Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 486

Chapter 486: If the poor mistress learns this news, she will be angry...

Several people stepped onto the wizard platform together, and Sirius was already there waiting for them.

Harry greeted him immediately and gave him a warm hug.

Sirius patted Harry on the shoulder, then looked at Ivan and spoke.

"Are you ready, Hals? We don't need to go to Kingdom Cross station, just use the transform here..."

"Of course, anytime! But where should we send it to?" Ivan asked. Of course he knows the specific address of Sirius’s house, but the premise of changing his shape is that he has to go to that place, or else. There may be deviations.

"Oh, I almost forgot, let Lupin take you with you!" Sirius said embarrassingly.

Fortunately, Lupin will also go this time, otherwise he would not have enough magic power to carry two people to such a far place.

"Ivan, in the summer, remember to write to me..." Hermione suddenly reminded me.

Then the little witch looked at him fiercely as if thinking of something again. "Don't forget this time!"

"Of course, I promise! I'll write to you as soon as I go back, okay?" Ivan nodded repeatedly, indicating that he had already kept it in his heart.

Sirius smiled and watched this scene. After receiving Ivan’s affirmative answer, the little witch pushed the suitcase and Ron through the wall connecting the outside world to King’s Cross Station.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, Ivan, Lupin, Sirius, and Harry were left behind.

Like Ivan, Harry didn't plan to go home directly, instead he planned to live with Sirius for a few days.

As for the Dursleys? Harry asked Hedwig to bring them a letter two days ago. After hearing the news, they were very happy, wishing he would never go back.

"Let's go, this time the destination is Grimmauld Place!" Sirius took Harry's hand and said to Ivan and Lupin.

Lupin nodded, grabbed Ivan’s wrist, and waved his magic wand!


Accompanied by the spell being spoken, Ivan suddenly felt that he was sucked into a narrow space, his body was spinning in it, and he was kicked out again after a while.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was standing in the corner of the alley.

"We're lucky, no Muggles passed by here!" Sirius looked around and saw that there was no one in the alley, so he straightened his clothes and took the lead and went out.

Ivan, Harry, and Lupin followed closely.

Outside the alley is a small square, which looks a bit dilapidated. The stone bricks on the ground are cracked and there is no one to manage. There are weeds stubbornly coming out of the cracks in the stone bricks, only far away The horns of Muggle vehicles can also be faintly heard.

"Sirius, are we there yet?" Harry asked.

"Yes, that's right! That's it, Grimmauld Place 12..." Sirius looked at the mansions behind the square, pointed to the sign on one of the doors, and said.

Ivan looked over there and clearly saw the mansion pointed by Sirius.

It seems that this place has not been designated as the resident of the Order of the Phoenix, and the Curse of Fidelity has been imposed, otherwise he should be invisible.

But this old house has been in disrepair for a long time, the windows above are broken, the walls are even more dirty, and the paint on the door has come off.

Harry was also looking at it, with an expression of astonishment on his face, obviously he didn't expect Sirius' home to be so dilapidated.

Sirius gave a light cough and hurriedly explained.

"Don't look at the appearance of this house, it's because no one has lived in it for too long. After I take care of it with the repairing curse and dust removal curse, I can still live here very comfortably..."

"That's right, I can come and help later!" Harry didn't care what the mansion was like, it was just a surprise before.

A few people walked to the door together on some ragged steps.

The style of    the door is very simple, with a lot of staggered scratches on it for some reason. The silver door knocker is in the shape of a large snake. There is no keyhole on the door and no letter box.

Sirius drew his wand and knocked on the door. There was a rattling sound of chains twitching behind the door. After a while, the door creaked and opened.

"Okay, we can go in!"

Sirius gave Ivan and the others the way carelessly, but after entering, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Because the house was dark and lacquered with a musty and rotten smell, the floor and surrounding walls were covered with thick dust, and some corners were even covered with spider webs, which did not seem to be able to The way people live.

Sirius also noticed this, and his face suddenly became uncontrollable.

Although he had come back before, he was alone, and when he came back, he just took some things and left. He didn't care whether this place was broken or broken... In addition to living in Hogwarts for a long time, he simply forgot about it. It's a stubble.

"Clean up!" Sirius hurriedly waved his wand to cast a spell.

A large amount of magic power turned into a storm raging in the entire living room, and countless dust and fine sand were engulfed in magic and blown into the air~www.mtlnovel.com~, gathered into a sand ball, and then flew out along the broken window.

The dimly lit living room became much cleaner all at once, but it was still a little messy.

And Sirius who casts spells will be exhausting, panting and looking at the huge house, very weak.

For the first time, he hoped that this house could be smaller so that he could clean it easily...

"It looks like this is a very laborious job, let's help together!" Lupin looked at Sirius's embarrassed appearance and couldn't help but smile.

"Well, we can separate and clean so quickly!" Yifan also suggested, and it happened that he could take this opportunity to find where the Horcrux was placed.

Although Ivan is quite sure that the thing is in this room, it is impossible to remember the details of the specific location.

"What about me? I haven't learned that kind of magic yet..." Harry asked in a somewhat awkward manner. The cleaning of Sirius and others seemed to be different from what he had in mind, and it should be the use of magic.josei

But he doesn't know how to remove the dust curse...

"It doesn't matter, you can just follow me, I will teach you myself!" Sirius took a rest for a while, and then healed, looked at Harry and said comfortingly.

Just as everyone was preparing to take action, a low, fine voice suddenly rang.

"...It's a disgusting smell of strangers, and the disgusting prodigal brought some scumbag friends into the noble Black House.

If the poor mistress learns this news, she will be mad...Poor old Kreacher can't stop them, what can it do..."

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