougt than by others.

Besides, he accidentally blown up Dougert’s house before, so it’s not good to go to Xingshi to inquire...

Sirius raised his eyebrows, he skipped the topic without knowing the inside story, and continued. "In that case, let's talk about Peter!

I remember you told me at the beginning, as long as I help you solve your mother's affairs with Aisia, you will bring Peter here! "

"Of course, I am not wrong in saying that, but now I have a little trouble...I can give you that mouse at any time, but I want to clean up you and live in the magical world with integrity. It's more difficult!" Ivan said helplessly.

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