Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 436

Chapter 436: what? Dumbledore is going to be Minister of Magic!

Rita Skeeter picked up the parchment and scanned it a few times with a look of confusion, the expression on her face instantly solidified, and then turned into a shocking color.

"This...is it true?" Rita Skeeter's tone was weird, she couldn't tell whether it was excitement or panic, or both.

"I can assure you, it's true! We have caught Peter Pettigrew and found the Dark Mark on his left arm."

Ivan nodded, then chuckled and teased again. "I think this should be good news material, right? Tomorrow's Daily Prophet may need to print a few more copies..."

Rita Skeeter's hands holding the parchment were shaking. Out of the intuition of a news editor, she could imagine how big a sensation would be if such news spread!

But then Rita Skeeter seemed to be aware of something again, and her excited expression suddenly cooled down.

"What's the matter?" Ivan keenly noticed the change in Rita Skeeter's expression, and asked suspiciously.

"You should know that. I'm just a small newspaper reporter. Although I can write an article and publish it in the Daily Prophet, it must be reviewed by the editor-in-chief... They won't let me publish it. What the Ministry of Magic said..." Rita Skeeter raised her eyes and replied disappointedly.

As a reporter, Rita Skeeter is very interested in this kind of heavyweight news material, but she knows what she can and cannot write after she has been working for many years.

Like the gossip news of some well-known wizards, the chaotic private life of a senior official is part of the content that can be reported.

And if the Sirius incident is reported this time, it will attack the entire Ministry of Magic, and it will easily get into unnecessary trouble.

She doesn't want to lose her current newspaper job...

Rita Skeeter's attitude made Ivan somewhat surprised. After thinking about it carefully, he quickly understood the other's concerns.

Ivan put his hands on the table and followed Dumbledore's way of staring at Rita Skeeter with the blue eyes under the half moon glasses.

Rita Skeeter suddenly felt a great deal of pressure.

She was worried that the Ministry of Magic might liquidate herself, but now she suddenly realized that the character in front of her was not a simple character, but the strongest and most prestigious wizard in the magic world.

The other party pinched himself to death like a bug...

Just when Rita Skeeter was in a dilemma, Ivan suddenly said something. "Do you think Fudge can stay in that position safely after this incident?"

"What?" Rita Skeeter didn't react for a while.

"I have notified some old friends in the trial court to hear this case. Even without your report, I can relay it to many wizard families through Hogwarts students. Now this news should have spread... ." Ivan continued on his own.

Ivan’s smooth tone passed through Rita Skeeter’s ears, but she set off a huge wave, her pupils shrunk, and she looked at the kind-looking centenarian in front of her in disbelief with a chill. The soles of the feet went straight to my heart...

She keenly felt that she was in a whirlpool, and she even regretted coming here today.

Of course Rita Skeeter knows what the other party said.

That is telling myself plainly that the other party intends to use this incident to oust Minister of Magic Fudge, and has a very complete plan.josei

Whether the Daily Prophet is willing to help will not affect the overall situation, but if they do not satisfy the strongest white wizard this time, they will probably be liquidated in the future...

It took several minutes for Rita Skeeter to completely digest the information. She swallowed and couldn't help asking.

"Do you really intend to take up the post of Minister of Magic?"

Ivan did not answer positively, but rather stated that he was very dissatisfied with the recent performance of the Ministry of Magic...

In fact, Ivan did not tell lies, this is exactly his attitude towards the Ministry of Magic.

Both the original time and space and the current Ministry of Magic are the same decadent and incompetent. Some clues can be seen from the fact that the dementors broke into the Quidditch stadium out of control.

The officials sent by the Ministry of Magic did not want to deal with it, but used various inexplicable reasons to prevaricate, trying to deny the dementor’s uncontrollable attack on the students...

Such repeated self-deception and deception made Ivan very tired.

There is no need for a messy Ministry of Magic to exist, so he wanted to try to see if he could use this opportunity to blast Fudge down and replace Dumbledore as the Minister of Magic.

This is not impossible!

In the original time and space, Dumbledore was so passive in the face of the suppression of the Ministry of Magic. One of the important reasons is that after confirming that Voldemort has been resurrected, the old principal did not want to engage in internal friction with the Ministry...

In addition, he is a rule-abiding person, facing the Ministry of Magic's natural weakness, he will be forced to leave school temporarily.

I don’t have so many appointments now...

Even though Ivan didn’t say much ~www.mtlnovel.com~, Rita Skeeter already knew what he meant. After a period of hesitation, she gritted her teeth and said.

"Okay! I can write a report on this!"

Rita Skeeter made a judgment immediately. The Sirius who was mistakenly imprisoned in Azkaban was of course not enough to affect the position of Minister Fudge, but if Dumbledore was behind it, it would not necessarily be the case. .

And Rita Skeeter did not forget that the other party was still holding her own handle, so she had no choice from beginning to end!

Thinking of this, Rita Skeeter hated that nasty little devil head. The other party had promised her not to tell others that she was illegal Animagus...

"A wise choice!" Ivan said appreciatively.

As the two people reached an agreement, the atmosphere in the room was no longer so depressing, on the contrary, it was very harmonious. Rita Skeeter took the initiative to ask Ying to find the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet, and worked with Ivan to persuade the other party to agree. Issued remarks against the Ministry of Magic.

After more than an hour, Ivan looked at the two people leaving the guest room, and slowly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

Obtaining the support of the Daily Prophet is a very important part of Ivan’s plan, not as insignificant as he said earlier.

The remarks threatening to become Minister of Magic are not because of his own evil tastes, but entirely to appease Rita Skeeter and the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet. Only in this way will the other party be willing to stand on his side.

And the surprise he was going to give Dumbledore was exactly this. If the old professor comes back late, get ready to be the new Minister of Magic...

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