Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 508

Chapter 508: A fighter against the Dark Lord, a well-deserved hero! (2…

12 Grimmauld Place, London,

Along with the interlacing of space, several figures appeared out of thin air in the living room of the old Black House.

"It's very dangerous, it's just a bit, we probably won't be able to come back..." Ivan's forehead was sweating coldly. In the few seconds before he left, Lihuo Phoenix completely got rid of his control. If the teleportation is too late Then, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Just know, you better stop using this dangerous black magic in the future..." Sirius reminded him earnestly.

Sirius felt that this loss of control of the magic might not be a good thing, because it probably taught Ivan a sufficiently profound lesson.

Ivan nodded solemnly.

But unlike Sirius’s imagination, Ivan noticed the danger of Li Huo at the same time, but also saw Li Huo’s unparalleled destructive ability.

The fiery phoenix, which used thousands of corpses as fuel in the cave, swelled to tens of meters in length, is the most powerful magic he has ever seen!

Aside from using the shape to change shadows to run away, Ivan couldn't find a way to suppress it at all.

If he can master this power proficiently and apply it to actual combat, then his strength can be upgraded to a new level. It is not impossible to rely on the fierce characteristics to fight against a dozen wizards at once!

Of course, under normal circumstances, Li Huo cannot expand to this point without sufficient nutrients.

Before mastering the counter-curse that could restrain Li Huo, Ivan didn’t have the guts to use Li Huo on a large scale, otherwise he would die with his opponent if he rashly releases this curse.

When Ivan was thinking about it, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the back room, followed by a familiar voice.

"Sirius, Ivan, Professor Lupin, great, you are finally back!" Harry was very excited and hugged Sirius.

He spent a long time in Black’s old mansion alone, and after hearing the movement, he ran out as fast as he could.

Harry couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that everyone was doing well, but Lupin, who had transformed into a werewolf form, really surprised him.

Although Harry knew that Professor Lupin was a werewolf wizard, it was the first time he saw Lupin transforming himself.

Lupin also realized that there was something wrong with keeping his transformed form, looked at his two paws uncomfortably, and asked awkwardly.

"Ivan, how should I change back now?"

Ivan scratched his head. How could he know that he is not a werewolf, but thinking that it is easy for Fren and the others to switch back and forth between the two forms, he asked Lupin to think about the feeling of returning to his original form every time a full moon night.

Lu Ping tried it. When this thought came to his mind, his body began to react. The two pointed claws slowly retracted, the tall body quickly shrank, and the hideous head was also transformed into the original one. Looks like.

"This is amazing!" Lu Ping couldn't help sighing. He realized that as long as he thought about it, he could turn back into a werewolf again, so he looked at Ivan eagerly and asked again.

"What is the potion that you gave me before? Is the wolf's poison potion? I remember that the wolf's poison potions on the market should not have this effect."

"That is the improved wolf poison potion I just developed not long ago! The werewolf wizard who drank it has the ability to freely control the transformation within 50 days, and stay awake at all times in the transformation state." Ivan said. Explaining, then suddenly remembered something, and continued to speak.

"Oh, yes, one thing I forgot to say, after drinking the potion, the werewolf wizard will no longer have the ability to infect others during this time!"

"In other words, not only can I transform at will, and I don't have to worry about hurting others by accident?" Lu Ping stepped forward and grabbed Ivan's wrist, and asked excitedly.

"Yes! But the effect is only for fifty days. After this time, you have to drink the medicine again." Ivan nodded affirmatively.

"Enough...enough!" Lu Ping muttered to himself, suddenly stepped back and bowed deeply to Ivan.

"Professor Lupin, what are you doing?" Ivan didn't expect Lupin's behavior at all, and hurriedly backed down.

"Thank you for your help to us werewolf wizards... If this potion can be popularized, I think the werewolves in the magic world will definitely be better off." Lupin looked at Ivan with emotion.

