Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 418

Chapter 418: Poor Harry

"Why? Professor Lupin?" Ha asked in a sharp tone.

"He's very uncomfortable these days, but he can't teach you..." Snape explained, then sneered. "Also... Potter, you'd better figure it out. He specifically begged me to help substitute lessons these days!"

Harry didn't believe a word!

Everyone in the school knew that Nep had always wanted to serve as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and he had always been in conflict with Lupin.

For example, Neville once dressed Snape, who had become Bogut, in women's clothing in Lupin's class, and won Lupin's admiration.

Harry thought Snape might have a grudge and murdered Professor Lupin while Dumbledore was not at school, so he insisted that Snape tell him what happened to Professor Lupin.

"I'll just say it again, he's still alive, there's no life-threatening!" Snape's face showed an expression of impatientness, and his hollow eyes stared at Harry, and he reprimanded.

"It's class time, sit down for me, Potter!"

However, Harry didn't mean to move. He was more worried about Lupin's situation than being punished by Snape.

"Gryffindor was deducted ten points! If you don't sit down within three seconds, I will deduct another fifty points!" Snape said word by word.

Harry was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. He sat down aggrieved, because Snape had already started counting on his own, and he knew very well that Snape had always done it on the issue of demerit points.

"Relax, Harry, Professor Lupin is okay..." Ivan, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help expressing comfort when he saw Harry's aggrieved and worried appearance.

Lupin’s situation, Ivan, couldn’t be more clear, it was all due to the fact that he took the wolf poison potion on the night of the full moon that caused his physical weakness and discomfort.

What puzzled Yifan was that he remembered that the wolf poison potion he made according to the formula given by the system did not have this defect.

I don't know if it is because Snape's reverse cracking is not thorough enough, which leads to the existence of this flaw, or he deliberately wants to rectify Lupin.

"Have you seen Professor Lupin these past two days? How is he?" Harry lowered his voice and asked anxiously. He wondered if Lupin was seriously ill, or was targeted by Snape. Otherwise, it won't be too high to be able to come to class.

Ivan couldn't tell him that Lupin was a werewolf, so he had no choice but to say that he had met Lupin yesterday. There was nothing wrong with him, it was really just that he was a little uncomfortable.

Harry then let go of his worries.

Snape's Defence Against the Dark Arts class was very different from Lupin's. It was not so fun and laughable, but only cold knowledge, and the sound of deducting Gryffindor points from time to time.

Not only that, Snape directly ignored the progress of the course and asked everyone to turn the book to page 394 and learn how to identify and kill a werewolf!

"Potter, tell me, how do you spot a werewolf wizard hiding in the crowd?"

On the way to class, Snape suddenly asked.

"I don't know, Professor! We haven't learned this yet. According to the course flow, we should learn now..." Harry started to explain.

"I'm in class now! I don't need you to teach me how to do it!" Snape interrupted Harry's words directly, and then turned to glance around in the classroom, and said disappointedly.

"I really didn't expect that a group of third-grade students would not be able to distinguish werewolves.

It seems that when your Principal Dumbledore returns, I must emphasize to him that our new Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor is not as competent as he thought! "

The little wizards of Gryffindor present all had an angry expression, and even a few Slytherin students disagreed with Snape's statement.

Their slow course learning is not the fault of Professor Lupin.

This was entirely because their first two Defence Against the Dark Arts class professors were too bad, and Lupin had to make up for the previous lessons.

And the knowledge about werewolves is clearly on the last page of the book, according to the plan, it will be learned at the end of this semester.josei

Ivan shook his head secretly in his heart. Snape really spared no effort in addressing Lupin. Learning this first was nothing more than hoping that someone could use this knowledge to break Lupin's identity as a werewolf.

"Quiet!" Looking at the little wizards whispering underneath, Snape increased the volume to stop their behavior.

After that, Snape ignored Hermione's raised hands and taught everyone how to distinguish a werewolf wizard through some facial features.

It also emphasizes the brutality of werewolves, and even bluntly said that the magical world will have several werewolf attacks every once in a while. Some courageous little wizards almost thought they were listening to some horror story...

"In addition... an important feature of werewolf wizards that distinguishes them from ordinary wizards is that on every full moon night, they will be forced to transform into an irrational werewolf, causing a lot of damage."

Speaking of this, Snape paused, then continued: "And some werewolves regularly drink a potion called wolf poison potion in order to hide themselves, so that they can have a certain amount in their deformed state. Sanity..."

Potion of wolf poison?

Hearing this name, many little wizards turned their heads and looked at Ivan. If they remember correctly, last year Ivan was awarded a second-level Merlin Medal because of the development of the wolf poison potion.

"Oh, it seems that I almost forgot. We also have an expert in werewolf research..." Snape's gaze was also placed on Ivan's body, with a slightly disappointed expression on his face.

"Unfortunately, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, our experts don't seem to know the werewolves as reported in the report..."

Snape was extremely dissatisfied with Ivan's failure to reveal Lupin's identity for months. He suspected that Ivan had actually seen Lupin's identity, but he didn't say it for some purpose.

The little wizards underneath didn’t understand what Snape said any more.

Only Ivan knew what Snape wanted to express, but he didn't intend to do that.

Even he didn't mean to stand up and answer in this class, just because he was worried that speaking too much might increase the possibility of Lupin's exposure.

A Defence Against the Dark Arts class soon ended in Snape's gloomy voice.

After class, coming out of the classroom, Harry walking in the aisle couldn't help but vent his anger for the entire class.

"Why do we have to learn to distinguish the difference between a normal wizard and a werewolf wizard? This is obviously not the course we should learn now. Does Snape think there will be a werewolf lurking next to us, this is really ridiculous!"

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