Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 456

Chapter 456: Deformed 1 petit peter

Hearing this rule, Ivan frowned, not sure if the other party was deliberately making things difficult for him.

But after hesitating for a while, Ivan still handed over the wand, because even if he lost the wand, he could still retain part of his combat power.

Besides, Dumbledore was also in the meeting, the other party should have no guts to mess around.

After the Auror confiscated the wand, he stretched out his hand to show him the way.

Ivan strode in, and noisy discussions continued to reach his ears, only to discover that there was a closed space inside.

The surrounding walls are made of dark stones, and the overall light is very dim. Only the magical fire standing on both sides illuminates the passage...josei

On the platform deliberately set aside in the center, Sirius and Pettigrew were sitting on two chains with their hands and feet handcuffed.

As defenders Dumbledore and Mrs. Peter accompanied them.

"I think I should have told it very clearly just now, the presiding judge!" Dumbledore's voice was very loud, reverberating in the closed courtroom.

"Ah! Yes!" The chief judge in a white robe stood on the high platform. He stared at Dumbledore for a while, then turned to Ivan who had just walked on the platform and asked.

"Mr. Ivan Hals! Just now Black's defender said that you discovered Peter's true identity, is that true?"

"Yes!" Ivan nodded and nodded.

"Please repeat it again!" The presiding judge stared at Ivan closely, and said in a deep voice.

"It started when I found a name on the map of Huodian a year ago..." Ivan told the story that had been told several times.

Although there are a lot of lies in this, Ivan has been tested for a long time, so his face is not red and heartbeat, and even his expression can fluctuate according to the needs of the situation.

After Ivan finished speaking, several staff members who were proficient in alchemy stepped forward and checked the live spot map in Ivan's mouth, confirming that the magic blessed above could indeed show the names of people in a region.

"Very good!" Hearing the feedback from the staff, the presiding judge no longer stared at Ivan, but turned to the little dwarf star tied to the seat.

"Then Mr. Peter has anything else to say?"

Dwarf star had a blank expression on his face, and his face kept changing.

He naturally understood what Ivan said just now, and there were scattered memories in his mind all the time, but they couldn't connect together anyway, which made him want to refute and don't know what to say.

Fortunately, at this moment, the old witch behind him paused fiercely on the crutch and roared.


Mrs. Peter looked around, glanced at the Wisengamo committee members sitting on both sides, and said tremblingly.

"Gentlemen and ladies... A year ago, a kid who had just entered the second grade was able to see through the transformation of Animagus? Is there a way to get rid of it on his own? This is ridiculous! He is lying, he must be Lying!"

Mrs. Peter looked at Ivan with hatred, as if she wanted to swallow him alive.

The committee members in the seat discussed each other. They felt that Mrs. Peter's words were very reasonable. It is impossible for a second-year student to understand Animagus Transfiguration so much, let alone successfully break it.

"Madam, I have to remind you that Mr. Hals has a very high level of transfiguration, and he was no worse than an average adult wizard in the second grade!"

Dumbledore's high tone overwhelmed the voices of those discussions and successfully attracted the attention of the committee members.

"Really? Please prove this to everyone!" The presiding judge looked at Ivan suspiciously. He didn't trust Dumbledore's words.

"Just give me a magic wand! I can demonstrate it on the spot..." Ivan is not afraid, and Transfiguration is his best magic.

The presiding judge gave the Auror on the side a look, and the latter knowingly returned the wand he had confiscated to Ivan.

For a while, everyone's eyes focused on Ivan, and the committee members whispered among the seats.

Ivan took the wand and lightly tapped a torch next to it.

The faint blue flame slammed up and then disappeared, and the iron base underneath quickly melted, changing its shape like a fluid.

But in a moment, the fluid slowly solidified. Another dwarf star tied to a chair appeared in front of the crowd, with the same confused look on his face as Peter. He opened his mouth to make a sound, but he blurted out some unexplained roars.

Ivan put away his magic wand and looked at such a "little star", but he secretly shook his head in his heart. It was still too difficult to make a living person.

Because everyone has corresponding characteristics, it is easy to distinguish, unlike deformed animals, as long as they are similar. More importantly, the deformed living person's IQ is too low, just like a mental retardation, so this attempt is considered a failure from Ivan's point of view...

However, other people present did not think so, Peter's mother straightened her eyes.

The "petty star" deformed by Ivan is almost indistinguishable from the real little dwarf star Peter. If she does not speak, it will be difficult for her to tell the truth from the false.

The presiding judge and the committee members who had also witnessed all this couldn't hide the shock in their hearts.

"What a wonderful transfiguration...If it weren't right in front of you, I can hardly imagine it was released by a third-grade kid..."

"Yeah, there is no flaw at all! This is beyond the level of most Aurors."

"Don't say it's an Auror, it turns out a living person, even I can't do it!"


The discussion became louder and louder~www.mtlnovel.com~ The wizards of Wezengarmo swept away the gazes they had just questioned. Several wizards even stood up with excitement, if it weren’t for the Auror to stop them. I plan to go to the platform to take a closer look!

Dumbledore was also surprised that Ivan's transfiguration technique had improved in a short period of time, and he was deeply moved. According to this rate of progress, if a few more years passed, he was afraid that he would surpass himself.

"I think this should be enough to answer everyone's doubts!" ​​Ivan didn't care about everyone's praise, waved his wand casually, changed the torch back to its original shape, and then looked at Peter's mother and continued to speak.

"In addition, as far as I know, your child Dwarf completed the Animagus Transfiguration technique before graduation! So I would like to ask Madam to have more trust and less doubt next time..."

Before the old witch could answer, Sirius sneered and said.

"That's because with the help of me and James, or Peter's guts, he will never practice!"

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