Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 405

Chapter 405: This must be from Dumbledore!

Fred shamelessly hugged Ivan’s thigh and cried pretendingly, claiming that if Ivan didn’t agree to come down, Wood would jump into the black lake and drown tomorrow...

"Well, you guys stop and stop first... I have to think about this for a few days before I talk about it!" Ivan was so annoyed that he could only say helplessly.

George, Wood and others did not dare to push too hard, and after seeing that Ivan was willing to give in and consider, they temporarily stopped.

It's just that Wood kept hinting to Harry before leaving, asking him to do more of Ivan's thought work.

"Oh...it's really troublesome, I don't have time to play any Quidditch game..." Ivan sighed and returned to the bedroom with a headache.

Ron next to him was envious, and he didn't understand why Ivan was upset.

If Wood and George were able to invite him to join the Quidditch team like this, he would jump up happily. Even if he was not in class, he would have to get the Quidditch trophy. What a great honor. what!

Ron imagined in his heart, after opening the door and walking into the bedroom, his attention was drawn to the package by the window.

"What is this? Who sent the package? Is it a Halloween gift sent in advance?" Ron took a few steps forward quickly.

It was a very beautiful package, which looked more than a meter long, and was tied in circles with a gold-red ribbon. There was a card hanging underneath, and it was written in black ink and sent to Harry Potter. Mr.

"Harry, this thing seems to be sent to you! It looks strange, it doesn't even have the signature of the mailer!" Ron turned his head and greeted him.

Harry was at a loss as to who would send something to himself at this time, but the packaging was quite expensive.

Harry unpacked the package curiously and opened the box. He was stunned for a moment, staring at the contents of the box with his eyes, like a demon.

Ron was surprised at his reaction, glanced into the box, and took a breath...

A gleaming, exquisite flying broom was placed in the box like this, and it looked a little dazzling under the reflection of the sun.

Ron knew very well, that was the light piled up with Jin Jialong...

"I'm not mistaken? This is Firebolt? Who gave it to you?" Ron recovered after a long time, swallowed and asked.

"How do I know?" Harry was also a little stunned. While surprised, he kept wondering in his heart who would give him such a valuable thing.

Dursley's? That's absolutely impossible, they hate that it's too late...josei

Professor McGonagall? His last broom was given by Professor McGonagall, but Harry knew that Professor McGonagall was unlikely to sell him an over-spec item like Firebolt...

The only one who knew Ivan didn't speak. Of course he knew that this Firebolt was the handwriting of Sirius, but he didn't expect this gift to be delivered in advance.

Ivan originally thought that Sirius would give it as a Christmas gift like Original Time and Space, or wait until the two met before giving Harry a surprise.

Scabbard, who was hiding in Ron's pocket, sneaked out to look at them when he heard the movement.

Although Peter didn't know what the Firebolt was and how expensive it was, he heard from Ron's words that someone had sent a broom to Harry anonymously, which made him think of something, a heart. On the mentioned throat...

Just then, another owl flew in from the window, clutching a large package in its paws, which looked exactly like the package of the Firebolt...

However, clutching such a large object and flying so high, even if a weight reduction spell was imposed on the package, the owl as a messenger was tired enough, flapped its wings and flew slowly towards a few people.

"This.. Isn't this the second Firebolt?!" Ron stammered.

Ivan was also surprised. Did Sirius accidentally fill in the wrong amount when buying the broomstick and sent Harry two Firebolts?

"It seems to be for you this time, Ivan!" The sharp-eyed Harri first saw the name on the package and said.

Sure enough, the owl took the package and threw it in front of Ivan, then turned his head and flew away.

Ivan was extremely confused and opened the package. The difference from Harry's was that in addition to a firebolt, there was a letter in the box.

Ivan opened the envelope and read it, only to realize that this firebolt was purchased by Sirius in order to thank him for doing these things for him.

In the words of Sirius, he was ready to buy a Firebolt for Harry anyway, and he didn't care about buying one more...

In the letter, Sirius also asked him whether he liked the gift of broomsticks, and if he had no interest in Quidditch, he could change something else next time.

After reading the entire letter, Ivan was shocked by Sirius’s behavior. This is too rich... In the face of firebolt, he can say "I don’t care about buying more".

Harry and Ron leaned forward to check the contents of the envelope, but Ivan put the envelope away first.

Although this letter sent over only mentioned the words of thanks to him, it did not say too much specific content. But if the person watching the letter is smart enough and knows Sirius very well, he might be able to guess something.

After all, there are not many people who are so rich and still have connections with Harry...

"Ivan, who the **** sent these two packages?" Harry said. He got a Firebolt somehow. He was delighted but also very upset. Of course he wanted to understand this.

"Yeah, what did the letter say?" Ron was also curious.

Ivan glanced blindly at Scabbers, who was eavesdropping while pulling Ron's pocket, and said.

"This letter was sent by Professor Dumbledore. He learned that Harry accidentally fell from mid-air while playing and broke his broomstick. Now he is very worried about Harry's safety...

In addition, the professor also knew that Harry was troubled by the Dementor thing recently, so he sent this Firebolt in the hope that Harry can cheer up soon! "

Ivan pretended to be emotional, and he almost believed it as he spoke.

No way, who made Sirius buy two Firebolts on a whim, and he insisted on sending a letter, he could only explain that.

Originally, Ivan wanted to say that the things were sent by Lupin, so it would be convenient to lie and not easy to wear.

But Lupin's daily performance was too poor, even wearing patched clothes, it seemed impossible to afford Firebolt, so Dumbledore was the only one to carry the pot.

And only Dumbledore can easily take out so much Jin Jialong to buy two Firebolts...

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