Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 509

Chapter 509: In such a big magic world, there is no room for a small shop that can make money safely...

There is only one method that can limit large-scale fierce fire, and there is only one in Ivan's impression that all curses are the end!

If multiple people work together to cast it, they can even suppress the fierce fire that swells enough to destroy a city, and if he remembers correctly, Nick Lemay should know how to cast this kind of magic.

Thinking of this, Ivan breathed out slowly, closed the book in his hand and put it back on the shelf.

He is very interested in the Black family's book collection, but he has been here for four full days in order to destroy the Horcrux, so now is the time to leave!

At noon, after having a great lunch with Sirius, Lupin, and Harry, Ivan said that he was going to return home this afternoon.

"So soon? Don't you stay here for a few more days? Regulus, I haven't had time to thank you." Sirius was a little surprised, and said with a word.

Ivan shook his head, and declined Sirius's kindness.

A few days later, it’s time to meet with Nick LeMay. He had not been able to stay at home to spend much time with Aysia, and it wouldn't be nice to delay it like this.

Seeing Ivan's persistence, Sirius didn't keep him anymore, anyway, it was easy for them and wizards to meet each other.

"So, do you want to use the fireplace here? Floo fans, I remember, there are still some left... I looked for where I put it." Sirius thought for a while, then knelt down and opened a cabinet in the living room. Up.

"Forget it! My mother set up magic on the fireplace at home, and it can't be transmitted directly. I'll apparate by myself!" Ivan stopped Sirius, shrugged helplessly, and then waved his wand. Point to the stairs.

"The suitcase is coming!"

After a while, a small suitcase dangled and flew down from upstairs, and fell into Ivan's hands.

After checking that there was nothing missing, Ivan turned his head to look at Dobby, and said. "Let's go, Dobby! Just to introduce you to my mother..."

Dobby nodded fiercely, looking very happy, because it meant that it would formally integrate into the owner's family.


After a simple goodbye, one person and one spirit cast their magic and disappeared in place.

Waiting for Ivan to stand firmly and stare around him again, he has appeared in a corner of the street in Knock Down Alley, not far from his magic shop.

But the store door there is closed, it looks like Aysia is not at home.

What makes Ivan feel that something is wrong is that the whole street is empty, and the doors and windows of nearby houses are also tightly closed.josei

Ivan frowned. This situation reminded him of his experience when he returned to Knockout Alley last summer vacation.

But this shouldn't be right, Ivan is very sure that he has dealt with all the potential threats, and Fren and others are responsible for protecting the magic shop.

A large group of werewolf wizards who can transform freely are a huge force in Knockdown Alley. Normally, no one should provoke them without opening their eyes.

Ivan quickly walked to the front of the shop, waving his magic wand and opening the door.


The sound of sliding the door bolt slowly sounded. After the door was pushed open, several black light beams suddenly flew out from behind the door.

Ivan subconsciously activated the protective ring, an invisible magic barrier blocked him, deflected the black beam of light, and hit the open space nearby, corroding a large hole.

"A trap for me? No, it's not right!" Ivan walked in and noticed that there was no trace of a war in the dark magic shop. All the items were neatly arranged, and several trigger-type magics were set up on the shelves. , Then overturned his own guess.

This should be set up to warn uninvited guests before Aysia leaves, because he is very familiar with this method of arranging traps, which is exactly Aysia's style.

In addition, if there is really an ambush, it should be a bunch of people rushing out to surround yourself, it is impossible to do anything with this little magic.

But where did Aisia go? Why should we leave this kind of warning magic in the magic shop?

Ivan vaguely felt a little strange, and then suddenly thought of something, opened the system task bar and took a look.

【Task: Become the King of Knock Down Alley

Mission objective: Unify Knockdown Alley

Task progress: 44%

Quest reward: Courageous Loyalty Curse

Task description:......】

Just as Ivan watched the task progress, it jumped again, from 44% to 45%.

Seeing that the task progress has increased again, even halfway through, Ivan suddenly understood that during the time he spent in school, I was afraid that it was not peaceful in the alley.

He guessed that it was probably because he led people to destroy a group of dark wizards such as Bok, and the fact that his power expanded too rapidly, caused some people's jealousy.

Aisia may fight against the opponent and have a certain advantage in order to protect himself, so the progress bar of the task will increase so much.

After thinking about it, Ivan couldn’t help feeling a little bored. Originally, this summer vacation he was planning to move away from the dangerous Knockdown Alley with Aisia to the relatively safe Diagon Alley to live, but it was unexpected that someone would be looking for them at this point. Trouble.

Is it so big that the magic world can’t accommodate a small shop that makes money with peace of mind?

Ivan was very annoyed, and threw the suitcase in his hand to the house elf beside him, and said. "Dobby, hold the box for me! I want to see who it will be this time?!"

Dobby took the box in a hurry and glanced at Ivan with a little fear. It was the first time he saw Ivan so angry.




On the west side of Knock Down Alley, in an unmanned alley, a law enforcement officer in gray costume is directing several dark wizards to surround Walker who has become a werewolf.

However, the various spells did not work very well.

After transforming into a werewolf, Walker's physical fitness has risen a bit and he has become extremely agile, and he can avoid most of the spells by speed alone.

Even if he was hit by one or two spells once in a while, he could resist it with a protective ring, or rely on the werewolf's recovery ability to resist.

So after a few minutes, Walker persisted despite his injuries.

The law enforcement officer couldn't help being a little annoyed when he saw this situation. He had heard from his colleagues before that these werewolf wizards could keep their sane transformation freely, but only when they really faced it did they know how difficult it was to deal with.

But this is also because they want to capture Walker alive and ask for information from his mouth, otherwise it would not take such a long time.

