Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 437

Chapter 437: Why do you want to apologize to the British Isles of 3!

"Forgive me, professor, who told you to throw this mess to me..." Ivan sighed, after all, he made this decision out of helplessness.

Then, Ivan looked at the clock and felt that the time was almost the same, so he waved his magic wand to change his shape.

Accompanied by a shift in space, Ivan stared around again. He had arrived at the screaming shed, and bursts of noise were constantly being transmitted from one of the rooms.

Ivan sorted his clothes, then Shi Shiran walked in and spoke out.

"You may need to explain to me, Hals!"


After tossing with dual identities for a night, Ivan yawned and woke up from bed early the next morning. After a brief wash, he went to the auditorium to enjoy today's breakfast as usual.

It’s just that today’s situation is slightly different. As soon as Ivan sat down, he saw a large swath of owls rushing into the auditorium, flying towards their respective targets, and sending letters to the long table of the four major colleges.

One of the owls flew towards Ivan accurately and landed on his shoulder.

Ivan was not surprised, and reached out and took down the newspaper tied to the owl's foot.

Yesterday, he deliberately ordered an updated daily prophet for himself, in order to see if the other party had done things according to the agreement.josei

【Shock! The big mistake of the Ministry of Magic? Azkaban fugitive Black cleared his grievances today? The murderous petit peter Peter was caught in Hogwarts? 】

Ivan opened the newspaper, and what caught his eye was the eye-catching headline, which occupies a quarter of the paper.

The content written in it was also very satisfactory to Ivan. Not only did he elaborate on the temporary replacement of the secretaries back then, but also attacked the Ministry of Magic’s act of imprisoning Sirius in Azkaban without trial, and suspected something like Things like Sirius Black are probably not alone!

The words and sentences of the whole article are very sarcastic and ironic. Although the editor's signature is not written below, Ivan recognizes that this is Rita Skeeter's usual style at a glance.

At the end of the whole report, Rita Skeeter wrote.

【Even if the vicious mysterious man was arrested by the Auror back then, he must pass a legal justice trial before he could be convicted. The Ministry of Magic abused power like this. As a minister, he wanted to apologize to the entire British magical world! 】

"It's really the right choice to choose Rita Skeeter to write this manuscript!" Ivan muttered secretly, just wondering if Fudge will be **** off seeing this report...

It's no wonder Rita Skeeter has the guts to write articles and not sign them...

While Ivan was reading the newspaper, Harry, Ron and others squeezed over curiously. After seeing the information on the newspaper page, Harry shouted in surprise.

"Sirius, come and see! The Daily Prophet reported on you and Peter Pettigrew!"

At this time, Sirius was talking to Lupin on the teacher's bench. After hearing Harry's shout, he raised his eyebrows and stood up and walked over here.

Most of the Gryffindor students are naturally very welcome. After listening to the story for a night, they have changed a lot about Sirius, and they squeezed out a seat specially.

And the little wizards of the other three academies were still a little wary when Sirius passed by, and they moved a little farther away.

Sirius didn't care about this. He knew very well that once the inherent impression was formed, it would be difficult to eliminate, and it could not be changed in a short time.

After sitting down on Sirius, Ivan handed over the newspaper in his hand.

"Thank you!" Sirius was also a little surprised after seeing the news on the page of the Daily Prophet. The Daily Prophet received the news so quickly and reported it without an interview.

But Sirius certainly knows more than Harry and the others, so I guessed at once that Dumbledore must have used his influence to operate, and he was immediately moved.

He knows very well the virtues of the Daily Prophet, and it is not easy to ask them to help...

"There is also a second page that mentions your affairs. It says that the trial court has decided to reverse the case for you. It should be the matter of the past few days..." Hermione also reminded Sirius.

"Doesn't it mean that in a few days, Sirius will be completely cleared of charges?" Harry said happily.

"Yes...it looks like this!" Sirius laughed loudly.

"It just happens that we are resting today, so how about going to Hogsmeade Village to celebrate together? We didn't have fun there yesterday..." Ron suggested with some resentment.

"Of course it's okay, and I will bear all the expenses this time. It's the compensation that I accidentally scared you yesterday!"

Sirius also thought this was a good idea, so he readily agreed, and by the way, he planned to buy Ron a new pet.

After all, Peter Pettigrew will either stay in Azkaban all his life, or be executed by the Ministry of Magic~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is impossible to be a pet for Ron.

Considering that part of Peter's affairs was his fault after all, so Sirius asked Ron what kind of pet he wanted.

"How about a white and fat mouse? I can buy one that is about the size of a spot..." Sirius thought that Ron seemed to have a soft spot for mice, so he tentatively said.

"No, I don't want mice!" Ron shook his head frantically. Since discovering that he was actually a bald, middle-aged wizard, the list of things he feared most was mice besides spiders.

"Either an owl?" Sirius didn't expect Ron's reaction to be so big, so he asked instead.

Ron thought for a while, felt that there should be no wizard disguised as a letter-delivery owl, so he nodded and agreed...

Of course, Ron did not forget to say thank you. If Sirius was not willing to pay, he might not have his own pet for a long time.

Because his mother will definitely let him wait for a few years, and then throw the pet that George or Fred doesn’t want after graduation to himself...

While the excited Harry and the others were discussing how to celebrate with Sirius, Ivan turned his head and looked out the window. A phoenix with golden and red feathers hovered in the sky, making three beeps, and went straight. Flew over here.

Before I went back to the dormitory to go to bed yesterday, Ivan asked Fox to patrol the sky over Hogwarts today. If he saw someone from the Ministry of Magic appearing at Hogwarts, he would immediately come over and notify him.

And the three tweets mean that it is Minister of Magic Fudge!

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