If he remembers correctly, Ivan had only developed a wolf poison potion the year before, and it took a long time to develop an improved wolf poison potion. It can be seen that Ivan is very interested in changing the living conditions of these werewolf wizards.

The reason why wizards in the magical world hate werewolf wizards so much, in addition to losing their minds when they transform every month, the more important thing is the infection ability of werewolves.

The improved wolf poison potion directly solves these two problems. If there is no time limit, Ivan can already declare that the group of werewolves has been cured.

Sirius beside    was also happy about this, and even jokingly said that if this kind of potion becomes popular one day, the werewolves might be admired by a group of fanatics.

Because there must be a large number of power-seeking wizards who are eager to convert themselves into werewolves.

Harry didn't quite understand the importance of the modified wolf poison potion to Lupin, but it didn't prevent him from being happy with him.

However, Ivan poured cold water on them. "Professor Lu Ping, this new type of improved potion requires a lot of precious materials to be produced, and I am afraid it will not be popular in a short time!"

Ivan would not sell the improved wolf poison potion just because of Lupin’s few words.

He is very aware that there are kind and lawful werewolves like Fren and Lupin in the group of werewolf wizards, but more are werewolf wizards who have fallen into dark wizards and rely on robbery, murder, and petty theft to survive.

You must know that in the two wizarding wars in the original time and space, most werewolf wizards stood firmly on the side of the Dark Lord, and all they did was to spread fear and create chaos. Ivan didn't want to increase the strength of his enemies.josei

Hearing Ivan say this, Lupin was somewhat disappointed, but he didn't care too much. It is normal that the new potion cannot be popularized in a short time.

The speed at which Ivan improved the potion also made Lupin full of confidence. Maybe soon Ivan will be able to develop a potion that can completely cure the werewolves.

"We will wait for some time to talk about the wolf poison potion. Now the most urgent thing is to place Regulus first!" Ivan turned the subject away and turned his gaze to Regulus, who was carrying Sirius.

Lupin immediately looked at Sirius apologetically. He had forgotten the matter of patronizing the wolf poison potion just now.

Sirius certainly didn't care. He asked Ivan and Lupin to wait here for a while, went to the basement alone to take out a coffin, and then took them to a wasteland by apparition.

Many tombs have been erected here, and they seem to have not been taken care of for a long time. The tombstones are full of mud and fallen leaves, but from the inscription above, it can be vaguely seen that those buried here are members of the Black family.

Ivan turned his head and happened to see a familiar name written on a tombstone next to him-Phineas Nigelus Black.

He once saw his portrait in the portrait of the principal's office. It was the most unpopular principal in Hogwarts history. According to rumors, all the students and teachers in the school hated him very much.

But members of the Black family obviously don’t think so, so in the column of honors at the bottom of the inscription, it says-Phineas Nigelus Black, Hogwarts’ most outstanding principal, first class Merlin Medal. He has made outstanding contributions to the magical world during his lifetime.

Sirius didn't look at these tombstones, and paid homage to anyone here. Instead, he took a shovel and dug in a clearing on his own.

Lupin and Ivan stepped forward to help, but he refused.

Sirius worked so hard from the evening to the morning of the next day. He did not use any magic. He digs the pit with a shovel with all his strength. He also engraved Regulus's name on a blank tombstone, and then follow the usual practice. Began to write Regulus' honor.

Sirius wrote a lot, and even wrote about such trivial things that he was praised by Dean Slytherin when Regulus was in the fourth grade.

This is not worth mentioning compared to the great achievements of other Black members on the tombstone, but Sirius does not care about these rules.

It is not so much that he is writing about the honors that Regulus has won, but rather that he is slowly recalling some of the past of this younger brother.

I couldn’t write it any more, Sirius solemnly stated in the last line that Regulus was a fighter against the Dark Lord, a well-deserved hero!

After the inscription was written, Sirius stood up, turned his gaze to the side, lifted his petrified state and was tied to Regulus.

