Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 454

Chapter 454: How can my little wizard become 1 in 3 of Knock Down Alley...

Dumbledore didn't care about Ron in confusion.

The reason why Ron was brought on was only because he was the owner of Scabbers, and Ron only had to admit this when he went to the court.

"Professor Dumbledore, how do we get to the Trial Court? Shall we go in a carriage? It seems to be late..." Harry noticed the clock on the wall of the auditorium and said anxiously.

"No, don't bother...you hold each other's hands, and I will take you there!" Dumbledore stretched out his left hand and held Harry.

Harry nodded and held Ron, then Ivan and Hermione.

The four people formed a circle. Hermione wanted to go to La Dumbledore's other hand to form a closed loop, but the latter did not respond.josei

"Where's Sirius? Isn't he with us?" Harry didn't find Sirius when he looked around, and he was a little confused.

"He and Peter have already been taken by the Auror to the Ministry of Magic, not with us..." Dumbledore explained, and then looked out the window. A phoenix flew directly over and stayed on his side. Shoulders.

Accompanied by a melodious song, a golden-red flame ignited from Fox's body, and quickly passed to everyone's body, lighting the four into a torch.

Hermione was taken aback, and she held Ivan's palm tightly, but soon realized that the flame would not hurt people, and it was a little warm when attached to her body.

Fox’s singing became louder and louder, and the flames covering his body swelled suddenly.

Hermione felt the sky spin, and when she came back to her senses again, she was already in a deserted street.

"This is London?!" Hermione looked around, looked at the surrounding tall buildings, and said with certainty.

"Yes! Because the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic is located in London! So we are here!" Ron showed off his little knowledge.

His father works at the Ministry of Magic. Although Ron has never been there, he still knows a little about the Ministry.

"Of course I know! The location of the Ministry of Magic is mentioned in many books. They disguised the entrance as a phone booth. Outsiders must come here and apply for it if they want to enter the Ministry..."

Hermione crackled a lot and said that the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic is common sense that everyone in the magical world knows.

Harry looked blank beside him, is this common sense? Why doesn't he know?

Ron was speechless by Hermione, but he still refused to admit defeat and argued from other aspects that he knew the Ministry of Magic better...

"Stop for a while, boys, you know we don't have much time, you'd better walk and talk!" Dumbledore had to interrupt the conversation when it was time for the trial.

While staying on his shoulder, Fox looked a little tired. It closed its eyes and rested in disgust. Obviously it was still very difficult to carry four people across regions at once.

Hermione stopped arguing with Ron, only to realize that she was still holding Ivan's hand, and hurriedly took it back.

Then Hermione looked at Ivan's expression without any margin, and when he saw that he didn't notice the appearance at all, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt a little angry...

At this time, Ivan is wandering outside the sky, watching the changes in the system taskbar.

【Task: Become the King of Knock Down Alley

Mission objective: Unified Knockdown Alley (Second Ring Road)

Task progress: Thirty-two percent

Quest reward: Courageous Loyalty Curse

Task description:...]

Seeing the 32% task progress prompt, Ivan was at a loss.

He discovered an abnormality in the taskbar two days ago, and keenly noticed that the progress of the King of Knockdown Alley mission seems to have increased a lot. He remembers that it was not so high before...

Is it because the werewolf wizards such as Furen and Walker have soared sincerely with them, or have they dealt with the chain effect caused by Bock?

Ivan is very puzzled. He has been studying at Hogwarts for nearly a year and didn't do anything. How come he suddenly became a third of the King of Knockout Alley?

It is precisely because of this that Ivan agreed to postpone the time to meet with Nick LeMay, because he has to go home first during the summer vacation to see what is going on...

Just thinking about it, Ivan followed Dumbledore into the Ministry of Magic through the phone booth.

I was still arguing about how much I knew Hermione and Ron from the Ministry of Magic, and was immediately attracted by the grand decorations inside.

The huge and magnificent magic fountain, the fireplace inlaid with golden borders, the towering magical fire and the exquisite magical lights echo each other...

This combination of magic and modern beauty fascinates every wizard who steps into it for the first time...

Harry was also pleasantly surprised, his eyes kept scanning around...

"Ivan, have you been here?" Hermione noticed that there was no unexpected expression on Ivan's face, she seemed to be familiar with it.

"More than a year ago, because of something happened once!" Ivan replied briefly.

"It's because of the wolf poison potion, right? You must have come here to register a patent..." Hermione thought for a while, and quickly guessed why Ivan came here.

Ivan nodded, the little witch guessed it was not wrong...

Under the leadership of Dumbledore ~www.mtlnovel.com~ After Ivan and others went to the front desk to register, they sat on the magic elevator and went underground, and finally passed through the corridors before seeing the dark in the courtroom. door.

In the waiting hall next to   , there were intermittent crying faintly.

"Please, let him go..."

"He must be innocent, you can't convict him just because of a mark..."


Ivan was very strange, glanced inward as he approached.

The internal space of the waiting hall is very large, and there are many people in it. Most of them are Aurors and a small number of wizards wearing the same clothes as Dumbledore. They should be members of the Wizengarmore Tribunal.

It is worth mentioning that Sirius-Black and Pettigrew-Peter are also here.

"Sirius!" Harry was very excited and wanted to get closer, but was blocked by a few Aurors three meters away, and they had to talk at a distance.

I haven't seen it for a few days, Sirius's mental head looks good, compared to Peter Pettigrew, who is not far away, looks much worse.

Peter seemed to have lost a whole circle, his sparse hair **** randomly, his eye sockets were deeply sunken, a pair of small eyes looked around nervously, looking a little nervous...

Ivan was not surprised, because before he left the observatory, he had asked the dementors not to disturb Sirius as much as possible. As for what happened to Peter, he couldn't control it.

After staring at Peter for a while, Ivan's eyes turned to the side. The sound of crying just now came from there.

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