Considering that the other party's support will arrive soon after dragging it down like this, the gray-robed law enforcer no longer keeps his hand, raised his finger to Walker, waved his wand, and a green light beam flew out.


Walker, who was rushing in front of him, changed his complexion. He swooped on the ground and rolled several times. The dark green light beam almost rubbed his body and hit the ground, exploding a hole, and the gravel splashed. Beginning, several blood stains were scratched on his face.

Walker endured the pain and stood up, but his heart had sunk to the bottom. No matter how strong the werewolf's magic resistance and recovery ability, he could not resist the Killing Curse.

These dark wizards who besieged him have obviously lost patience and no longer have the idea of ​​catching him alive.

Walker thought desperately that he might not be able to hold on until Fren and the others discovered that it was wrong, and it was time to come back and support him.

Just as he imagined, after the gray-robed law enforcer took the lead in using the Killing Curse, the black wizards who were originally restrained because of the alive grab command released their hands and feet and began to use high-intensity black magic.

Walker couldn't dodge, and was hit by a black beam. The protective ring blocked him, but it couldn't eliminate all the damage. The impact still lifted his body and fell into the ruins behind.

Just when the gray-robed law enforcement officer was relieved and was about to let one of his men go down to confirm Walker's life and death, a long neighing sound suddenly resounded in this deserted alley.

The several dark wizards present were all taken aback. Before they could react, the street wall on the side suddenly exploded with the violent explosion and roar. Two dark wizards were close to each other. It was directly shaken out by the aftermath.

Amidst the splashing rubble and the smoke and dust, a horse-shaped light and shadow flew in from the gap.

The frightened dark wizards waved their wands to point at the blurry light and shadow. Various spell beams lased out, but they didn't play any role, and they walked directly through the light and shadow.

After a short delay, the lightning-fast unicorn shadow has rushed to a panicked dark wizard, and stepped heavily on the opponent's face with his hooves raised.

A crisp bone crack sounded in the alley, and the hapless dark wizard rolled and slammed into the wall behind him, and he could no longer survive.

"Don't use ordinary magic, limit it with the patron saint curse!" The gray-robed law enforcer shouted loudly.

After experiencing the initial chaos, the gray-robed law enforcer has already remembered that when he and several colleagues pursued Dougert two years ago, the other party used such magic!

Although the five of them were taken care of by Dougt alone, after the war, they also carried out some analysis and believed that it should be this very special guardian **** curse.

is illusory under normal circumstances, and it is no different from ordinary guardian **** spells. It only materializes when you are close.

While reminding him, the gray-robed law enforcer did not dare to delay. He waved his wand and summoned an illusory patron saint of cheetah, rushing towards the shadow of the unicorn, but he was caught by the shadow of the unicorn not long after he got up It was blown away into a haze.

But this also reminded the other dark wizards, allowing them to find a way to deal with this weird light and shadow, and soon two more people summoned the patron saint.

Others are staring at the gap in the street wall. Everyone knows that the powerful is never magic, but wizards who perform magic.

Ivan under the phantom body curse didn't expect that he would meet acquaintances by coincidence, and finally caused chaos. Of course, it was impossible for them to suppress it so easily.

He raised his wand slightly, and the bricks scattered around when the street wall was blown up floated like a kind of traction, twisted and transformed into sharp cone-shaped spikes under the action of the Transformation Curse, forming a semi-circular shape. Scattered forward.

The dark wizards who had prepared for a long time have constructed a strong magical barrier to block this powerful range of magic.

But the two have not touched yet, a shadowless magical blade has already arrived first, like a sharp knife, it has smashed through a dozen magical barriers before it disappears and is invisible.

The penetration speed of Shenfeng Wuying was too fast and too urgent, and the black wizards had no time to rebuild the protective spell. A large number of magically blessed cone spikes faintly flashed in the air, screaming like breaking through the air, and flew towards the face. Come here.

The next moment, in the small alley, there were waves of screams!

A black wizard in front of him was directly penetrated by the sharp cone-shaped spikes through his throat and eyes. He opened his mouth in pain and said silently. After struggling for a few times, he lost his voice.

Although the other black wizards didn't hurt them, they were also pierced by several spikes through their chest, arms and thighs. They fell to the ground and wailed in pain, blood shed all over the ground.

Only the gray-robed law enforcer and the two black wizards who are proficient in the iron armor curse successfully resisted this magic~www.mtlnovel.com~ After casting two powerful magics in a row, the phantom curse blessed by Ivan was also automatically broken. , Appeared in front of everyone so generously.

Seeing the appearance of the attacker, the few people who were still standing almost thought they were dazzled, and the gray-robed law enforcer's pupils contracted, unable to restrain the inner shock, and couldn't help but speak out.

"It turned out to be you!"

After only two years, although Ivan has grown a lot taller, his appearance has not changed much. The gray-robed law enforcers naturally recognized it for the first time. Ivan was the one who made a noise in the wizarding market behind Dougt. That kid.

Combined with the situation just now, he realized that it was not Dougtzang who defeated them with his hole cards two years ago, but the 13 or 14-year-old wizard in front of him who provided assistance to Dougt!

It’s no wonder that Doug had never used this kind of special magic in the course of the battle for more than six months...

But while realizing this, the gray-robed law enforcer couldn't believe it.

He stared at Ivan's immature face, more willing to believe that the other party was actually disguised by Dougte using the compound decoction, otherwise how could he have mastered such a powerful magic at the age of the other party.

Ivan, no matter what the other person thinks, his face still has unfavorable anger, and he approaches several people step by step.

The wailing still reverberating in the empty alley, the scarlet blood stained his shoes.

The gray-robed law enforcer and the remaining two black wizards moved backward in fear, until they hit the wall behind them, and then they waved their wands hideously at Ivan...

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