Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 408

Chapter 408: How to pack a dementor

Work.. patrol! "

"Can't... be lazy!"

"Don't... go down, you will trouble... us..."


The whirring wind reached Ivan’s ears, coupled with the push of these dementors, Ivan had no choice but to put on a gang and temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​finding the target, and followed the group of dementors patrolling the sky above the castle. .

In the middle of the journey, Ivan was not idle either, trying to communicate with this group of evil creatures and inquiring about some information.

After a period of questioning, Ivan had a deeper understanding of the group of Dementors.

These monsters are not as chaotic as he originally imagined. They can't help but communicate with each other, and they can also cooperate with each other and even discuss tactics.

It is that IQ is not high, about the same as a child of a few years old, and his thinking is rather chaotic, and he is full of thoughts about how to do things, and occasionally complains about the inhumane treatment of the Ministry of Magic.

Compared to patrolling in Hogwarts, they miss life in Azkaban more.

There is plenty of food there. In addition to being unable to execute prisoners and absorb their souls at will, Azkaban is simply their paradise...

This contrast in life makes them even more disgusted with the people of the Ministry of Magic. The dementors have not been able to eat a good meal for months, and they are all suffocated. Last time I finally made up my mind that I wanted to break into the school to have a good meal, but I was beaten back in disgrace...

Listening to the complaints of these dementors, Ivan inexplicably felt that the dementors were pure-minded creatures and easily satisfied.

It's just that their ideas are too evil for wizards or Muggles, and will only take away happiness and leave pain.

This kind of contradiction can't be alleviated at all, and the Ministry of Magic allows them to take care of the prison is the only way out for the dementors.

After talking with these dementors for a while, Ivan took advantage of the opportunity to patrol the castle separately and obtained the right to act alone, wandering around Hogwarts alone.

After swaying for a while, Ivan finally found a single target guarding the entrance in the wooded path outside Hogwarts Castle, and leaned forward pretending to be patrolling.

Ivan’s approach immediately attracted the attention of the dementor. Due to the Ministry’s order, all the dementors must stay at their posts or patrol the sky. Dementors like Ivan are running around. It is very conspicuous.

"I... discovered... Sirius... Black's trail..." Ivan learned the chaotic and intermittent tone of the dementors before he waited for the other person to ask.

After hearing Ivan's words, the dementor in front of him did not express any doubt, but eagerly floated to Ivan's body. It knew exactly what a prisoner meant.

That means that delicious food that can be enjoyed at will, especially Sirius Black, who is a criminal fugitive, will not be punished by the Ministry of Magic even if he smokes the soul of the opponent.

"You're waiting... right here!" Ivan cautiously looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he put his withered and rotten palms into his cloak and took out a big sack...

The Dementor had no eyesight, but he used special senses to look at Ivan's movements and the surrounding scenes. He felt strange. Could it be that Black was in this bag?

The dementor curiously moved his head to the mouth of the bag to look at it, and then felt that the mouth of the bag seemed to be getting closer and closer to him...

With the sound of the wind waving the sack, Ivan put the somewhat dazed dementor in the bag and couldn't help but vomit.

"It's too easy..."

Don't the dementors be wary of their kind?

Ivan thinks it's very possible. After all, these simple creatures seem to have conflicts due to uneven distribution only when they take on the emotions of wizards. They are usually happy to get together and act...

Now that he had caught a dementor, Ivan stopped thinking about it, and was about to fly back to the castle to find a place to change back to the original.

At this moment, the voice of conversation faintly passed from a distance.

Ivan frowned. How could anyone come here at this point in time?

Ivan hid the sack containing the dementor in his empty cloak, and created more black fog to cover up the abnormality of the body, pretending to be the dementor guarding the aisle just now, and waited for the other person to pass by. .

"Hey, isn't that Umbridge? How could she be here?" Ivan cast his gaze over there, just in time to see Professor McGonagall walking out of the corner on one side, and there was a chunky man in a pink floral dress next to him. Middle-aged witch.

Ivan instantly recognized this twitchy middle-aged witch. This was the Umbridge he had seen two years ago...

McGonagall, with a calm face, was telling Umbridge seriously about the dementors' mass riot a few days ago and broke into the Quidditch stadium to attack students.

"You said those dementors broke the regulations of the Ministry of Magic and broke into the school forcibly?" Umbridge, a special investigator of the Ministry of Magic, raised his throat, showing a very surprised expression, and then soon He shook his head resolutely and continued to speak.

"No way! These dementors are employed by the Ministry of Magic, and they would never dare to enter the castle without ordering them, let alone attack the students there..."

"Really?" Professor McGonagall raised his eyebrows and reminded him. "All the students in Hogwarts can testify about this. I think the Ministry of Magic should have received letters from students' parents recently!"

Umbridge's face suddenly became very ugly.

These days ~www.mtlnovel.com~, on average, hundreds of roaring letters have been sent to various departments of the Ministry of Magic every day, which has seriously disrupted their daily government affairs!josei

The Ministry of Magic even needs to send special personnel to deal with the daily letters, separate the roaring letters, and destroy them with special magic.

Although cursing the dementors in his heart, Umbridge is not prepared to admit this vicious incident caused by the Ministry of Magic's mistakes...

Umbridge prefers another explanation.

For example... the dementors who accidentally broke into the Quidditch stadium were actually spotting Sirius. Under the chase, they accidentally disturbed the students and caused a misunderstanding, which led to the conflict!

However, McGonagall wouldn't be fooled like this, and he was not prepared to speak with Umbridge. Instead, he asked the Ministry of Magic to evacuate these dementors from the castle.

After the last riot happened, McGonagall no longer has any expectations for the safety of those dementors. This is the first time, maybe there will be a second time!

This will seriously affect the safety of the students in the castle...

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