Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 404

Chapter 404: Coach.. No, captain, I don’t play anymore!

It is precisely because Ivan knows this that he will be so cautious. I just don’t want Peter Pettigrew as the only witness to become the second Barty Crouch Jr...

After listening to Ivan's words, Lupin paced back and forth in the small office, his frowning brows were never loosened, and after a while, he stopped and sighed.

"Well, as you said, we really need to be careful. But even if it is, we should catch Peter first. It is too dangerous to keep him by Harry's side!"

After learning that Peter is now working as a pet with Ron in the form of a mouse, Lupin was very worried.

There is Gryffindor’s bedroom, which is filled with young wizards. If Peter gets angry, the consequences will be disastrous... the street that was blown up is the proof!

"I used the Forgetting Curse on Peter to make him forget some things that he shouldn't remember. In addition, Peter has been a rat for more than ten years. Unless he is in a hurry, or his life is in danger, it is unlikely. Suddenly furious."

Ivan shook his head and explained that as long as Peter still wants to live, it is impossible to actively expose himself.

Then Ivan continued to speak.

"As for the placement of Peter before Professor Dumbledore returns, I already have a plan. I have already made a special cage to detain Peter, but it will only take a few days!"

How cunning and forbearing Peter Ivan couldn’t be clearer. Once Peter was wary, it was not easy to take care of him.

Unless Peter is insured with a coma spell several times a day, Ivan is a little worried after all that Peter will starve to death.

So he still prefers to be like the original time-space young Barty Crouch imprisoning Mad-Eye Moody, making a special cage for imprisonment, and then looking for someone to stare at, or simply take it with him!

Ivan has asked Dobby to buy the materials needed to make the cage, and he can make them in a few days.

According to Ivan's estimation, it should be available right after Harry and Sirius met, and then he would be able to put Peter in a cage and leave it to Sirius to take care of.

Ivan told Lupin about his follow-up plan, and Lupin spoke after thinking for a while.

"Hals, since you have your own plan, follow this one. If you need help, just tell me!"

Ivan’s plan has been considered thoroughly, and Lupin can’t think of a better way to deal with it. Temporary changes may make mistakes.

But looking at the thirteen-year-old little wizard in front of him, Lupin was very emotional. Ivan was even better than he had originally expected.

He was able to discover Peter, who had been hiding for many years with a live map, and boldly contacted Sirius to crack the truth of the matter.

It is even possible to consider the next actions of the Ministry of Magic and give corresponding plans. It is difficult for Lu Ping to imagine such wisdom and action ability in a minor wizard.

The two discussed for a while, and after agreeing on some details, Ivan left.

Lupin was persuaded very smoothly, and Ivan immediately felt refreshed, and it was not easy to find someone to talk about the secrets he had held for so long.

All the way from the professor's office back to Gryffindor's lounge, Ivan was startled by the scene as soon as he opened the door.

Wood, George and others were wearing gold and red Quidditch costumes, and Harry was among them.

They all had broomsticks in their hands and looked like they were going to march. After seeing Ivan who opened the door, George and Fred greeted him happily, patted his shoulder and said.

"Halse! We have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are finally back!"

"En...Professor Lupin suddenly asked me something, so I came back a bit late." Ivan then explained, and then looked at their neat costumes, he couldn't help but vomit.

"What's wrong with you? Planning to play Quidditch in the break room?"

"No, we just think this is more ritual!" George shook his head and said solemnly.

"Yes! This will remind you of the feeling of fighting with everyone last year!" Fred tried hard to put on a serious expression.

Harry and the others in team uniforms were very embarrassed. They felt that they shouldn't agree with George and Fred's obvious nonsense suggestion, but it was obviously too late to quit.

So they can only bite the bullet and speak to Ivan with the lively eyes of many little wizards in the lounge.

"Hals... come back and play with us! Only you can save this game!"

"Yeah, you don't want to see us lose this year's Quidditch trophy, do you?"


A group of Gryffindor players offered their words of consolation. Ivan's expression was very weird. He wanted to vomit, but seeing everyone's serious appearance, he swallowed the words again.

"Ivan, we have said so much, don't you have the feeling that your blood is boiling and your body is about to burn?" George looked at Ivan, who hadn't expressed his opinion, and said with a heartache.

He and Fred thought for a long time before they thought of such a "sensational" method of persuasion, and spent a long time reluctantly persuading everyone to implement the plan, but unexpectedly the result did not seem to meet their previous expectations.josei

At this time, Captain Wood pulled George and the others away, walked straight to Ivan, put his hands on Ivan's shoulders, and said excitedly.

"Halse! Now is the most critical moment, the Gryffindor team needs you!

You can mention it if you have any conditions! As long as we can get this year's Quidditch trophy... I can also give you the position of captain! "

Wood’s tone is very sincere~www.mtlnovel.com~ This year is his last year at Hogwarts, he really doesn’t want to leave any regrets...

"Sorry... Captain! You should know that I don't play anymore!" Ivan sighed helplessly. He is currently thinking about how to deal with Peter Pettigrew. How can he be in the mood to play Quidditch? odd!

What's more, Ivan is very clear that in the original time and space, Gryffindor successfully won this year's Quidditch trophy, whether he is the same or not!

However, after being rejected by Ivan, Wood did not give up, but tirelessly persuaded like cowhide sugar.

George and the others also followed suit, exaggerating the seriousness of the matter, as if Ivan would not participate in the competition, the magical world would have a major crisis the next day...

For a time, Ivan had the illusion that he was going out to save the world instead of playing a Quidditch game..

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