Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 407

Chapter 407: How many steps does it take to kidnap a dementor?

The next afternoon, after finishing the last class,

Ivan avoided the crowd and went to the potion storage room of the responsive house on the eighth floor.

"Dobby!" Ivan snapped his fingers habitually.

The next moment, the faithful house elf appeared in front of him, holding a sack in his hand, and said respectfully.

"Sir, what you asked me to buy!"

"Well, good, go and do it yourself!" Ivan nodded.

Dobby put the sack on the table and consciously disappeared into the responsive room.

After Dobby left, Ivan took out a bottle of basilisk blood and a special quill pen from the cabinet, preparing to draw the isolation magic text on the sack.

The alchemy he mastered can not only be used to make magic props, but also can temporarily give some characteristics to ordinary items, and the easy-to-understand ones are enchanting with duration.

It's just that in the process of drawing magic texts, things containing magic power are usually needed as carriers, and the blood of magical creatures is naturally the first choice.

It happened that when he killed the basilisk last year, he collected a large amount of snake blood, some of which survived and did not sell, which facilitated his work of drawing magic texts.

The blood of the Millennium Basilisk contained a huge amount of magic power. Even if it was restricted to a dementor, it was enough to make the enchanting effect last for half a month, which was enough for Harry to learn the Patronus Curse.

The energy spent drawing magic texts is much less than making a magic item, especially for Ivan, who has already reached the sixth level of alchemy.

In just over ten minutes, complex patterns have surfaced on the surface of the sack, and the magical fluorescence gradually began to appear, and then slowly fell silent.

Ivan threw down the quill pen in satisfaction, tidied things up briefly, rolled up the sack and stuffed it into his robe, and left the responsive room.

Finding a secluded place outside Hogwarts Castle alone, Ivan looked around and saw no one, then used his blood magic once again-Bogut Transfiguration!

The magic power in his body was instantly mobilized and filled his whole body. The next moment Ivan felt his body melt and twist, and his stool became higher and higher, and black mist filled his surroundings.

What worries Ivan the most is that his eyes are losing light and are blocked by a thick cocoon.

But perhaps it was the reason that the deformation was not in place. In the end, he still retained a part of his vision, but seeing things dimly and highly myopia.

Fortunately, while his vision is affected, his other perception abilities are being amplified, and he has acquired a special ability to perceive everything around him without his eyes...

The whole world seems to have become another appearance, with all kinds of colors everywhere...

Ivan tried to speak, but what he vomited was a chill, and his brain was even colder. Various emotions were suppressed to the extreme. Fortunately, this did not affect his normal thinking.

This is the first time Ivan has experienced such a magical experience. It seems that the creature like Dementor is even more special than he thought.

As Ivan was adjusting to his body, he faintly felt that there seemed to be something on the side of the castle that was attracting him.

However, he opened the cloak he was wearing and glanced into the cloak, but he couldn't see where his feet were. In the dim sight, only the enchanted sacks dragged by the black mist in the cloak, and the rotting corpses hidden in the mist...

How should I move without feet? Can you use it?

Ivan thought about it this way, and his body floated along with his mind, and his body didn't seem to have any weight, just like a maple leaf.

After getting used to it for a while, Ivan flew slowly towards Hogwarts Castle in the distance. The closer he was, the more attractive he could feel.

Under the special sense of sight, a large number of colorful, steam-like things constantly wafted out of the castle, making Ivan feel greedy...

After thinking about it carefully, Ivan quickly guessed the source of these things, which should be the various emotions that the students radiated daily...that is, the most delicious food in the dementor's opinion.

"Give me...stop...come!"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came over, which really shocked Ivan.

Ivan glanced around and saw several dementors floating down from the air. It seemed that the sudden sound just now was the work of these dementors.

The drifting dementors gathered around Ivan and kept spinning, and the surrounding air became more and more cold...

Surrounded by the center, Ivan is very nervous. Although the dementor he used to transform his bloodline magic has similar characteristics to the original version, it is not a real dementor, so Ivan is not sure whether his disguise will be wrong. Will be seen through.

If it's on the ground, it's okay, he's a big deal back to his original form, and he can easily take care of the dementors who surround him with the patron saint spell.

However, it is still in mid-air, it is still very troublesome to start, maybe it will alarm the professors and magicians in the school.

Just when Ivan was hesitating whether he should run away or attack first, the dementors gathered around him said intermittently.

"Don't... get too close, below... there is a horror... a wizard... very short... with long robes and golden hair."

"Also...white...one-horned horse...attention!"

"Terror! Very troublesome, don't... go down!"josei


The whirring wind echoed in Ivan's ears, and it was automatically transformed into intermittent words.

After understanding their meaning, Ivan was relieved~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then I realized that the dementors who gathered around were kindly persuading him not to enter the castle, otherwise there would be trouble.

It's just that the more I listen to Ivan, the more it feels wrong. Why do these dementors seem to be themselves?

Combining with the legendary title obtained a few days ago, Ivan is even more certain about this speculation. Unexpectedly, the dementors, who represent fear, will have a day of fear...

But which dementor was it just now that smeared his shortness behind his back?

Obviously he is very tall compared to other little wizards of the same age...

Ivan looked around with the sight that was nearly blind, and felt that every dementor looked the same, and he couldn't tell which one was the one that blacked himself just now.

Ivan was simply too lazy to care about these crazy guys, turned around and prepared to find a single dementor near Hogwarts, and pack it away in a sack.

However, Ivan soon discovered that this group of dementors were not willing to let him go just like that, and continued to circle around him without saying anything, and pushed as if they wanted to get him to the sky...

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