Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 485

Chapter 485: Leaving school and renewed task schedule

Thinking about this, Ivan suddenly realized that there are really a lot of things to do this summer.

But before he goes home, he has to go to the old house of the Black family and destroy the Horcrux first!

Putting such an important thing there, Ivan always feels a little unsure, what if I lose it?

Even if it’s been kept there forever, this thing might confuse Harry and the others who are going to be a guest in Black’s old house.

So as early as a few days ago, Ivan sent a letter to Esiah, stating that he would go to a friend's house this summer vacation first, and bring a few precious books back, so that he does not need to go to Kingdom Cross Station. Come pick yourself up.

When he got the Slytherin locket, he directly used the Shift Shadow to return to his black magic shop...

"Wait... Has the progress of this task increased?" After reading the school year summary, Ivan glanced at the task bar and found that the progress of the task of becoming the King of Knockdown Alley seemed to have increased compared to before. Up to one percent.

Ivan couldn’t figure out if he remembered it wrong...


The carriage went all the way down the soft rocky road, the body swayed and made a clicking sound, and it quickly reached Hogwarts station.

The red train has stopped at the platform, and thick white steam is blowing from the large exhaust port. Ivan, who is far away, heard the loud whistle of the Hogwarts train...

"Children, come here, line up, and get in the car one by one!"

Among the crowd, Hagrid is trying hard to maintain order, directing the little wizards to board the train one by one.

I have to say that he is very suitable for this job, and that tall figure is clearly visible in the crowd.

"Harry, this way!" After seeing Ivan and the others, Hagrid greeted here happily.

Harry was also happy to hug Hagrid and say goodbye, and then boarded the train to go home. Amidst the rumbling of the train, he stared at Hogwarts Castle gradually away...

Ivan and others were chatting, looking for free carriages.

But what they didn't expect was that when they opened a box, their Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor was sitting in the corner by the car window, staring into the distance.

"Professor Lupin, why are you here?" Ivan asked unexpectedly.

Generally speaking, Hogwarts professors also stay in the castle during the summer vacation. After all, there is board and lodging there. This is especially true for professors like Lupin who don't have their own houses.

"Because of this summer, do you plan to travel where the professor is going?" Hermione's mind turned quickly, and she immediately thought of a possibility.

However, this time Hermione had miscalculated, Lupin shook his head and spoke.

"No! I didn't plan to do that, but because I submitted my resignation to Principal Dumbledore the other day, according to the rules, I can no longer stay at Hogwarts..."josei

"What? Professor Lupin, you want to resign? Why?" Ron looked at Lupin in astonishment and couldn't help but question.

"It must be Malfoy, right!" Harry thought of Malfoy at once, and said very angrily. "It must be that he secretly told the Ministry of Magic, I'm going to beat him up!"

Harry drew out his wand and planned to go to Malfoy to settle the account, but he was stopped by Lupin before he could act.

"It's not like that, Harry! It has nothing to do with Malfoy! It has nothing to do with other people, it is my own choice!" Lupin said with a wry smile.

He did not lie, and no one complained about his identity these days.

But Lupin also knows that this situation will not last long. Most of Umbridge, who hit a wall at school last time, is already checking his identity.

More importantly, Snape's maliciousness towards him increased day by day. I don't know when it will break out. Rather than being identified in the next school year and dragging down the school's reputation, it is better to leave by himself.

Harry didn't understand this, he couldn't accept Lupin's resignation at all, so he anxiously dissuaded him.

"If you go, what about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class next school year? We can't live without you!"

"Yes, you are the best Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor! I don't want Dumbledore to hire a Lockhart, or someone like Chino!" Ron also quickly persuaded.

"Don't worry, no! The next Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor is a very good person! You can definitely learn a lot from him..." Lupin smiled and comforted Harry and the others. , And then continued.

"Also, what Malfoy said last time is not wrong. I concealed my identity as a werewolf wizard to teach at Hogwarts, which is a very irresponsible behavior."

Although Lupin said so, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were still a little unhappy.

Ivan raised his eyebrows in surprise. The next Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor was decided so early?

Is Mad-Eye Moody? Ivan thought so.

But that’s right. According to common sense, every Defence Against the Dark Arts professor will have problems at the end of the semester. UU Reading www. uukanshu. It is normal for com to choose a good candidate in advance...

"By the way, Professor Lu Ping, have you thought about what kind of work you will do in the future?" Ivan suddenly thought of this and asked.

"Not yet..." Lupin shook his head hesitantly, and then smiled freely. "Of course, you don't have to worry about me. It's not anymore than before. Sirius is willing to take me in. I have been all these days. You can live in his house until you find a job!"

"You will live in Sirius's house? That's great, we can see each other often during summer vacation!" Harry couldn't help being a little surprised, and he was no longer so repulsive about Lupin's resignation.

Because he plans to spend half of his summer vacation in the old house of the Black family...

Ivan is hesitant to take the opportunity to win Lupin to work for him, this is an excellent opportunity.

As the backbone of the Order of the Phoenix, Lupin’s combat power naturally goes without saying, there is no problem in dealing with people and things, as can be seen from the academic year as a professor, he is enough to be alone.

However, because of the identity of the core member of the Lupin Order of the Phoenix, Ivan hesitated. He didn't want all his actions to be exposed to Dumbledore's eyes.

Lupin’s thinking is too decent, and it may not be possible to get along with Aisia, Dougte, etc. This matter has to be considered for a long time.

Although he was thinking about things in his mind, on the surface Ivan was talking happily with Lupin, Harry and others.

It wasn't until a few hours later that the red-skin train stopped at the London Wizarding Platform in a clear roar with billowing smoke. They packed their luggage and got off the train.

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