Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 455

Chapter 455: Peter's defender

As far as Ivan's eyes were, stood an old witch, about 60 or 70 years old, wearing a shabby and old robe.

She doesn't look tall, she is squatting, with tears remaining in the corners of her eyes, she is constantly begging a member of the Wisengama Tribunal, and she is still holding a shiny golden thing tightly in her hand.

Perhaps feeling Ivan's gaze, the old witch turned her head, and after seeing Ivan's appearance, she stared at him with a hateful look.

Ivan felt a little strange because he didn't know each other.

However, the old witch blushed and waved the cane angrily, and struck him with a slap in the face.josei

Fortunately, the Auror who was next to him reacted in time and stopped the other person, but the old witch was indeed reluctant. She tried hard to break free, crying and shouting.

"You liars, scumbags! My son is a glorious Merlin knight, a hero who resists mysterious people..."

The member of the Wisengama Tribunal next to him waved his hand in annoyance, and the two Aurors dragged her out...

Hermione and Ron were scared enough by the old woman's behavior. Ivan had some guesses in his heart, but he turned his head to look at Dumbledore and asked.

"Professor, who is she?"

"That's Pettigrew's mother, Mrs. Peter!" Dumbledore sighed slowly, and replied.

Hearing this, Hermione and the others fell silent, and they looked at the old witch who was dragged out of the waiting room with pity.

Ivan shook his head secretly, no wonder the other party was so excited.

Any mother will be ecstatic when she learns that the child she has already sacrificed is actually still alive.

But the Auror who came to inform will soon break the other's fantasy!

Because of his identity as Pettigrew, he is no longer a hero who sacrificed honorably for his friends, but a thug who betrayed his friends, took refuge in the Dark Lord, and killed a large number of Muggles!

is now facing more than 20 accusations, and it is very likely that he will be executed immediately after this trial...

Such a contrast is obviously not acceptable to a 60-70-year-old witch.

Dumbledore suddenly reminded when he was there. "You need to pay attention. I learned from a friend of Wisengamao that Mrs. Peter will personally be Pettigrew's defender this time."

"But... she's so old! Can still be a defender?" Harry said in a speechless voice.

"Age is not a problem... Harry! Long years will make some people more wise! For example, this time Sirius's defender will be my responsibility." Dumbledore said jokingly.

"I didn't say what you meant, professor..." Harry hurriedly wanted to explain.

Dumbledore smiled and said that he didn't care, but soon he straightened his face and continued to speak.

"In short, you'd better not underestimate her because of her age. Mrs. Peter is not a good role to deal with. You must know that the merits of Pettigrew back then are far from enough for a first-class Merlin Medal!"

Dumbledore said very euphemistically, Harry couldn't understand what the old professor was talking about at all.

Ivan knew what Dumbledore wanted to express.

That is to say, the Merlin Knights originally did not intend to issue the first-class Merlin Medal to Peter Pettigrew. It is likely that Pettigrew's mother just made a fuss about the death of her son and won this honor!

Thinking of this, Ivan couldn't help being a little bit stunned.

He knew how difficult it was to obtain a first-class Merlin Medal. He had done so many things that he had to nominate Dumbledore and Minister of Magic Fudge at the same time before the Merlin Knights were willing to consider it.

At that time, Little Dwarf had a good reputation for bravely going to death in order to avenge his friends, and he didn't have any merits.

In the Wizarding War, there are countless victims like Pettigrew, and it is not easy for his mother to win him the highest honor in the magical world.

After all, Peter Pettigrew was not born very well. He was not a pure-blooded family, and he must have no influence in the magical world.

Dumbledore will also recall the events of the year, and feel a headache. Peter Pettigrew's nomination for the Merlin Medal was submitted by him.

Firstly, Peter Pettigrew was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and secondly, it was because Peter's mother was too difficult.

This old woman cried, made troubles, and hanged herself trying to win the glory of the dead child, and she spent a full month for this!

Considering that the other party had just sacrificed his only son, he not only could not speak bad words, but also had to comfort the other party, so in desperation Dumbledore agreed to the nomination.

Originally, he thought it was just a cutscene, but he didn’t expect to pass the application...

Dumbledore wondered whether other colleagues had the same experience as himself.


At this moment, the dull bell suddenly rang, and the Aurors in the waiting hall escorted Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew out as if they had received an order.

Dumbledore turned to look at Harry and the others, and finally reminded. "The court will start soon, don't be too nervous, you are here waiting for the summons, and when you are asked questions, just tell the truth!"

After finishing talking ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Dumbledore walked out the door with the Aurors.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione who stayed all looked very nervous. They discussed countermeasures in a low voice, even simulating mutual questions and answers...

"Ivan, aren't you nervous?" Hermione looked at him strangely.

Ivan shook his head. Although he was also the first time he went to the Wizarding Court, he had a great chance of winning this time. It was not him who was on trial. What's the cause of panic.

Harry and Ron didn't think so. They were crazy about the predicament they might encounter in the trial court, and anxiously asked Ivan how to deal with it.

"Didn't Professor Dumbledore tell you? Just tell the truth! Just be careful not to be misled... If you have anything to hide, just say you don't know! I don't know! Anyway, don't lie!" Ivan was helpless. Said.

He thinks that the level of lying of Harry and others is so bad that it is easy to be seen through on the spot, so that the truths told before are no longer credible.

This is probably the reason why Dumbledore has always emphasized letting them tell the truth.

Harry and the others were chatting, the door of the waiting hall was suddenly opened, and a solemn Auror stood at the door and said to Ivan.

"Mr. Ivan Hals! Defender Albus Percival Woolfrick Brian Dumbledore asks you to testify in court!"

Ivan nodded, stood up, followed behind the Auror, and walked all the way to the door of the courtroom.

Auror opened the door and said blankly.

"Go in! Also, for the safety of the venue, you cannot bring your magic wand in!"

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