Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 440

Chapter 440: Fudge

No one, including Fudge, would doubt the authenticity of the Dark Mark's mark, because just looking at it would make them chill.

"I don't think I need to explain too much, right?" Ivan asked.

"Well, things are probably already clear," Fudge said unwillingly, and then said to the Aurors.

"Take him and Blake, let's go back to the Ministry of Magic!"

A few Aurors nodded, and violently pulled Peter Peter, who was in a coma, up, and untied the ropes around him.

The dizzy little dwarf Peter also woke up from the coma spell, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw two wizards in Auror costumes menacingly handcuffed him, and then dragged him to prepare to leave.

"Wait, Connelly! Are you planning to bring them all back to the Ministry of Magic?" Ivan suddenly interrupted their actions.

"Of course, they will be kept in a special prison until the court begins!" Fudge said.

"That won't work!" Ivan shook his head.

If Peter and Black were brought back to the Ministry of Magic, he would completely lose control of them.

More importantly, Sirius’ escape from prison caused a lot of trouble for the Ministry of Magic. Who knows if Fudge will use lynching in anger.

Even though this possibility is very small, Ivan really doesn't trust the Ministry of Magic, and he prefers to keep things under his own control.

"It's the duty of Auror to take criminals in, Albus! Are you planning to stop us from enforcing the law?" Fudge's eyes narrowed, his words were a little bit of disbelief and a trace of expectation.

Fudge waited for "Dumbledore" to make a statement. As long as the other party nodded, he would have reason to arrest "Dumbledore".

"Of course not! I just want to remind you, Connelly! The trial of Peter's case is now very concerned by the entire magical world. It is best not to make any mistakes."

Ivan said in a gentle tone, and then continued.

"In fact, I have certain doubts about the Ministry of Magic's level of supervision of prisoners. Even places like Azkaban are not absolutely safe. Therefore, I suggest that the place of detention should be changed to the Observatory at Hogwarts. Or let the people of the trial court cooperate with the supervision of law enforcement"

"In addition, this is not what I meant alone, but the result of my discussions with you in the trial court, so as to avoid any accidents before the formal hearing," Ivan emphasized.

As a counterfeit, Ivan didn't dare to confront Fudge head-on, because once he fought, he was sure to expose himself, even if he held the old wand in his hand, he could not be so many Auror opponents.

So I can only take advantage of the pressure to change the place of detention to Hogwarts, or allow him to send someone to supervise the Auror's law enforcement.

However, Fudge was very tough, and he refused without hesitation.

He doesn’t care what Ivan thinks. In his opinion, the other party is nakedly challenging his authority, and the “recommendations” of the trial court can’t impose any substantial restrictions on him.

Facing such an iron Fudge, Ivan realized Dumbledore's helplessness in the original time and space. The other party's advantage as the Minister of Magic is really too great.

Unless he doesn't hesitate to be in the magic world, under normal circumstances he really has nothing to do with the opponent.

Playing politics is not what Ivan is good at. He suddenly felt that he underestimated Fudge. It might not be easy to get him out of office. This matter has to be considered for a long time.

Thinking of this, Yifan changed his voice and said kindly.

"You misunderstood, Connelly! We are not enemies, are we? My previous proposal was just to add a layer of insurance. You don't want to be known that the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic have been busy for a long time, but only finished some finishing touches Let's work?"

Although Fudge was angry with Ivan's repeated challenges to his authority, he still understood the cues in Ivan's words.

As a qualified politician, Fudge quickly discarded his personal feelings and calculated the benefits and losses.

The trouble he faces now is nothing more than two points. The first point is that the Ministry of Magic caught the wrong person back then, and he regarded the real murderer Peter as a war hero and applied for the Merlin Medal.

This incident has a great impact on the credibility of the Ministry of Magic, but it has little to do with him personally. It is a matter of becoming a minister and does not affect his position as a minister.

The most important thing is that after the report of the Daily Prophet, everyone knows that there is no way to conceal it. Apart from passing the responsibility to the predecessor, there are not many places to operate.

The second point is that after Sirius escaped from prison, the Ministry of Magic abandoned all efforts to search, and even arranged dementors to surround Hogwarts.

But the final result was not satisfactory, nothing was achieved, and a scandal involving dementors attacking students and commissioners of the Ministry of Magic!

Even Sirius turned the case, he waited until this morning to hear the news.


Don't think that the impact of this incident is not as great as the former, but it is closely related to him. If it is not handled well, he is likely to be labeled as incompetent.

If Dumbledore is willing to cooperate, it proves that the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic have exerted great efforts in the investigation process, rather than doing useless work, then this matter can probably be fooled.

A few thoughts flashed in his mind, after a little thought, Fudge finally began to let go, saying that it would not be impossible to change the place where Peter and Sirius were held to Hogwarts.

Then the two thoughtful two changed their previous appearances ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Maintaining the apparent harmony, while taking Sirius and Peter to the observatory, they made verbal negotiations.

Fudge really hopes that Ivan can completely deny the scandals of the Ministry of Magic, including several attacks by the Dementors.

Of course, Ivan just rightly refused. He will not cooperate with the Ministry of Magic to fool the people, unless Fudge is willing to jointly apply for a Merlin Medal with his name as Ivan Hals.

Since he had to give in, Ivan had no choice but to give up his previous idea of ​​hard-working the Ministry of Magic for the time being, and instead worked hard to fight for his own interests, to see if he could get the legend point.

"Ivan Hals?" Fudge muttered softly, feeling that the name seemed a bit familiar. He looked at Dumbledore suspiciously, not understanding why Dumbledore did it.

"I thought you should have some impression of him, after all, such an excellent little wizard is rare." Ivan looked at Fudge with regret, and then continued.

"The person who discovered Peter's anomaly this time is also him, so I think this is the honor he deserves"

"Is it the little wizard who developed the wolf poison potion? The last time I met, I knew he would definitely bring me more surprises." Fudge also remembered this time, and couldn't help but sigh.

In his heart, Fudge cursed secretly, it turned out to be this **** kid!

If it weren’t for the other party, why would he be so passive now?

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