Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 435

Chapter 435: Give Dumbledore a "surprise"!

"Fox, come here!" After finishing the letter, Ivan packed the envelopes one by one and folded them aside, then beckoned to the phoenix on the olive branch.

Fox flapped his wings and flew to the table in front of Ivan, looking at the envelopes curiously.josei

"Did you see this list? Send the letters in the order above, understand?" Ivan pointed to the list that Dumbledore had left him, and said.

Fox nodded and held a letter, and then a golden-red flame appeared all over his body, and the bird and the letter disappeared into the principal's room in the next moment.

It didn't take long for Fox to come back again, to write the next letter again, and the cycle repeated.

"It's really efficient!" Seeing that in just ten minutes, Fox used the teleport feature to send half of the letters, and Ivan became more and more interested in Phoenix's blood.

But now is not the time to take blood, because the legendary value he has now only has two points. Even if he is given enough Phoenix blood, he cannot complete the fourth blood fusion ceremony.

And if the blood of a magical creature is not preserved by special means, its activity will be greatly reduced if it is left for more than three days, and the effect of fusion will be greatly reduced...

Thinking of this, Ivan had to sigh and temporarily put the plan of fusion of Phoenix blood aside, concentrated on doing business, took out the time converter from his pocket, and started to gently turn the golden hourglass on it.

Along with the turning of the hourglass of time,

The surrounding scenes froze directly, and then quickly began to change, everything seemed to be going away...

For the sake of safety, avoid triggering the protection mechanism when doing important things, and being forcibly kicked back to the original time and space, Ivan stuck at the upper limit of the safety range and only turned five times...

Since the time to look back was not long this time, Ivan was not affected much. When the surroundings returned to normal, Ivan immediately turned his head and glanced at the clock hanging in the principal's room.

It's about four o'clock in the afternoon, and the evening sun is shining through the windows in the principal's office. The desk in the center is also empty, there is nothing...

"Wait, then, the letter and the time converter have not been sent over at this time?"

Ivan was keenly aware of this, and he suddenly realized that if he stayed here for a while, wouldn't he be able to catch Dumbledore who placed these things?

Evanton, who was dissatisfied with the old professor's throwing the pot, gave him a bright light, and immediately ignored other things, and hung in an ambush in the principal's office.

Anyway, if time is wasted, just look back again. The most important thing he lacks is time!

However, it took more than half an hour to wait like this. Just as Ivan was a little impatient, a fire suddenly appeared in the fireplace in the principal's room, and a group of golden-red flames rose high...

There was a hint of excitement in Ivan's heart, but what made him a little dumbfounded was that only golden-red birds came out of the flames.

It was holding a thick letter on its feet, and the time converter with faint fluorescence was hung on its neck, with an elderberry wand in its mouth...

After seeing Ivan, Fox hurriedly flew over, screamed happily in his mouth, and the wand he was holding fell directly.

Ivan subconsciously held the wand in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Dumbledore was too cruel. All these important things were thrown to Fox, and he didn't show up at all...

"You are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous..." Ivan pondered inwardly.

Since Dumbledore said in his letter that he would bring himself a surprise when he returns, then he can also prepare a surprise for the other party!

Ivan raised his hand to untie the time converter and letter on Fox, and threw it on the desk.

Then Ivan took out an envelope with the content already written from the pocket of the wizard robe and stuffed it into Fox's mouth.

"Help me send a letter to Rita Skeeter of the Daily Prophet, asking her to immediately and immediately put down all of her work and come to see me at the Broken Cauldron Bar!" Ivan said.


In the evening, the cauldron bar was very noisy, and there was a smell of alcohol everywhere.

As the boss, Tom enthusiastically entertained every customer. The bar was filled with empty beer bottles, laughing, and the atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

Rita Skeeter, who entered it, looked at all this in disgust. As a cultivated lady, she had never liked this chaotic place.

"Damn kid!" Rita Skeeter cursed secretly in her heart. If the other party threatened her with that thing, she wouldn't have to leave her work and come to this place without finishing her work.

"Would you like a butterbeer? Ms. Skeeter?" The boss Tom seemed to be a little drunk, and he looked at Rita with a big smile and greeted him.

"No need." Rita Skeeter arrogantly rejected Tom's proposal, and then asked again. "Where is Room 7? Someone asked me to discuss something..."

"Well... go upstairs and turn right to the second room!" Tom shrugged and replied~www.mtlnovel.com~ Rita Sky nodded and walked up to the second floor to find the corresponding house number. No., complained while opening the door to enter.

"Halse, what do you want me to do, don't expect to threaten me with that thing..."

But waiting to see the people waiting inside, Rita Skeeter's pupils shrank slightly, and she stammered.

"Albus Dumbledore?"

At this time, Ivan had already disguised himself as Dumbledore, and it was a bit funny to see Rita Skeeter startled.

On the surface, Ivan still had that calm expression, he looked at Rita Skeeter and nodded slightly. "Yes, I asked Hals to write to you to come here to talk about things..."

Rita Skeeter only remembered at this time. Although the previous letter was written by Ivan’s little devil’s head, when she saw the envelope, there was a golden red feather on it...

She can't help but panic, can't imagine what it is like, so big people like Dumbledore need to be so careful...

Why did the other party go around such a big circle to meet him?

Rita Skeeter didn’t know that Ivan did this purely to save Dumbledore’s magic letter to him...

"So... did you ask me for something that you need me to help?" Rita Skeeter was very aware of current affairs, and quickly adjusted her mood, smirking and sat opposite Ivan.

"Everything I need to tell you is written on it, let's take a look!" Ivan turned the parchment on the table over and pushed it in front of Rita Skeeter.

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