Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 438

Chapter 438: Ivan: Fudge! How dare you taint people's innocence out of thin air? !

The Ministry of Magic arrived much faster than Ivan expected. He had only had breakfast here, and Fudge arrived on his feet.

Calculate the time, the Ministry of Magic should have just started work soon. The current minister hurried over, showing how much the Ministry of Magic attaches importance to this matter.

Ivan shook his head and sighed in his heart, if he could do other things with this efficiency, how could it be where he is today.

"Ivan, did something happen?" Hermione also heard Fox's tweet, and of course she recognized Dumbledore's phoenix flying over here.

Sirius, Harry, and Ron also stopped talking and looked at Ivan together.

"No, it's nothing, Professor Dumbledore is looking for something to do with me, it should be someone from the Ministry of Magic who can't bear to come here early!"

Ivan stood up and stretched out his hand. Fox, who flew in through the window, stayed on his arm.

Then, Ivan looked at Sirius again and said to them.

"In addition, I think it is better to postpone your celebration until after the trial. Before the trial, Sirius's suspicion has not been completely cleared. It is best not to leave the school at will, lest you be found to criticize Professor Dumbledore. reason"

Hearing Ivan's words, Harry and the others suddenly stopped.

Sirius was also aware of this. He was patronizing just now and was happy, but he had forgotten his identity as a fugitive. If he went outside in an upright manner, he might cause some riots.

Seeing that they all understood the necessity of staying at Hogwarts, Ivan didn't say much, walked out of the auditorium, found a place where there was no one, and changed to Dumbledore's appearance.

"Well, yes, it looks alike! It shouldn't be dismantled, right?"josei

When the changing state stabilized, Yifan used a transformation technique to get a full-length mirror and checked it carefully.

After all, the wait is going to meet the Minister of Magic Fudge. It's no better than fooling the professors at the school. This time, if you wear a gang, it will be all over.

In order to match Dumbledore’s taste, Ivan even specially made a set of sulky purple robes to wear on him, so that he looked in line with the old principal’s temperament.

"What do you think? Fox?" Ivan tilted his head and looked at the phoenix with golden red feathers on his shoulders.

Fox stared at the mirror for a while, then nodded. From the outside, it couldn't see any flaws.

Ivan was completely relieved, but when he had just stepped out of the gate of the castle, he saw Minister of Magic Fudge approaching aggressively with a group of Aurors.

Ivan frowned slightly, knowing in his heart that Fudge was afraid that the person would be bad this time, but he quickly adjusted his expression and stepped forward to greet him.

"Connelly, it's been a long time since we count!" Ivan pretended not to see the hostility on their faces and greeted them enthusiastically.

Fudge was not appreciative at all. He came to Ivan in three steps and two steps, his eyes were full of unconcealable anger, he approached him, and questioned every word.

"Albus, what do you want to do?"

"Of course I am doing something that should be done, such as finding the culprit of this turmoil" Ivan raised his eyebrows and said nonchalantly.

"That's the work of the Auror of the Ministry of Magic!" Fudge interrupted Ivan's words very angrily.

"Don't say that, Connelly! This incident also threatens the safety of all students. As the principal of Hogwarts, how can I ignore it? And I am very willing to contribute to the magic world. , Do some small tasks within your capacity." Ivan looked at him calmly and explained.

"Then you should also discuss with me first, instead of doing those little tricks by yourself" Fudge said angrily.

Fudge knew very well that the news published by the Daily Prophet today must have nothing to do with Dumbledore, otherwise how dare they publish such things without their consent.

"How could I forget you? Old friend! In fact, I have already sent an owl with my handwritten letter to explain all this to you" Ivan explained in a gentle tone.

"What about your owl? I didn't see it!" Fudge asked, as if he had endured to the limit, the string in his mind could break at any time.

You must know that when he arrived at the Ministry of Magic early this morning, he received hundreds of letters asking him whether the contents of the Daily Prophet were true or false, including a large number of roaring letters, which seriously disrupted the normal operation of the Ministry!

Fudge even had to send a commissioner to deal with it, intercept the owl trying to rush into the Ministry of Magic, and select those important letters to his office.

But there is no letter from Dumbledore!

In addition, the latest issue of the Daily Prophet almost didn't make him angry, so he hurriedly left all his work and brought the Aurors here for the first time!

Facing Fudge's question, Ivan said with regret.

"Maybe Hogwarts is too far away from the Ministry of Magic. The owl I sent will take a while to fly. If you haven't come to me here, you might already be reading that letter."

Ivan, who has always been cautious, would not give Fudge an excuse to target himself, so he really sent a letter to the Ministry of Magic!

It’s just that the owl responsible for delivering the letter just set off from Hogwarts ten minutes ago

Listening to Ivan’s remarks, Fudge laughed directly. No one in the magical world knew that Dumbledore had a phoenix. It takes almost a moment to deliver important messages.

And even if you use an owl to send a letter~www.mtlnovel.com~, it’s impossible to fly for a night without reaching the other party. Obviously, you are deliberately targeting yourself!

Thinking of this, Fudge put aside the little consideration before and said with a sneer. "I heard the editor of the Daily Prophet mention that you threatened them to publish these news?"

"Did he actually tell you that? We had a very pleasant conversation at the beginning," Ivan opened his eyes wide, looked at Fudge in surprise, and continued.

"The former editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet told me that he was very willing to let everyone know the truth."

Ivan is very dissatisfied with Fudge’s remarks just now. How can such a pleasant conversation in his mouth become a threat

How can he taint people's innocence out of thin air?

(PS: Seeing someone who doesn't understand Fudge's behavior, the angel will explain a little bit here. In fact, it's clear if you change the scene.

A certain British nation misunderstood the war hero as a spy from the cross country and tortured for more than ten years. The real spy who suspended his death has instead acquired the title of hero. Now the spy is captured by the agent and found that it was a misjudgment. Do you think the above is to choose to kill a hundred people directly, or choose to announce it directly?

So this is not a question of who is in power, but a scandal of the entire Ministry of Magic. Of course it is fine to throw the pot, but it is only used when there is no other way. For Western politicians who only pay attention to interests, if you have the opportunity, you can directly eliminate the insiders and pretend that nothing happened is the first choice. This is much simpler than public relations after the fact. )

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