Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 406

Chapter 406: Ron: I don't believe it! Professor Dumbledore could not be so partial...

Ivan’s words silenced Harry, and he felt the heavy weight in it as he touched the sparkling firebolt in the package.

He did not expect Professor Dumbledore to be far away, so he cared and missed himself so much!

Harry was very moved, tears rolled in his eyes, and he secretly made a decision in his heart, not to be able to live up to Professor Dumbledore's expectations.

He must overcome his fear of the Dementors and win this year's Quidditch Trophy!

Ron looked at Harry enviously, plus the invisibility cloak back, which had been given to Harry anonymously by Professor Dumbledore for the second time.

But looking at the broomstick in front of Ivan, Ron asked strangely. "Then why did Professor Dumbledore send you a Firebolt?"

Before Ivan could speak, Harry guessed and said:

"This should be Professor Dumbledore's reward for Ivan! After all, he saved so many people on the Quidditch pitch... In addition, the professor probably doesn't want Ivan's Quidditch talent to be buried in this way. Up."josei

Harry said this and turned his head to look at Ivan. He felt that Ivan's flying talent was much better than himself.

Harry was a pity when I heard that Ivan had quit the Quidditch team. He believed that Professor Dumbledore’s gift of Firebolt to Ivan must have such a profound meaning!

"Well, that's right! That's what Harry said!"

Under the gazes of Harry and Ron, Ivan nodded with a weird look.

All the words he just said were made up temporarily, and he didn't expect that Harry would not only make up a lie from him and continue it, it sounded inexplicably reasonable.

This makes Ivan want to vomit, you can actually make up more than me?

After that, Ivan continued to add as if thinking of something. "By the way, Professor Dumbledore doesn't want this to be known to others, otherwise other teams would say he is partial!"

Harry and Ron nodded. Of course, they understood this truth. They all stated that they would be tight-lipped and would never tell them!

Seeing that they had promised readily, Yifan stopped talking, and instead parted a part of his mind to check the situation.

The gray-black mouse changed its nervous appearance and slipped back into Ron's pocket with a lack of interest.

From the words of Harry and others, it only heard the message that "Dumbledore bought two seemingly expensive broomsticks to Harry who was hit, and Ivan who performed well." It was not worth paying attention to.

It's just that Ron is still a little unwilling to give up. He looked at the two Firebolts on the table and said with envy. "Harry, Ivan! Do you think Professor Dumbledore might have bought a Firebolt for each of us?"

Harry was speechless for a while, not knowing how to reply, fearing that Ron's self-confidence would be hit...

Ivan rolled his eyes, you want to be beautiful!

Ron has no corresponding merits, nor is he a godson of Sirius. At best, he is a friend of Harry. Wanting to get a firebolt is a idiot. No matter how rich Sirius is, he cannot be so prodigal...

However, Ron moved a small stool and sat by the window hopefully, looking at the endless blue sky outside the window, looking forward to a third owl flying in with a big package in his mouth and throwing it in front of him.

Two of his good friends can get a Firebolt, but it doesn't make sense to himself... Professor Dumbledore would certainly not be so partial!

Ivan saw Ron's behavior in his eyes and shook his head in his heart, but without any advice, he took away the firebolt sent by Sirius on the table.

If the matter of Peter Pettigrew can be resolved smoothly, and there is just some spare time, Ivan can think about the big Quidditch.

After all, at the end of the semester, a Quidditch trophy can also give him a lot of grade points.

Just as Ivan was thinking about things, Harry suddenly came over, hesitated for a while and asked. "Ivan, can you teach me how to resist dementors?"

"What? Haven't you gone to study with Professor Lupin these days?" Ivan was a little surprised, he remembered reminding Harry before.

"I have already looked for it, but Professor Lu Ping seems to be in poor health recently, saying that he will be free after a while, and Professor Lu Ping also said that you have a deeper understanding of the Patronus Mantra than him, so you can learn directly Okay..." Harry said helplessly.

"Is that so?" Ivan raised his eyebrows, and soon thought that Lupin was not in good health. It should be because the night of the full moon was about to come, and he was not in the mood to give Harry a small stove under anxiety.

"Well, since you are willing to believe in my teaching standards, of course I can teach you!" Ivan thought for a while, and finally agreed.

He felt that he could use this opportunity to explain Peter's affairs to Harry, so as not to cause any misunderstandings when Harry and Sirius met...

Seeing Ivan's agreement, Harry was very happy. Since this school year, the Dementor has almost become his demon. He really doesn't want to faint feebly every time he encounters the Dementor.

"Don't be happy so early. I don't have as much teaching experience as Professor Lupin. The teaching method may be rougher. You have to be mentally prepared!" Ivan said solemnly.


Although Harry was a little worried, he nodded solemnly, saying that no matter how difficult it was, he would stick to it.

"Then when do we start?" Harry said eagerly, he couldn't wait to know how to deal with dementors.

"I need to prepare some props, so let's set it to tomorrow evening! As for tonight, you will get acquainted with the spell first!" Ivan said, and then demonstrated it to Harry.

"Holy guard!" Ivan chanted a spell and waved the wand in his hand with a strange frequency.

Stars of white light appeared at once, endless white mist gushing from the top of the magic wand, calm and peaceful emotions gradually poured into my heart~www.mtlnovel.com~Holy guard! "Harry tried hard to remember the spell, the movement and this wonderful feeling in his mind, and then he waved his wand and chanted the spell, but it was a pity that nothing happened.

Harry wasn't discouraged either. Obviously, this kind of advanced spell could not be learned in a short while. He quickly practiced it on his own.

Ivan demonstrated for a while, then put away his wand, thinking in his heart how to teach tomorrow.

The only two Boguts in Hogwarts are now killed, and Ivan estimates that there will be no third one in a short time.

But it doesn't matter if there is no Bogut...There are so many dementors near the school, wouldn't it be okay to just grab one?

Ivan is also preparing to do this, so he reminds Harry that the process of teaching may be rough...

Thanks to book friends 20190729095512136 for the 2500 starting point for rewards, and the 100 starting point for rewards from the house of all things.

(End of this chapter)

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