Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 386

Chapter 386: We must do something!

why? "Sirius frowned deeply and asked in a puzzled voice.

"Perhaps you don't know that Professor Dumbledore is not at Hogwarts recently! You should be very clear that no one except him has the ability to help you out of crime!"

Having said that, Ivan paused, and then continued to explain. "The Ministry of Magic and the Inquisition will not easily admit their mistakes, telling everyone that because of their mistakes, a war hero was imprisoned in Azkaban as a vicious Death Eater for more than ten years!"

And he also promoted betrayers like Peter as a hero, Ivan silently added in his heart.

This is definitely a shocking scandal. If the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic do not want to be sprayed to death by the roaring letters written by those angry wizards, they will definitely try their best to cover up this news!

Sirius was fidgeting and pacing in this small house. Naturally, he knew it very well, but this is not the way to wait. Who knows when Dumbledore will come back, in case it will take a month or two. Longer?

Anything can happen during this period! What if Peter finds a chance to escape?

The most important thing is that he sneaked into Gryffindor's bedroom yesterday and saw the **** mouse, and has been holding back the killing intent in his heart. Now he is almost at his limit.

"How about this, you bring Peter here at this time tomorrow and let me kill him!" After a while, Sirius stopped and said viciously.

"You better calm down! Don't try to get rid of sin by killing Peter!" Ivan noticed that Sirius' mood was a bit wrong, and said with comfort.

"How can you calm me down? I've waited long enough!" Sirius shouted angrily.

Compared to killing Peter, Sirius feels that his affairs can be put aside for a while, and he doesn't even care whether he can get rid of the crime....

"Do you want to live in the shadows for the rest of your life? Make Harry hate you so consistently, treating you as a mean betrayer?" Ivan asked aloud.

"It was Peter who betrayed James, not me!" Sirius said word by word.

"Who knows?" Ivan looked at him and asked mercilessly. "I ask you who knows you are innocent? If Peter Pettigrew is dead, who can prove it to you?!"

Sirius stared at Ivan fiercely, and the latter did not back down. After a long stalemate, Sirius finally sighed and said bitterly.

"Anyway, we have to do something, and we must not wait like this forever!"

Ivan was not forcing him either. Instead, he pondered for a while and said: "In a while, it will be Halloween. Students in third grade and above will go to Hogsmeade Village. Where will Peter and Harry be, we can first Find an opportunity to take Harry to a secluded place and explain the situation to him..."

"In addition, I will try to contact Lupin during this period. He is now a professor at Hogwarts and a friend of yours. Just use the live point map to let him know that Peter, who has died, is still alive. I believe Professor Lupin will be willing. Listen to your explanation..."

Ivan remembered that Professor Lupin had clearly chosen to stand on Sirius' side after seeing the map of the point of life in the original time and space, and then he wanted to win him over.

Now that Dumbledore is not at Hogwarts, it really doesn't matter if he speaks to Sirius. If you add the testimony of Harry and Lupin, the credibility is much higher!

In this case, before Dumbledore returns, something accidentally made a mistake in the middle, and it will not face the worst result...

"Okay, then I'll wait a few more days!" Sirius hesitated for a long time, but still agreed. Before killing Peter, he at least needs to explain clearly to Harry and Lupin.

Ivan breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that Sirius would act privately, and then sneaked into Hogwarts to kill Peter. That would be really bad.

Although Peter's death had no effect on him, Sirius himself could only be wanted by the Ministry of Magic like the original time and space, and could only hide and live in the shadows.

Before in Knock Down Alley, Sirius helped him a lot. If possible, Ivan certainly hoped that Sirius would be able to clear his grievances.

Later, the two discussed the details of the operation in this dilapidated room.

Ivan did not dare to stay here for too long, fearing that he would be found out of school for a long time, so after discussing the countermeasures, he ended this short meeting.

Before leaving, Sirius suddenly said as if thinking of something. "Halse, do you know what kind of gifts Harry likes? I accidentally scared him on Harry's birthday, so I wanted to make up a birthday gift as an alms."

"Harry? Hmm... he prefers to play Quidditch, maybe you can start from this aspect!" Ivan thought for a while and suggested.

"Quidditch? I should have thought of it. After all, James was an excellent Quidditch player when he was in school! It seems that Harry has inherited his father's talent very well!" Sirius said a little. The look of nostalgia.josei

"Of course, he is now Gryffindor's best seeker!" Ivan said with a smile.

"In this case, give him a flying broom. If I remember correctly, a good new broomstick called the rocket crossbow has just been released recently... Harry will definitely like it!" Sirius immediately decided. Tao.

Rocket crossbow? The corners of Ivan's mouth twitched...

Local tyrant! If he remembers correctly, the price is negotiable as a concept broom just launched!

It must be amazingly expensive!

Although he can't afford it with his current financial resources, Ivan has never used Jin Jialong in such a place, anyway, he doesn't play Quidditch.

Hmm...what was the gift Sirius gave to Harry in the original time and space, it seems to be a rocket crossbow?

Ivan was thinking about things in his mind~www.mtlnovel.com~ The action did not stop, using Animagus to become an owl, under Sirius’s gaze, he flew all the way through the circular channel back to Hogg. Watts Castle.

After finding a remote classroom with no one, Ivan turned back into a human form, and at the same time looked at the clock next to him.

"It's only been more than half an hour, shouldn't you be discovered?" Ivan muttered secretly, looking for the nearest underpass and preparing to take a shortcut to the library to pretend, so as not to arouse people's suspicion.

Thinking about this, Ivan walked out of the classroom and lit the groove on the side wall, and opened an underpass entrance.

At this moment, the faintly blue Pepy Ghost happened to float over from the other side of the corridor. He saw a little wizard in a Gryffindor uniform about to get into the dark tunnel. His eyes glowed and he clapped his hands and shouted. Yelled.

"Aha! Look what I found? A student opened the secret tunnel, but at this moment, let me guess you must go to see Black, right? Tell him today's password... right?"

Pippi giggled while raping, but when he got closer, he suddenly felt that this figure was so familiar...

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