Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 513

Chapter 513: Dougert: Hals's strength and scheming are unfathomable (2...

Speechless to speechless, Dougt quickly accepted it.

He also heard about the special Animagus. He heard that a young girl who was participating in the Auror training was a dissimilar Magnus, who could change her appearance at will without having to study.

Although Ivan’s transformation looks more special than this...

Aisia didn't get too entangled in Ivan's ability to deform. After a brief surprise, he looked at Dougert and asked about business.

"Dougt, what about the wizard of the Knot family we brought back from the manor? Did he say it?"

"The guy has a harder mouth and doesn't want to say anything. I fainted him and made him speak with Veritaserum." Dougt sneered, explained, and then continued to add.

"But simply he still has a little use value, this kind of diehard can just use it for the little Ivan Liwei!"

I? Liwei? Ivan was confused when he heard it, and he didn't know what Dougt was talking about for a while.

"You did a great job before, and when you came back, you successfully shocked them, which made us worry a lot..." Dougter looked at Ivan very appreciatively.

In addition to planning how to crush the last resistance force in Knockturn Alley these days, he and Aysia have discussed the most about how to create an opportunity for Ivan to integrate into this group!

After all, Ivan’s age is too young to convince the public.

No one would be willing to follow the words of a thirteen or four-year-old kid, let alone talk about loyalty...josei

He and Aysia even began to discuss whether to delay Ivan for a few years before putting Ivan on the front desk.

However, Ivan’s performance exceeded Dougt's expectations. Before they could discuss a specific plan, Ivan did it on his own, and it was even better than they thought!

The wreckage and blood all over the ground, four dark wizards who were so scared that they almost collapsed, and Ivan's immature figure, the shock caused by this contrast is enough to be remembered!

When he saw this scene, Dougte suspected that Ivan deliberately did it to show his strength, otherwise how could such a coincidence happen?

The only thing that makes Dougert feel a little bit regretful is that Ivan didn't let everyone see how he did this with his own eyes.

This of course added a bit of mystery to him and made people more fearful, but there will always be people wondering whether a young wizard can have such extraordinary strengths, so he strikes while the iron is hot. , It is very important to break the fantasies of these people.

Dougt thought as he took out a piece of parchment paper from the pocket of the wizard robe and handed it to Ivan.

"I have written everyone's information here, you can read it first!" Dougte said.

Ivan took a look and found that the parchment was full of names, there were 37 people in total. Next to the names, the general information of these people is also intimately marked, either in detail or in brief, and Fren and their names are also on it.

Ivan immediately understood that these people were Asiah's team against the wizarding market!

Don't look at the number of 37 people. You should know that even the Auror Department of the Ministry of Magic can't have a hundred people. Most of them are wizards who can't even use the Iron Armor Curse.

There are only about 3,000 wizards in the entire British magical world that have been recorded by the Ministry of Magic, and there are fewer than 4,000 unregistered black wizards!

Of course, this is mainly because the last Wizard War was fought for more than ten years, so too many wizards died.

There are only a few surviving members of pure-blood families that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, and they even face the dilemma of extinction immediately after the death of their heirs. Not to mention the wizards of mixed-blood and Muggle families, the whole family was eaten. It's not that the dead are killed.

Thinking of this, Ivan couldn't help but shook his head. The number of wizards is really small enough, and the most crucial supplement is also very slow. It's really dead and one less!

Ivan then turned to the back of the parchment. There were also several names written here. It should be the four surrendered black wizards and the diehard member of the Nott family.

What surprised Ivan was that in addition to these people, there was another person's name written in black ink underneath.

"Elfer Grint..." Ivan said. He remembered that Walker had called Elfer before, so he looked at Aisia and confirmed. "Is that the victim?"

"Yes, it's him!" Aysia nodded, but also a little helpless. This is already the third victim in the past few months.

If she hadn’t given all the staff a protective ring, I’m afraid there would be more dead people...

"Does it say that he still has his family in Knock Down Alley?" Ivan noticed that it said Elfer Grint and a mother who was over 60 alive.

"Well, this family has been impoverished in Knock Down Alley, so Elfer was the first to join when we recruited people." Dougert was not moved. There was such a person in Knock Down Alley. too much,

"Are there any pensions?" Ivan continued to ask.

"If the victim still has a living relative, we usually give 100 gallons as a pension!" Aysia explained.

"Less..." Ivan shook his head. After several years in the wizarding world, he also had a general understanding of the prices here.

Judging from the information he learned from Lupin, the salary of a janitor like Hogwarts Filch is ten gallons a week, and about forty gallons a month.

Professor is taller, sixty gallons a month, if you can become the dean, you can get another ten gallons a month!

In the original time and space, when Dumbledore hired Dobby, the salary he was going to pay Dobby was the same as Filch's. It can be seen that the old professor really treated Dobby the same, and did not treat Dobby as an elf.

But these are very decent jobs. They work in educational institutions and include food and accommodation!

If it is in Diagon Alley, normal employees only have 30 to 50 gallons a month, and they can’t save a few dollars a month after expenses.

The salary paid in Knockdown Alley is even less. Ten gallons or even a few gallons can be recruited. One hundred gallons of compensation can be relatively saved in Knockoff Alley for more than a year.

Fren and others are a good example. It is enough to find a relatively stable job of ten gallons a month to make them happy, because it means that they can eat a few full meals every day!

It’s just that this little money is obviously not enough to make a mother who lost her child survive in Knock Down Alley.

"Yes! It's less!" Dougte nodded in agreement, and then suggested that Ivan could double or even higher the pension this time.

After all, you can't just treat your subordinates as a deterrent. After a stick, you still have to give some sweetness, so that these people can see the real protection.

