Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 453

Chapter 453: Harry: Honestly, did you secretly make up lessons behind my back?

"These law-related books are too cumbersome, how long I have read it, how can I memorize it..." Harry curled his lips, seeing the various terms and conditions make him a little dizzy.

"But you watched it for an entire hour...an hour! I don't even need to memorize these things for half an hour! Ivan only took fifteen minutes!" Hermione's voice grew louder, she felt Harry must have not read the book well, he was wasting time.

"Didn't you read the newspaper? Tomorrow is the day Sirius is in court! You only have one night!" Hermione reminded.josei

Harry could only cover his face with a book under Hermione's reprimand, shivering, of course he knew his time was limited.

It's just that there are at least 20 laws related to Peter Pettigrew, and the various additional clauses are very complicated. It took him an hour to understand the general meaning of each clause.

"How could someone memorize these terms in fifteen minutes..." Harry muttered softly.

Seeing Harry didn't believe it, Hermione couldn't help turning her head to look at Ivan.

Ivan, who was reading the book, raised his head. Of course he heard the voice of Hermione and Harry talking, so he spoke very quickly and counted all the crimes of Peter Pettigrew.

"The Muggle Protection Act, Article 3, Article 27, stipulates that any wizard should try to avoid performing magic in public places in the Muggle World... Article 9, Article 12... Article 43 Regulations..."

"Look! What I said before is correct!" After Ivan finished speaking, Hermione snorted softly and said to Harry.

Harry completely broke down...

Ivan was there when I was reading those books.

But in Harry’s impression, Ivan reads the book very casually, just turning the pages of the book, scanning a few glances, and staying on each page for only half a minute at most.

A momentum of just pretending, but unexpectedly Ivan has already memorized all of them.

Harry suddenly felt that this world was really cruel to his kind of scumbag!

He very much doubted whether Ivan secretly got up to endorse the book last night, otherwise how could he learn so fast!

Ivan didn't know that Harry was slandering himself secretly. Although he often woke up in the middle of the night and sneaked into the library to check the banned books, he still didn't recite some legal provisions to such a degree.

Perhaps because of learning Occlumency and repeatedly using Xueba experience card, Ivan keenly perceives that his memory has greatly improved.

It’s not memorable under normal conditions, but ordinary things can be remembered after seeing it a few times, and it can be regarded as a kind of memorizing talent...

Hermione used him as a template to ask Harry, which is indeed difficult for some people...

If you want to be a witness in court, there is no need to recite these legal provisions. Hermione is too truthful.

It's just that Ivan didn't mean to interfere. For a bear kid like Harry, it's okay to learn more.

Maybe I will hesitate a bit next time I die.


Early the next morning, when Ivan was still asleep, Harry called him up.

It was Ron who was still yawning for a long time.

"What are we doing when we wake up so early?" Ivan glanced at the lightening sky, and just wanted to get back to bed to get some sleep.

"It's getting late, and the court will be held in three hours!" Harry changed his sighing expression last night when he endorsed, and he looked completely vigorous, but he was more nervous.

"Maybe we have to prepare something and bring something? Also, where is the trial court, have you been there?"

Harry was a little frantic, he found the invisibility cloak from under his bed, thinking about whether to bring it?

In case something goes wrong and Sirius fails to reverse the case, he may be able to escape with this.

"Relax, we don't need to bring anything, and we will be back at the slowest night! In addition, Professor Dumbledore is the chief magician of the Wiesengama Tribunal, so we are set to win this time!" Ivan said comfortingly.

Wiesen Gamo is the name of the Supreme Court of the Wizarding World, composed of approximately fifty members.

Due to the scarcity of wizards in the wizarding world, the court sometimes does not receive litigation cases for several months, so there is no independent court venue. The entire trial process is conducted in the courtroom of the Ministry of Magic.

The trial process is very concise. It is conducted in the form of questions raised by the interrogator, the clerk is responsible for keeping records, and finally the ruling is made by a show of hands.

Ivan walked toward the auditorium while popularizing Harry's knowledge from the book.

It is less than six o'clock, and there is no one in the auditorium. Fortunately, the industrious house elves are on standby at any time to give them a hearty breakfast.

Ivan was enjoying the food leisurely, while Harry did not forget to glance at the "Muggle Protection Act" while eating breakfast. He felt that he still had a few important points that he had not remembered, and it was not too late to grind his guns. ..

An hour later, Dumbledore walked in through the door of the auditorium.

Different from the casual dressing in the past, Dumbledore wore a fuchsia robe today, with a variety of gorgeous patterns engraved on the corners of his clothes, and a delicate silver "W" symbol embroidered on his left chest.

Ivan knew that it was the exclusive costume of the Wizard of Wiesengama, representing the identity of Dumbledore's chief wizard.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you the chief referee in this trial?" Ivan asked curiously.

Since Dumbledore is the nominal supreme officer of Wizengamore, he is likely to preside over this trial.

Harry also looked forward to Dumbledore and waited for his reply~www.mtlnovel.com~No! Unfortunately...I did not receive such notification. Dumbledore shook his head as they watched.

He just came back yesterday, and he didn't have enough time to influence the other members of Wizengamore to make a decision, so the chances of this trial growing up are those from the Ministry of Magic.

Harry's expression became a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, this time we have very conclusive evidence to prove Sirius' innocence..." Dumbledore casually reassured them, and then emphasized some of the rules of the trial court to them, and suggested that Hermione and Ron also do the same. Go with it.

When they learned this, both of them were very surprised.

"But I haven't made any preparations yet?" Hermione suddenly became flustered, which was not in her plan at all.

"You know so much more than we do! What else do you need to prepare?" Ivan vomited, and it was Hermione who read the most books these days as important witnesses instead of himself and Harry!

Ivan even suspects that Miss Know-how may be able to recite the various laws and regulations of the magic world...

Hermione only regained some confidence, then suddenly turned her head to look at Ron, and said. "What about Ron? He still doesn't understand anything?"

Ron wanted to refute angrily, but he opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Okay, he really doesn’t seem to know anything...

(PS: The three shifts are completed today, and the three shifts will be continued tomorrow. The title cannot be written, just write it here... [Add more for the silver leader dsf23dd!])

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