Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 417

Chapter 417: Happy 2 copies!

"Go! Of course I want to go!" Ron agreed without thinking about it. After a while, he realized what Ivan was saying and looked at Ivan in surprise.

"Wait... You just said Harry is going too? Did he find the professor to sign him?"

"No, not! So we plan to sneak out along the secret road!" Ivan shook his head and said with a smile.

"And I have an invisibility cloak, I won't be discovered!" Harry also nodded, and took the silver-gray invisibility cloak out of the suitcase.

"Cool! This is awesome!" Ron stepped forward and hugged Harry, patted him on the shoulder heavily. Ron knew how much Harry wanted to go to Hogsmeade, and now he finally got his wish. Up.

Afterwards, the two quickly chatted about Hogsmeade Village. It was mainly Ron who was going to introduce him. He had been there once before and told Harry vividly about all kinds of weird shops there.. .

Ivan looked at the two interested men and shook his head secretly.

Harry and Ron are really deadly masters. They don’t even think about the dangers they might encounter when they run outside. If Sirius really wants to kill Harry, it’s estimated that both of them will run away based on their ability to kill. No more.

But it’s a good thing for Ivan, at least I don’t have to worry about how to convince them...

However, this kind of rejoicing only lasted one night.

Early the next morning, Harry and Ron, who were overly excited, were still discussing in a low voice during the meal that they were going to the Honey Duke candy store in the afternoon to buy some snacks, but Hermione was unlucky enough to hear them.

The little witch's eyes widened, and she shouted deeply in disbelief. "Gosh, how can you...how can you do this?!"

Hermione's high voice attracted the attention of the little wizards in the large exhibition hall. She obviously realized this too, and then lowered her voice to look at Harry, and said angrily.

"Harry! Did you know that Sirius Black is looking for you outside now, you should stay in the castle now instead of sneaking into Hogsmeade to play!

And...you can't get out! Those dementors guarded every passage in Hogwarts. Remember what Professor Dumbledore said? Even if you wear an invisibility cloak, you can't hide them! "

Hermione snapped a lot of words, trying to get Harry to dispel the unrealistic idea, but the latter seemed unappreciative, and Ron even more proudly said.

"Come on, Hermione! I discussed with Harry all night, and now these are not problems, we have already thought of a solution!"

"Yes! Ivan found a secret road. We can go directly to Hogsmeade from there. Although my invisibility cloak can't hide the dementors, it's okay to lie to Black!"

Harry also opened his mouth to explain. Although he really wanted to visit Hogsmeade Village, he didn't really intend to go out to find his death. On the contrary, he had seriously thought about it!

At least from Harry's point of view, this was foolproof. Sirius would never have imagined that the person he was looking for would be able to wander outside invisibly...

Thinking of this, Harry had a lot of confidence. The two factors that restrained him from going out were the dementors except Sirius.

It just happens that I have already learned how to deal with dementors, next time I meet them, I will definitely not be as embarrassed as last time!

Hermione looked at the confident Harry and Ron and rolled her eyes, feeling that they didn't even realize the seriousness of the matter.

Then, the little witch turned her head and stared at Ivan dissatisfiedly. She thought that Ivan would be more cautious than the two of them, but she didn't expect that Ivan would tell Harry the location of the secret road to help. He ran outside.

Even though Hermione didn't say anything, she kept staring at her like this, and Ivan was a little uncomfortable, and the steak she was eating was not fragrant anymore.

More importantly, he didn't plan to tell Hermione about going out in Hogsmeade Village.

Because this time I went to find Sirius to solve Peter's matter. Hermione is neither a key person like Harry nor the owner of Scabbers. She is the one who should stay in the castle waiting for news!

But since Harry and the others had missed their mouths, the previous plan to keep Hermione in the castle would have been ruined, and Ivan had to explain it aloud.

"I don't think Harry is in a good mood recently. He has been so frowning, so I want him to go to Hogsmeade to relax. This will help him adjust his mood. Anyway, I am here, so don't worry too much. .."

After listening to Ivan's explanation, Hermione was relieved, but she was still a little worried.

Of course she knew how powerful Ivan was. In Knockdown Alley, Ivan even used the power of the Invisibility Cloak to easily solve a full ten black wizards!

It's just that Sirius Black is not weak. He is a vicious thug. He has used a powerful spell to blow up an entire street. It must be difficult to deal with...josei

Ivan looked at Hermione's worried expression, wondering whether to praise or helpless.

Compared to Harry and Ron's "brave and fearless", Hermione clearly knew the danger of Harry going out at will, but sometimes it was not a good thing to be too smart, because it was too troublesome to fool around.

After breakfast, a few people walked towards the classroom together.

Today is not a day off. There is a class, Lupin's Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

For Harry, attending this year's Defence Against the Dark Arts class is nothing short of enjoyment, and he even wants to stay in Lupin's class all day long!

Thinking of going to Hogsmeade in the afternoon to play again, that would be double happiness, and Harry suddenly felt that this was simply the best day of the semester!

So along the way ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the smile on Harry's face never disappeared. After entering the classroom, I immediately found a front position and sat down, looking forward to the content of this class.

Is learning how to deal with a murloc? Or dealing with fairies?

While Harry was dreaming, a figure he least wanted to see walked in from the door, and the smile on Harry's face slowly disappeared...

Because the person who came in was not Lupin, but Snape in a black robe.

Harry almost used the guts he had accumulated in the morning to stand up and questioned Snape.

"If I read the timetable correctly, this should be a Defence Against the Dark Arts class, professor!"

"Yeah... Potter, you didn't make a mistake!" Snape came in dragging his robe, his hollow eyes and Harry staring at each other, he replied slowly with a mocking language.

"But I will take this class today!"

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