It was a surprise to Doug that Ivan was able to realize this quickly. He originally thought he needed to be reminded.

Aisia didn't mean to object, she deliberately didn't deal with Elfer before, just to let Ivan come to be kind.

When the three of them were chatting, there was a knock on the door again, this time it was Fren, who came to inform them that all the personnel were there and they were all waiting in the chamber.

"Okay, let's get down right away!" Doug nodded his head, then turned his head to look at Ivan and Aysia and said softly. "If you have anything to say, it's better to be quicker, don't let them wait too long..."

After speaking, Dougt followed Fren downstairs.

After a few words, Esiah also took Ivan down.

"Mom, are you going to let me manage these people?" Ivan hesitated for a long time while going down the stairs, and couldn't help but ask.

He is not a fool. The underlying meaning in the words of Aisia and Dougt is very obvious. Without the slightest cover, Ivan can naturally see that Aisia intends to let him manage and direct these thirty-odd subordinates.

But Ivan is more aware of how many catties he has. In his previous life, apart from being a class cadre in school, he had no managerial experience at all.

Now suddenly I need to manage more than 30 people, most of them are shameless wizards, which makes Ivan a little at a loss.

"Relax, just do what you want, like what you did before is great!" Aysia saw Ivan's nervousness and couldn't help but comforted.

If possible, she doesn't want to put too much pressure on Ivan, but since her children have such thoughts, she can only give encouragement.

But Isiah believes these little scenes are nothing to Ivan...he is always so smart!

just walked all the way downstairs to the outside of the chamber, and Aisia let go of Ivan's hand, lowered the voice and reminded softly. "We are going in!"

Ivan was very nervous, worried that he would screw things up.

Especially after entering the chamber, more than 30 pairs of eyes looked at him with surprise, questioning, playfulness, gratitude, etc., and Ivan's pressure was even greater.

This is different from when he pretended to be Dumbledore. At that time, he would face some young children and the professors he was very familiar with.

The slightly trickier Fugui also knows his roots and knows how to deal with the Minister of Magic, but this time is different. He has to put himself on the leadership level to deal with these strange wizards.

Fortunately, the acting skills that he has trained over the years have played a role. Ivan was nervous but he didn't show timidity on his face, so he went straight to the main seat and sat down.

It's over... What should I say now? Do you want to say hello? What should I say?

After Ivan sat down, facing the crowd, he didn't know how to speak for a while. He tried to think about how Dumbledore and Voldemort did in the original time and space, but finally found that there was no corresponding scene.

Ivan slowly tapped the armrest on the seat with his finger, and was silent for a while, his eyes swept over everyone on the court involuntarily.

Combined with the parchment he had read before, Ivan vaguely discovered that the thirty-odd people standing in front of him could be divided into three camps.

First of all are the werewolf wizards headed by Fren, a total of seven people, relying on the improved wolf poison potion, they are the most trustworthy of those people!

followed by Dougt and his friends, a total of eleven people. Most of these people are not short of money. They may come here for the sake of Dougte’s face, and may not necessarily follow the instructions. They may be the most difficult group to deal with...

Finally, Isiah recently recruited people in Knock Down Alley. They have the largest number, and a few months are not enough to give them a sense of belonging. They are more like mercenaries who take money to do things, very unstable.

Ivan can’t help but feel a little worried when he sees this. He doesn’t know how powerful the wizarding market and the pure-blood families are, but Aisia needs to summon so many people to fight against it, and it must be difficult to deal with!

No wonder Aysia needs her own help to build up her prestige, mostly because she is powerless and unable to integrate them.

Just as Ivan was thinking in his mind, more than 30 wizards underneath were also looking at Ivan who was sitting on the main seat.

From time to time, someone lowered their voice and whispered.

"Dougt, he is the Ivan Hals you told us, and it looks smaller than you said!" After a 30-year-old wizard glanced at Ivan, he turned his head. Come and say to Dougt.

"You should know that age is not a problem, Gleason!" Dougt glanced at him, and then continued sighfully.

"Halse's strength and scheming are unfathomable...even far beyond that person! As long as you have been in contact for a period of time, you will be grateful for your choice..."

Dougte looked at Ivan on the main seat, very emotional, this child is really elusive~www.mtlnovel.com~ Every time he meets, he can exceed his expectations, and his strength is the same every year.

He previously thought that it would take at least ten years for Ivan to become a powerful wizard like Voldemort. Now that he wants to come, I am afraid that he underestimates this child too much. Maybe he will be able to compete with the Dark Lord when he reaches adulthood!

Listening to Dougt’s words, Gleason decided to refute it at the first time. He experienced the Wizarding War fourteen years ago, and he knew exactly how terrifying mysterious people were.

It is ridiculous to say that a kid can beat Voldemort!

But before refuting, Gleason suddenly remembered what he had learned from a few friends just now. If the little wizard in front of him could really defeat a group of dark wizards with his own strength, that Dougert said. It's not wrong.

At the very least, Ivan has the potential to rival the Dark Lord!

In the chamber, the whispering voices are getting louder and louder.

Ivan frowned, and just as he was about to make use of the question, the side door of the chamber was opened again.

Everyone's attention was attracted for a while, but Walker walked in with a few black wizards who had surrendered and another wizard in gorgeous robes.

After seeing Ivan, the black wizards knelt down in fear, and complained with tears of their sins, trying to pray for Ivan's forgiveness.

The wizard stood arrogantly on the spot with a very disdainful expression. He looked at Ivan sitting on the main seat and was a little surprised. He opened up and wanted to say something but couldn't make a sound.

Ivan knew at a glance that he was hit by the Forbidden Spell, so he motioned to Doug to unlock the magic. He was interested to hear what the other party was going to say...

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