Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 443

Chapter 443: Isn't going back to Azkabanna the same as going home?

Harry and the others seemed very disappointed. No matter how hard they were, Ivan would never reveal any news.

Considering that there are still two or three days before the court, Ivan was a little worried about the pain of their idle eggs, secretly looking for the location of Sirius' detention, and said.

"Harry, if you have this leisurely mind, it is better to think about how to make a statement in the court at the time. Your testimony is very important and may affect the final trial result!"

Under Ivan's reminder, Harry remembered this, and suddenly became a little nervous. He had never been to court before, and he didn't know what to do.

"We can go to the library to find out the specific process of handling cases in the trial court, can we not know about the major cases that have been recorded in the past 100 years?" Hermione suggested.

"Good idea!" Harry nodded.

After having directions, Harry hurriedly pulled Ron and Hermione to the library.

Of course, Ivan didn't follow him. He found a reason to say that he would still have something to do, so he refused Harry's invitation.

In fact, there are so many twists and turns to be a witness, and it is not to be a lawyer or to give false testimony, just tell the truth.

The reason why Ivan wanted to take the initiative to mention this was to find something to do for Harry and the others to distract them.

When I was thinking about it, Ivan suddenly sensed something, turned his head abruptly, and looked out the window. The sky was gray and there seemed to be creatures surging in the clouds.

"Dementors? Did they come so fast?" Ivan immediately thought of Snape having told him that the Ministry of Magic was planning to send some dementors to assist the Auror in guarding.

Ivan has always distrusted such evil creatures. It is a fantasy to expect dementors to have some self-control, so he plans to see what the Ministry of Magic people are doing at night.


As night gradually fell, on the top of Hogwarts Castle, on an abandoned observatory, dozens of weird figures in cloaks were floating around the top of the tower...

At this time, Ivan has changed into the appearance of an owl, passed through the dementor's inspection, flew to the vent and stopped.

Dementor’s eyesight is almost zero. Under his special senses, he doesn’t seem to be interested in animals, so he didn’t notice the existence of owls at all...

This also allows Ivan to easily see the scene inside the observatory.

It looks like a small prison, the wall that has been in disrepair is pitted by time, and the cracks are full of moss and vines.

Sirius and Peter were tied face-to-face at both ends, not only were handcuffed on their hands, but their bodies were tied and sturdy...

In addition to them, there is also an Auror standing in the observatory, holding a few pieces of parchment in his hand, recording something with a quill pen.

"Little Dwarf-Peter, do you have anything else to say? You haven't told me how you were discovered..." Auror wrote Peter Dwarf's confession on the parchment, and then continued to speak. Asked.

"I really forgot, I don't remember anything. He used the oblivion spell on me, which made me forget a lot..." Peter shook his head tremblingly.

"Someone used the Forgetting Curse on you? Who? Albus Dumbledore? Why did he do it to you? Is it because you know some secret information?"

Auror suddenly became very excited. He was ordered to come here to figure out the whole story, but unexpectedly it seemed that there was an unexpected gain.

He knows that Minister of Magic Fudge is very dissatisfied with Dumbledore recently. If he can find the other party's report, he may be appreciated by the Minister.

"No, it's not Dumbledore, it's Ivan Hals, the demon!" Peter replied in horror.

As long as Peter thinks of that experience, he can't help but feel cold. He doesn't know how many things he has forgotten, or whether his memories have been modified...

"Ivan Hals?" Auror felt vaguely that he had heard of the name, but couldn't remember it for a moment.

said Sirius who had not spoken next to him suddenly. "That's a very good little wizard, that is, he found Peter's trail... As for why he used the Forgotten Curse on Peter, I think it should be during the investigation process, worried about what Peter did.

Auror frowned. It is illegal to delete or modify the wizard's memory by using the Forgetting Curse.

But he didn't say much, because this time the situation was special. The victim Peter was a criminal, and the other party also had a reason to use the Forgetting Curse, so he just recorded the incident on paper.

After repeatedly questioning and confirming that Peter had said everything, the Auror turned his head to look at Black, and said with some expectation.


"Mr. Black, how did you consider my previous suggestion?"

"You are expecting me to say that after the trial results came out, I was very comfortable in Azkaban? Being put in a cell is the same as going home?" Black said with a sneer.

"I didn't ask you to say that, Mr. Black... You just need to state that you have not suffered any abuse or other unfair treatment in Azkaban..."

Auror’s expression was very embarrassing, and he also understood that this was not very authentic, but this was an order given above, and he could only negotiate as best as he could, so he continued to say with all his heart.

"If you are willing to cooperate with us, after you are released from prison, the Ministry of Magic will give you enough compensation!"

"Compensation? Do you mean some Jin Jialong?" Sirius curled his lips in disdain~www.mtlnovel.com~ The most important thing he lacks is Jin Jialong. The Ministry of Magic is counting on using some Jin Jialong to buy himself. Got the wrong idea.

More importantly, Sirius despised the Ministry of Magic's behavior, looked at the Auror very contemptuously, and said.

"Anyway, I will tell the truth when it comes to the trial court!"

Seeing that Sirius was so stubborn, Auror's face was a little uncontrollable. In his opinion, the Ministry of Magic had already given enough sincerity. He even put down his face and low-pitched request, but the other party still didn't know how to praise.

Thinking of this, the Auror couldn't help but threatened.

"Mr. Black! I advise you to think more about it. It is not a wise choice to work against the Ministry of Magic! You have not yet cleared your charge..."

However, Sirius didn’t take this set at all, and he didn’t care about the other party. He knew very well that unless the Ministry of Magic had nothing to do, he would not send someone to beg himself to say good things or mention any compensation...

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