Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 441

Chapter 441: Ivan: Severus, how could you run to me and tell me...

Although Fudge was very angry, all Dumbledore needed was a nomination, and there was no loss for him.

The support in exchange for this was real, and it could make him less passive in the face of blame. For this reason, Fudge agreed without hesitation.

After discussing for a long time, the two finally reached an agreement. During the formal court sessions, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew will be held at the Observatory at Hogwarts, guarded by the Auror of the Ministry of Magic.

Ivan originally hoped to persuade Fudge to allow him to send someone to supervise him, but Fudge resolutely disagrees. He is very disgusted with people's criticism of the Ministry's behavior.

In order not to provoke Fudge's sensitive nerves, Ivan had to give up for the time being. Anyway, the place of detention was in Hogwarts, and it was not a matter of his word to supervise or not.

While chatting like this, the group soon arrived at an observatory at the top of the castle.

"You two stay and watch them, and the others follow me back to the Ministry of Magic!"

Bundled Blake and Peter and locked them in the observatory, Fudge followed the two Aurors to guard, and then hurriedly returned to the Ministry of Magic with the remaining Aurors.

Due to the news of the Daily Prophet, Fudge, as the Minister of Magic, has too many things to deal with today. The reason why he got to Hogwarts in the first place was completely dizzy and wanted Confirm the authenticity of the matter.

"By the way, what about the dementors who surrounded Hogwarts before?" Fudge was about to step out of the gate of Hogwarts. He suddenly thought of this and turned to look at a female Auror next to him. Asked.

"Your Excellency, the dementors violated the Ministry of Magic's regulations and intended to attack students. They have been dispatched back. Ms. Umbridge handed you the report." The female Auror explained.

Fudge nodded, recalling that he had indeed signed this document, and said again. "Before the court begins, Black and Peter must not be lost. You will go to Azkaban later and let some dementors come over to assist the guards..."

Now that the Ministry of Magic has enough trouble, Fudge doesn't want to have any trouble again, so strengthening protection is especially important.

In addition, he asked the dementors to assist the guards, which might not mean punishment.

Whether it's the escaped Sirius or the **** petty peter, Fudge is very annoyed.

Fudge was suffocated at Hogwarts in the early morning, and he had nowhere to vent. He couldn't fix Dumbledore, but it was okay to let the two prisoners suffer a little bit!

"I will send someone to ask the ins and outs of this matter from their mouths tonight, and I will see this report on my desk tomorrow morning at the latest!" Fudge ordered a few words before he stepped on. Out of the range of Hogwarts Castle, he cast his shadow and disappeared in place.



"It's finally over!"

Ivan returned to the principal's room, and he was relieved watching Fudge lead the people away from Hogwarts through the window.

The biggest difficulty has been passed, just wait for the formal hearing...

But what should I do with the Daily Prophet?

Thinking of this, Ivan suddenly felt a little embarrassed, he seemed to accidentally pit them...

Forget it, when the time comes to find a reason to fool the past... Can a promise made by a politician be called a breach of contract?

Or let Dumbledore take care of it...

Ivan quickly put this annoying thing aside, sat down at his desk, took out Dumbledore’s magic letter from the drawer, and prepared to write a nomination letter to Sir Merlin to make it for himself. The merits of applying for the Merlin Medal...

With Fudge’s promise, two consecutive magnates in the magic world initiated nominations, and Ivan felt that this matter was still very stable.

Besides, I have made so many achievements in recent years. I beat Voldemort's remnant soul and destroyed two Horcruxes in a row...

Ivan thought that even Dumbledore would definitely recognize his achievements here. In order to share the worries of the old professor, he decided to come by himself and not bother the other party...

Phoenix Fox, who was resting on the olive branch, flew over from the branch, his eyes scanned the contents of the letter, his eyes faintly shining with contempt...

"Help me send this letter to the head of the Merlin Knights!" Ivan stuffed the envelope directly into Fox's mouth, and then stroked the feathers under Phoenix's neck with his hand.

A hot flame suddenly appeared on Fox's body, and the flame splashed on his fingers, which frightened Ivan. Fortunately, the flame did not hurt him...

Ivan then realized that Fox was deliberately teasing himself, just as he was preparing to fight back with his teeth and claws, Fox's figure had disappeared in the principal's room.

Ivan put away the expression on his face. After a period of time, Fox has not repelled himself so much, so he made these little jokes with him.

Although there is still a long way to go before the goodwill of blood draw, what makes Ivan even think of baldness is the legendary problem.

It takes five legendary points to redeem the protection mode of the system once, and he only has two points now.

If you can successfully obtain the Merlin Medal, you should be able to add a little more, even so, it's still a lot worse.

But where should I get some legends?

Ivan thought about the things he did when he got the legend points several times before. They can be roughly divided into two kinds, one is the werewolf savior and the dragon knight, which spread widely.

Another kind is the little-known but quite legendary experience like the Slytherin heir and Ouroboros.

It is obviously easier to make big news in comparison.

Or else tomorrow I will run a lap in Hogwarts shirtless like Dumbledore?

That kind of thing will definitely cause a sensation in the magic world!

Ivan was thinking of all kinds of crooked ideas in his mind, but he didn't have the guts to implement it~www.mtlnovel.com~ If he really dared to do this, Dumbledore would probably kill him immediately, even if he had an urgent matter of importance Come and find him to settle accounts...

alas... I'm so hard!

Ivan sighed in his heart.


At this moment, there was a sound of stones turning and rubbing outside the door, and Ivan's expression went up. He understood that this was a sign that someone was about to enter the principal's room.

As expected, a familiar figure soon appeared at the door of the principal's office.

"Severus? Are you coming to me at this time, is there something important to report?" Ivan raised his eyebrows as he looked at the visitor, looking a little surprised.

"Yes, I think there is one thing you should know about. It is about our talented student Ivan Hals..." Snape in a black robe stepped into the principal's room and said. I don't know whether it is praise or mockery.

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