Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 475

Chapter 475: Who is not a great dramatist these days

For this hell-like scene, Mrs. Peter has already taken no surprises, but thinks that her child has been detained here for seven days, and then feels distressed again...

"You'd better hurry up, I only give you ten minutes!" After the Auror opened the cell door, he said to Mrs. Peter impatiently.

Although the money is collected, ordinary people would not want to stay in such a ghost place for too long, they will be insane, become crazy and stupid...

Thinking of this, the Auror glanced pity at the Dwarf in the cell.

At this time, the little dwarf star was curling up, trembling non-stop, chanting some inexplicable words in his mouth, and he didn't even react to seeing Mrs. Peter's mother coming in.

The Auror knew exactly what was going on. The poor man was cleansed with the Forgotten Charm, and the dementors were tortured so hard that he didn't remember anything now.josei

Death may be considered a relief...

The Auror sighed silently in his heart.

However, sympathy returned to sympathy, considering his duty, he still stood in place, staring at the two to prevent them from playing any tricks.

Mrs. Peter couldn't help it anymore, lying on Dwarf Star and whispering in a low voice, talking about some short things in the parents, perhaps hoping to awaken the memory of the other party, but Dwarf Star had a blank expression...

"Okay, time is almost up, ma'am, we should go now!" Ten minutes later, the Auror hardened his heart and interrupted the meeting between the mother and son.

"Sir... give me some more time... please!" Mrs. Peter sobbed.

Auror shook his head, not because he didn't want to, but because it was time for Dwarf Star to execute his sentence!

Sure enough, at this point of delay, two Aurors came over, and they were a little helpless seeing this situation.

After the three Aurors talked privately, they forcibly pulled away Mrs. Peter, who was unwilling to leave, and then the two Aurors started to drag the Little Dwarf away.

If you deal with ordinary criminals, you don't need Aurors to intervene, just leave it to the Dementor for the whole process.

But Pettigrew is different. He is a rare criminal who can use Animagus. There is a certain risk in the control of the Dementor. Therefore, he needs to be supervised by the Auror throughout the process to ensure that he dies at the kiss of the Dementor. under!

Not to mention that the magic handcuffs worn on Pettigrew's hands are very precious. They can block the operation of magic power and need someone to recover them!

Seeing Pettigrew being forcibly pulled away, Mrs. Peter collapsed on her knees and began to cry.

The Auror shook his head and sighed, softly murmured a few words of comfort, and said after Mrs. Peter's mood improved.

"Madam, we should go now!"

Mrs. Peter wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and nodded tremblingly.

The Auror turned his head helplessly, ready to lead the way.

However, just as he turned his head, Mrs. Peter's eyes suddenly became sharp, she threw up the walking stick and said viciously!


A low and hoarse voice sounded in the corridor outside the cell.

The Auror reacted when he heard the voice, but Mrs. Peter's previous disguise made him relax his vigilance, and he did not anticipate the possibility of an attack. As a result, he was hit by a beam of light just after he drew out his wand, his body hit the wall, and he suddenly lost consciousness.

And on his right hand, he is also wearing protective gloves, but unfortunately it needs to look directly into the other person’s eyes to be effective...

After knocking down the Auror, Mrs. Peter took out a bottle of potion-filled reagent from her pocket, then pulled out one of Auror’s hair, put it in the reagent, and waited for the potion to change color and took a mouthful. Irrigate!

The next moment, the effect of the compound decoction began to take effect, and Mrs. Peter's face became distorted, and her body slowly pulled up and deformed...

When the changes gradually stabilized, Mrs. Peter immediately felt that her new body was so young...strong...and energetic!

Even the blurred vision became brighter.

Considering the limited time, Mrs. Peter adapted briefly, and quickly took off the Auror's clothes, then threw the opponent back to the empty cell, and hurriedly headed to the execution site!

From what she knew, her child was executed at noon, which means that there are still at most ten minutes left!

Since only the Dementors were guarding Azkaban's interior, Mrs. Peter went smoothly all the way.

After all, these monsters couldn't see the disguise of the compound soup, and those Aurors stayed on the observation deck of the island, and would not come to this place full of dementors to suffer if nothing was important.

This made Mrs. Peter's actions a lot easier, and she successfully rushed to the field before noon.

The execution was carried out in an empty flat ground. The little dwarf was standing in the middle of the flat ground under the pressure of two Aurors. The sky of the island was black and black, and countless dementors wandered excitedly in the clouds , Waiting to enjoy the food.

Swallowing souls is an extremely evil act in the eyes of wizards, so the prisoners held in Azkaban will only rarely be executed. Dementors often don't encounter this kind of opportunity for several years, and they become restless.

Everyone wants to fight for the chance to absorb soul...

They just can't get the order, they don't dare to do it yet, they can only stay far away...

The two Aurors standing below whispered a few words. Although the dementors didn't have the guts to absorb their emotions, they felt cold and uncomfortable just staying here.

While complaining, the two also noticed Mrs. Peter walking here.

"Jack, why did you follow?" a tall and thin Auror frowned and asked strangely.

"It's not the **** old woman just now, so I want me to give the prisoner a pair of socks she wore, saying that this thing can make people live better below..." Mrs. Peter was so mature, she made up casually. One reason.

"What kind of mess is this? How come I haven't heard of such rumors..." The tall and thin Auror shook his head silently ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and then looked suspiciously at Mrs. Peter. Continue to say.

"Honestly, how much money did you collect?"

"How much do you expect that old woman can bring out? No matter how you search, it will only be a dozen gallons!" Mrs. Peter put on a look of disdain.

"Tsk tusk tusk...you are still cruel!" The other Auror looked at this colleague like a scum.

The tall and thin Auror was a little suspicious. Although Jack usually likes to be greedy for some petty bargains, he is not so cruel. He can search for a sum of money for an old witch who is about to lose a child.

Or did you say that you misunderstood him before?

"One person and two gallons, to save face, how about doing this disgusting thing for me? That old lady said that he must be dressed for him!"

Mrs. Peter took out the smelly sock, put on a disgusting look, and asked.

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