Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 484

Chapter 484: I can see it now too!

Now that the matter has been resolved, everyone no longer gathers in this small classroom.

"I really don't understand. Why did Professor Dumbledore applaud Malfoy? It was Malfoy who wanted to drive Professor Lupin away. Now that I regret temporarily, we still have to praise him for failing?"

In the hallway of Hogwarts Castle, Ron was still thinking about what happened in the classroom before, and he was very dissatisfied.

"What's the solution? Malfoy just need to say a few more words, Professor Lupin's identity will definitely be exposed!" Hermione explained, then stuck out her tongue and continued.

"Perhaps for Professor Dumbledore, Malfoy is like a crying child, so he can comfort him by giving him some sweets."

Harry and Ron couldn't help laughing after hearing Hermione's words. Hermione's analogy was so appropriate!

Ivan also smiled, but he felt that Dumbledore's idea was not that simple.

Even if the old professor acted casually, he was a kind of guidance. He probably wanted Malfoy to see another way to show off and gain flowers and glory. Don't always think of bad ideas to attract attention...


After the awarding ceremony in the auditorium, Hogwarts Castle was restored to its former tranquility. Everyone enjoyed the last period of time before leaving school until the day when the exam was successfully announced!

Ivan has achieved outstanding results in general subjects without any suspense, even Trelawney's divination class is no exception!

Because he pretended to see a terrible omen in the crystal ball during the divination exam! And predicted that the magic world will usher in a **** storm in the future...

Professor Trelawney was very happy to praise him for his talent as a prophet, and asked if he was interested in some in-depth learning...

Regarding this, Ivan refused without hesitation!

He feels that Trelawney's prophecy level depends entirely on talent. In addition to her ability to predict under certain circumstances, she is usually half-hearted.

During the exam, what he predicted was not the turbulence of the British magical world, but the entire European magical world!

just wanted to confirm whether Trelawney could correct this, but she didn't notice it at all.

Perhaps as rumored in the school, Trelawney simply likes to hear some predictions about killings, deaths, disasters, =...

"This is impossible!"

Just as Ivan was thinking about it, Hermione next to her looked at the transcript in her hand and screamed, her wrists trembling.

"What's the matter?" Ivan looked at her in surprise.

"My divination class unexpectedly only got an A! I have never received such a low evaluation!" Hermione said in disappointment, and then whispered what she should have thought of.

Harry and Ron Ziqi who heard this rolled their eyes. Most of their transcripts were A, and only the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Divination class, and Herbology were evaluated by E.

But Ron still complained. "When you were taking the exam, if you told Professor Trelawney that we would all fall downstairs to death tomorrow, then she would definitely give you the highest evaluation!"

Hermione shook her head. After experiencing the first two prophetic events, she is very sensitive to such things. Of course, she can't speak nonsense. What if it happens?

Considering that they will leave Hogwarts by train together in the afternoon, the few people went back to their bedroom to pack their luggage while chatting.

Of course, Harry and Ron were the only ones who were busy cleaning up.

Ivan waved his magic wand at will, and the bedding and a large amount of clothing flew up, folded in mid-air automatically, and then was put into a small suitcase with an extension curse.

The same is true for books and some miscellaneous objects, which are sorted neatly in minutes.

"Is this the magic item you made? It's really convenient!" Harry looked at Ivan with the suitcase in his hand, and looked at his heavy suitcase, very envious.

"Yes, I made it myself! If it goes well, you can buy it before school next year..." Ivan said with a smile.

This portable suitcase is another proof of his improvement in alchemy.

After reading the alchemy books left by Bok, Ivan extracted the corresponding magic texts. After this period of study and research, he combined them into a magic text sequence with an effect similar to the extended curse. Expand the internal space of an item.

Going back this time, he will teach this kind of magic text sequence to Aysia, and his magic shop will be able to have another big-selling magic item.

Just like when they came, after lunch, Ivan and the others boarded the carriage parked on the soft rock road and staggered to Hogwarts Station.

Hermione looked fascinated at the front of the carriage through the window, like a magical creature with a pair of large bat wings, she hadn't recovered for a long time.

Ivan followed Hermione’s gaze and found out that she was watching Ye Qi...

"What are you looking at? There is nothing there..." Harry asked strangely, and Ron also looked confused.

"Yeqi..." Hermione explained, and then saw Harry and the others with a confused look, then continued.

"These carriages do not move out of thin air, but are pulled by Ye Qi~www.mtlnovel.com~Well...that is a very special kind of magical creature, only those who have witnessed death can see them."

At this point, Hermione couldn't help thinking of Luna, pursed her lips, and then became happy again, she muttered to herself.

"But now I can see it too!"

Ivan, who heard Hermione's whisper, shook his head secretly. He really didn't understand. What's so happy to see Ye Qi?josei

If you can believe that most people would rather never see it...

【Ding, this school year is over, do you want to make a school year summary? 】

The system's prompt sound pulled Yifan back from his emotions, and after silently agreeing in his heart, the system panel appeared in front of his eyes.

【As of today, your performance this school year is as follows..

class evaluation: perfect

Reward: 200 academic points


Final exam results: Transfiguration class, Divination, Defense against the Dark Arts class...

Reward: 900 academic points


Glory: Quidditch champion, Gryffindor Academy Cup.

Overall reward: 1300 academic points]

Because there are several more elective courses in this school year, the rewards for the school year summary are much higher than those of the previous two school years.

plus some specially reserved before, a total of three thousand grade points!

This is his summer vacation with Nick Le May to learn alchemy.

Ivan believes that as long as he can show his talents, this alchemist has no reason not to accept himself as a disciple...

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