A person who has been transformed into a corpse will have his soul trapped in his body, so there is only one way to free Regulus.

"!" After hesitating for a long time, Sirius gritted his teeth and waved his wand.

A tongue of flame sprayed out from the top of the wand and hit Regulus directly, lighting him into a torch.

Regulus, who had been transformed into a corpse, struggled hard, opening his mouth wide and letting out painful wailing, but to no avail.

Kreacher knelt on the ground feebly, covering his face and wept bitterly, chanting Regulus's name over and over again.

Regulus struggling in the flames became smaller and smaller, and the wailing voice gradually disappeared. Vaguely, Ivan seemed to be calmer when he saw Regulus' painful and hideous face.

Sirius stood still on the spot, with his back facing everyone, making it difficult to see his current expression.

When the flames gradually extinguished, Sirius stepped forward and began to collect Regulus' remains, and put many relics from the house into the coffin, and finally buried them in the dust.

After handling all this, the depressed Sirius took them back to the Black’s mansion.

Everyone present stayed up all night, especially Ivan and Sirius, who even dived into the cold bottom of the lake to collect corpses. Their physical strength and magic power were almost consumed, and they were able to survive until now by their own willpower.

So after returning to the mansion and simply eating a few pieces of bread to fill the hunger, everyone was not in the mood to talk more, so they all went back to the room to rest. As soon as they fell asleep, they slept until the next morning.

While eating breakfast, Harry curiously asked about the corpse removal process yesterday. Sirius didn't want Harry to worry about it, but just understated their experience of dealing with the corpses.

Even if he ignored the most thrilling scenes, the process of fighting with the corpses in the dark lake caused Harry to be frightened. He doubted whether he would be able to come back alive if he insisted on following it before.

Lupin made some supplements at the right time, telling him about the corpse attack when he and Dobby were waiting on the shore of the lake.

Probably because Sirius hit Regulus with a petrification curse at the bottom of the lake, a certain restriction was triggered, and they were also attacked by corpses on the shore.

With the flame curse being greatly weakened, he and Dobby could only alternately fluoresce to disperse the corpses. When the magic power was almost exhausted, they remembered the bottle of potion Ivan gave him.

"After I drank the potion, I tried to become a werewolf. I defeated the corpses that stood in the way~www.mtlnovel.com~ and then followed the flames to find you." Lu Ping recounted the story roughly. Again.

"So, Ivan summoned a flaming phoenix in that cave and burned thousands of corpses?" After listening to all of them, Harry was most interested in this, what a powerful magical talent that must be. make it happen.

"That's a fierce fire curse. When I was looking for information on the Horcruxes, I accidentally saw it in the "Decrypted Cutting-Edge Black Magic". I thought this special magic might be effective for Voldemort's Horcruxes, so I wrote it down." Ivan He gave an explanation to avoid Lupin's misunderstanding.

Then Ivan looked at Harry again and warned. "Li Huo is a very dangerous black magic. It is easy to get out of control. Even some powerful wizards can't fully control it. This time, if we didn't transmit it in time, I am afraid that Li Huo would have been burned to death by the out of control Li Huo! "

Harry nodded hesitantly.

Ivan didn't say much. For a little wizard like Harry, who was 13 or 4 years old and didn't like to learn, it was almost impossible to take the initiative to learn magic in the library, so he was very relieved.

After having breakfast in a hurry, Ivan greeted Sirius, entered the Black family library, re-extracted the "Cutting-edge Black Magic Decipherment", and successfully found the corresponding Lihuo Curse Anti-curse!

This is also the reason why Li Huo is not listed as an unforgivable curse, because as long as he knows how to reverse the curse, sorcerers can use magic to restrain Li Huo and destroy it!

However, this kind of anti-curse is only useful for small-scale fiery fires. If the huge fiery phoenix in the cave is formed, even the anti-curse will be completely useless.

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