Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 510

Chapter 510: We are willing to be your most loyal servants!




Several spells struck him, blocking all the directions of Ivan's evasion.

Ivan had never thought of avoiding, nor was he ready to use the magic ring, his body changed rapidly before the beam arrived.

A large amount of black mist kept pouring out of his body, and the surrounding light seemed to be attracted.

In the next second, before the curse came, a pale, decayed arm suddenly stretched out from the black mist and blocked it in front. The magical beam hit the bone arm but it didn't have a slight effect.josei

Waiting for the black mist to appear tall, cloaked and weird in front of them.

"Photo... Dementor?!" The gray-robed law enforcer's eyes were staring, and he wondered if he was still alive in a dream. A young wizard turned into a little wizard in front of him. A dementor?

Ivan ignored them and adapted himself to his new body. As he expected, after transforming into a dementor, his body was also immune to most of the spells.

He had long planned to use Bogut's transformation in actual combat, but he never had this opportunity. Now these dark wizards in front of him have almost lost their fighting spirit. As a backhand, Dobby doesn't have to worry about overturning, just can experiment. Some of his thoughts.

The two black wizards behind the law enforcer completely collapsed. They could feel that this was not some kind of illusion, because the courage and happiness in their hearts disappeared in an instant, leaving only endless pain. Memories,

"What kind of monster is this?" One of them yelled frantically, stepped back and fell to the ground, then crawled and fled in the opposite direction.

The other dark wizard ignored him, waving his wand frantically at Ivan, and shouted sharply.


The green light beams flying by...

Ivan dodged his body for a while, his light and fluttering body was easy to control, and he was much more flexible than usual.

Although the Killing Curse does not work on the Dementor in his impression, he is not a real dementor after all, and he does not intend to try his life.

After a simple adjustment to the body, Ivan controlled this grotesque body to unfold the wide cloak, like an arrow from the string, and quickly flew towards the two who were still in place.

"ExpetPatrnu!" The gray-robed law enforcer did not lose his mind like the two subordinates. He waved his wand vigorously, summoned the remaining courage, and re-summoned the guardian of the cheetah who was defeated by the shadow of the unicorn. God stood in front of him.

The black mist spread to the entire alley, and the grotesque figure quickly began to swell and deform as it approached.

The withered, crusted arm that can see deep white bones stretched out from the fog, and in less than a second it became as thick as a waist, passed straight through the illusory patron saint, and easily crushed the blessing. The iron armor curse on the gray-robed law enforcer slapped his body heavily on the rear street wall.

A violent crash sounded from this small alley, and the street wall made of stone bricks persisted for a while before it collapsed.

The poor gray-robed law enforcer was as miserable as a rag doll. Ivan's big hand was held in his palm, his breast bones were broken, and scarlet blood continuously poured out of his mouth and fell on Ivan's fingers.

Ivan released his palm in disgust, and the law enforcement officer he was holding slipped from his hand and fell to the ground, losing his voice.

died? I obviously only tried a little bit...

Ivan was a little surprised. For the first time he used Bogut's transformation into real combat. When he was close, he transformed from a dementor into a giant. He wanted to try the melee ability of this form, but he didn't want to fail. Be careful to kill this enforcer...

Ivan shook his head. The other party was a commander anyway. He wanted to keep torture about the information.

The narrow alley suddenly became very quiet, and even the wailing stopped. Several dark wizards lying on the ground struggling stared at this scene blankly, forgetting the pain for a moment.

The only standing black wizard raised his head and looked at the huge giant six or seven meters high in front of him. His body was trembling. The crazy color in his eyes had disappeared. Fear and despair gradually climbed into his heart. The wand in his hand fell to the ground without noticing it.


The slight noise made by the wand when it touched the ground was clearly visible in the quiet alley, which also attracted Ivan's attention.

He turned his head and stared at the opponent with eyes that were the size of adult fists. When he was thinking about what to do, the dark wizard knelt down directly.

This completely exceeded Ivan's expectations, but the discarded wand and the body that was shaking when he was kneeling made Ivan fully feel the fear in the other's heart.

Realizing that he didn’t need to waste any more magic power, Ivan cancelled the Bogut Transfiguration technique, his huge body shrank quickly, and the magic power that filled his body gradually returned to its original position~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan felt a little bit. In just such a moment of transformation, his magic power was consumed by one-third, plus the previous unicorn shadow and two powerful spells, and the magic power in his body was only half left.

Ivan’s behavior to save mana was mistaken for a signal by the dark wizard. He suddenly remembered something, that is, he crawled to Ivan’s feet quickly and eagerly, and kissed the hem of his wizard robe with a slight tremor.

"Ge... Your Excellency! Please forgive me for my ignorance... It was the lowly Knot family who confused us with rhetoric and gathered some stubborn resisters who were ignorant of current affairs and tried to resist your rule... "

The black wizard said cautiously, lowered his head and dared not look at Ivan's face, his tongue was trembling, and his speech was even more stammer.

The other dark wizards who were still alive also dragged their wounds and crawled to Ivan’s front. They kissed the hem of Ivan’s clothes, and cried and denounced the Knot family’s ignorance and cruelty, indicating that they are now I have come to my mind to become Ivan's most loyal servant, offering everything in exchange for forgiveness!

Although Ivan has broken away from the huge giant form and has changed back to the appearance of a 13 or 14-year-old little wizard, in the eyes of these people, that immature face is even more terrifying than the faces of giants and dementors!

The strength that Ivan has just shown is too strong, they can't imagine why a teenager can have such a terrifying combat power, and the ability to transform at will directly penetrates their cognition!

Brain supplements and imagination are often more crushing than facts...

After all, the unknown is the biggest fear!

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