Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 474

Chapter 474: Trelawney's new prediction

"But... you're not..." Hermione looked at Ivan in surprise, and she tried to refute, but her sharp teeth seemed to be ineffective today, and her words became a little stumbling, and finally turned into a low voice. The whisper.

Ivan didn't hear what she was saying, and didn't care too much, and continued to read the book.

At this time, Harry seemed to think of something, hesitated and said. "Do you think Professor Trelawney is weird today..."

"What's the matter? Isn't that old witch talking about every day?" Ron curled his lips and spit out casually.

Since this school year, Ron thought he had figured out the truth and falsity of the divination professor, that is, a liar who fooled people by pretending to be crazy.

I really don’t know why Professor Dumbledore would find her in the school...

"No, it doesn't seem to be the same today!" Harry shook his head and said with certainty.

Ivan, who was flipping through the book, heard it stop here, he closed the book, looked at Harry and asked seriously. "Did Professor Trelawney make any new predictions?"

"How did you know it was prophesied?" Harry was strange.

Before Ivan could explain, Hermione was the first to speak. "Because Professor Trelawney also predicted us..."

"That what hell... the prophecy of killing?" Ron laughed. This prophecy shocked him at first, but nothing happened for so long.

Harry thought of it too, and laughed likewise...

"Yes! That's the prophecy... it's fulfilled!" Hermione frowned, looking at the two nonchalant people, and said solemnly.

"Yes... fulfilled?!" Ron was taken aback, and the books he was holding were knocked to the ground.

"When and how did it happen? Why don't we know?" Harry was confused, and unlike Ron, he clearly remembered what Professor Trelawney had predicted.

[You... a... killing! Blood... hell! 】

If such a prediction becomes a reality, it would be absolutely terrifying!

But Ivan and Hermione had stayed in the castle every day during the school year, meeting them often, and Harry couldn't think of how the prophecy was confirmed.

"It's fulfilled anyway, why are you asking so much?" Hermione glared at them, and then the little witch glanced at Ivan indifferently, her eyes softened a lot as she recalled her previous experience.

Under Hermione's glare, even if Harry and Ron had doubts, they could only hold them in their hearts.

"What did Professor Trelawney tell you?" Ivan changed the subject and asked directly.

Harry hesitated for a moment, and said it truthfully.

When he was in the divination class, he accidentally left the book in the classroom. When he returned to pick it up, he met Professor Trelawney who was watching a crystal ball.

"She was acting weird at the time, as if there was no shell of the soul..." Harry shuddered as he remembered, trying hard to retell the feeling of meeting the other party.

"After I came in, Professor Trelawney found me, and she said to me: Darkness is approaching, a huge shadow is covering the sky, and the servants of the Dark Lord will get out of trouble... The magical world is about to usher in a big change. .."

Having said this, Harry couldn't help but pause. Professor Trelawney also mentioned something about the **** of death...but the words were vague, he didn't listen to them all...

Hearing the content of the prophecy, Ron couldn't help shivering.

"Do you say that the servant of the Dark Lord refers to Peter Pettigrew?" Harry hesitated and asked.

"But isn't Peter Pettigrew caught in Azkaban? He shouldn't be able to get out, right?" Ron said with a trace of fluke.

He didn't want this fable to come true...

"That's why it's called getting out of trouble, isn't it?" Hermione broke Ron's illusion. "He is an Animagus! Sirius said that the dementors guarding Azkaban are not interested in animals, and Sirius escaped as a black dog!"

"No! Peter didn't come out so easily. The Ministry of Magic knows that he is Animagus and will strengthen control, otherwise, if problems arise, public opinion will drown Fudge! They have no reason to neglect..." Ivan He frowned deeply and retorted.

Because of the accidental capture of Sirius, a large number of wizards were already angry at the Ministry of Magic's mistakes.

If Peter, who was finally caught, is allowed to escape again this time, then Fudge, the Minister of Magic, will probably roll off the stage...

"Right, I said he can't run!" Ron was immediately happy when he saw Lian Ivan's support for his remarks.

What he didn't expect was that Ivan quickly changed his voice and continued to speak. "But if someone helps him, it's not necessarily!"

Ivan Lisuo took the book on the table into his pocket and greeted Harry and the others.

"Without further ado, let's notify Professor Dumbledore now!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione also realized the seriousness of the matter, and put aside all the review matters, and hurried to the principal's office together.

"By the way, does anyone remember the date of Peter's sentence?"

Running all the way in the corridor, Ivan suddenly thought of something and asked.

"It seems to be today!" Hermione calculated the time and said confidently.

Ivan thought of something, and beckoned them to run faster.


Half an hour ago, on an isolated island in the North Sea.

Mrs. Peter, as usual ~www.mtlnovel.com~ came to visit her child on crutches, but was stopped by two Aurors before entering.

"As usual, please hand over your magic wand, Mrs. Peter!"

"I don’t have a magic wand, gentlemen, it’s just my crutches... Please do it, and be considerate of the inconvenience of the old woman’s legs and feet! I have been here a few times before, and the gentlemen guarding here did not take my crutches, I just want to see The last side of my child!"

Mrs. Peter said in a sad tone, and she shed a few tears from time to time, which seemed so touching.

The two Aurors looked a little hesitant, and finally, for the sake of several golden gallons handed by Mrs. Peter, they were still deeply moved and put Mrs. Peter in.

Of course, to be on the safe side, an Auror chose to follow him personally to avoid accidents.

Mrs. Peter nodded, did not show any strangeness, and walked calmly in Azkaban's prison.

It is very dilapidated and gloomy. The iron door of the cell is full of rust. From time to time there will be crying and trembling screams and verbal abuse...josei

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