Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 444

Chapter 444: Crazy Peter

"Very well, you guys will stay here with the dementors for two days, think about it..."

Sirius, who is hard and soft, made the Auror very annoyed. He glared at the two of them, then turned away angrily.

"That's not bad, I haven't got along with those monsters for a while..." Sirius said without fear as he looked at the Auror's leaving figure.

He has survived over the past ten years in Azkaban. What's up in the two days?

"No...please! I said everything just now, don't let them come..." Peter Pettigrew shouted in tears.

He was very spineless and slumped on the ground, squirming and leaning towards the door, but because he was tied to the foot by an iron chain, he could only struggle on the ground weakly.

Before this Auror arrived, he had already experienced the feeling of being surrounded by those dementors.

That is simply hell. All the beautiful and happy things seem to have been forcibly pulled out of my mind, leaving only the ugliest and darkest memories...

"Peter, the way you look right now is really disgusting! Why did James and Lupin faint and become friends with someone like you..." Sirius looked at Peter in disgust and spit. .

"Lupin... by the way, Lupin!" Peter ignored him, but muttered to himself.

After Sirius' reminder, Peter suddenly remembered something and screamed at the Auror who had already walked to the door in surprise.

"Wait... Sir! I have a very important thing to say..."

"What's the matter? I remember you just told me that you have nothing to hide..." The Auror, who was about to leave, turned his head when Peter said that, and said impatiently.

"Yes, I swear to you, I have absolutely nothing to hide from you about the experience of hiding in these years!" Peter hurriedly explained, and then continued cautiously.

"What I want to say has nothing to do with this, but it should be of some use to the Ministry of Magic. If you can keep the dementors away from me, I can tell you the news!"

"Enough, Peter! You are still thinking about nonsense. Do you think someone will believe you as a dirty betrayer?" Sirius also realized that Peter was probably about to say Lupin’s identity as a werewolf wizard. , Hurriedly interrupted Peter's words with a beating.

"It's okay to listen. If the news you tell is really useful, I will consider making your life more comfortable!" Auror looked at Peter with interest and said.

"Of course, I am sure you will be very interested!" Peter said very kindly.

He was keenly aware from the conversation between the other party and Sirius just now that the Ministry of Magic seems to want to deal with Dumbledore, so the identity of Lupin would be a good entry point.

"Hogwarts's new anti ... ah ah ah?!"

Just as Peter was about to sell his friends again for glory, a needle-like pain was immediately fed back from his waist to his mind. Peter's body like a dead fish twitched abruptly, and the words in his mouth suddenly changed into There was a violent wailing.

"What's wrong?" The Auror drew out his wand, nervously pointing at Peter, not sure what he was up to.

"Someone! The demon must have sneaked in with the phantom spell!" Peter looked around nervously. Although there was no evidence, he felt that the little wizard must be making trouble.

"Appearing in a hurry~" The Auror waved his wand doubtfully.

A wave of magical power extended along the top of the wand in all directions, and passed to every corner of the room, but nothing happened.

"There is no one here at all!" The Auror looked at Peter with a dangerous look.

"Someone used it just now..." Peter stammered about to explain, but keenly noticed something got into his sleeve, and a sharp pain soon came from his arm.

"There's a bug, a bug got into my clothes! It's biting me... It's a snake, it must be a snake! No, it's changed into something else... It's so itchy, please get rid of mine. The rope, loosen me, please!" Peter rolled frantically on the ground, yelling indiscriminately.

The Auror who was watching was confused, not sure what he was doing.

"Are you performing any drama? Peter? Or do you think that by pretending this way, our Mr. Auror will kindly untie the rope for you?" Sirius said with a sneer.

Peter hit the corner and tried hard to refute, but someone vaguely stuffed a bunch of stinky socks into his mouth, and the smell almost didn't faint him...

In the darkness, the Auror couldn't see Peter clearly. Seeing him rolling around staggeringly, he didn't know for a moment whether Peter pretended to be, or really had some hysteria.

"Are you okay? Tell me if you need a medical staff..." Auror asked tentatively, but Peter just kept squirming.

The Auror who didn't get a reply frowned. Peter's weird behavior inevitably gave him a feeling of being teased. He simply didn't bother to pay attention to it anymore. As long as the opponent is not dead, Peter's condition is not in his consideration. in.

was tied up, Peter, who couldn't speak at all, just watched as his only reliance on leaving the observatory step by step.


After a while, on the empty ground beside Peter, a childish female voice rang.

"Harry! You were too risky just now, what if you were spotted accidentally?"

"Then what can I do? Do you want to watch Peter reveal the identity of Professor Lupin?" Harry took off the invisibility cloak he was wearing~www.mtlnovel.com~Suddenly in the empty observatory. Three little wizards came out.

"Sirius, are you okay?" Harry turned his head to look at the sturdy and bound Sirius, and asked worriedly.

"Why are you here..." Sirius was a little surprised.

"In the evening we accidentally saw a lot of dementors gathered around here, so I guessed you would be here, after all, there is no one else in the school who needs these monsters to look after." Hermione spoke extremely fast. Talking about his own analysis.

"Yes! We sneaked up with the invisibility cloak! Fortunately, those dementors were far away and didn't perceive us..." Harry also nodded.

"Really smart!" Sirius said in admiration, then looked at Peter who was tossing beside him and asked curiously. "Then what happened to his crazy appearance just now, how did you do it?"

"No, that wasn't what we did, he seemed to be like that all of a sudden. I just poked him in the waist, and then let Ron take off his socks and put them in his mouth..." Harry shook his head and said I don't know.

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