Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 514

Chapter 514: Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is! (2…

Doug nodded his head, raised his hand and waved his magic wand, releasing the restriction of the Forbidden Spell.

The young wizard first looked at Ivan, then turned to Aysia and said sarcastically.

"It's ridiculous. I didn't expect you to let a little boy sit there. Are you such a humiliation? Aysia?"

"Or do you think your subordinates will obey your orders like dogs?"

At this point, the young wizard glanced around at the crowd.

In his opinion, Esiah undoubtedly made an extremely demented decision!

Maybe this woman is too spoiling her child, or deliberately tempering her heir, but in any case, letting a little devil who is less than 13 years old sit on the main seat is a great humiliation!

However, what makes him a little strange is that the wizards present did not seem to be strongly dissatisfied with this...

There was a certain emotion in everyone's eyes that he couldn't understand...

Listening to the wizard’s presumptuous words, Ivan was not angry, but slightly disappointed. He thought the other party was talking about something, but he didn’t expect that he just wanted to be beaten...

"Rise Nott?" Ivan stood up, looked at each other, and said casually.

"Yes, it's me!" The young wizard raised his head arrogantly. The education he received from an early age made him not bow his head even if he became a prisoner.

Ivan sneered, ignored him, and walked down the steps step by step, looked at everyone present, and spoke out.

"Everyone, I have been thinking about the difference between these so-called pure-blood wizards and us, and they can be called sacred!"

"In the beginning I thought it was those pure-blooded wizards who had great talents and power beyond us..."

"But obviously this is wrong! Voldemort, who started the Wizarding War more than a decade ago, is a mixture of wizards and Muggles, and Albus Dumbledore, known as the great white wizard, is not in the Holy Twenty-Eighth Family... Those pure-blood wizards are no better than us. Some of them are even weaker than us!"

The wizards present didn't expect Ivan to start talking about this suddenly, and they were a little confused for a while.

But when Ivan mentioned Voldemort, many wizards shuddered.

The rest of the people were surprised when they heard Ivan’s words. It was the first time they knew that the rumored Dark Lord was actually a half-blood wizard. It was obvious that Voldemort was a practitioner of pure-blood concepts...

Due to Ivan's power, no one dared to refute, and the sensible wizard began to think about the words Ivan had just said.

Reese Knott smiled disdainfully, trying to prove that pure-blood wizards are inherently better than half-blood wizards and Muggle species, but they were worn by Ivan's neckline before they spoke. The Merlin Medal dazzled.

Ivan looked at Reese Nott, who was standing there, wanted to refute but didn't know how to speak out, and continued to speak for himself.

"Since the advantage of a pure-blood wizard has nothing to do with power and talent, is it because of money and power?"

"Ah... of course we can say that! After all, the pureblood family is in charge of the Hogwarts board of directors, and they are also present in all important departments of the Ministry of Magic!"

"It is undeniable that some pure-bloods are indeed commendable. I have met some children from pure-blood families. They are brave, intelligent and approachable..."

Ivan thought of Luna, George, Neville and others. They are also pure blood, but they are very good people. Relatively these families have one characteristic, that is, they are generally not considered to be the noble class!

The atmosphere of top pure-blood families like Malfoy and Black is completely different. Gore and Crabbe are even more stupid, and I don’t know if it is the result of years of intermarry.

So Ivan's words didn't stop, he stepped slowly, and continued.

"But I also know some people who are uneducated, overbearing, arrogant, and arrogant! Relying on the wealth and prestige accumulated by their ancestors, life will be smooth without much effort!"

"Even so, those pure-blood wizards who have a lot of wealth still want to control us!

They scorned the wizards struggling to survive in Knockdown Alley, looking at us like a group of mice in the sewer, while they arrogantly grabbed our little wealth to provide them with extravagant pleasure.. .

You might as well think about it. The six families have been based in Knock Down Alley for hundreds of years. Have they really done anything for us? Nothing! We are even poorer than ever!

And they lived in a comfortable manor. In order not to be laughed at by other pure-blooded wizards about their frequent contact with lowly wizards and so-called Muggle species, they remotely controlled their spokespersons and used a small amount of money to form a so-called law enforcement team. The so-called rules exploit and squeeze our insignificant salary..."josei

Ivan looked around at the crowd and talked in the spacious meeting hall.

He had never learned to speak specifically before, but fortunately, he was keen on reading...reading all kinds of books in his previous life! So it is very clear that uniting a group of people is complicated to say, but there is also a relatively easy way, and that is to provoke contradictions!

just need to grasp a pain point that everyone recognizes, use words to narrow the sense of identity, frantically fan the contradiction, and finally establish a common goal is almost...

The reason why I deliberately chose the pure-blood family to perform surgery is because Ivan has seen the list given by Dougte and clearly knows the names of everyone here. No one standing here is a member of the pure-blood family, which means to belittle. Pure blood does not cause too much sickness.

But this is all theoretical knowledge, and Ivan is not sure how much it can be useful, so he doesn't look for marginal scrutiny of the effect of the speech while giving a speech.

Among the more than 30 wizards present, their reactions were different.

Dougt and his friends were almost unmoved, only three or four people were seriously thinking about his words.

Ivan is not surprised. For these wizards with a certain amount of wealth and knowledge, only real benefits can impress each other. It is a group of people that are difficult to deal with.

Fren, Walker and other werewolves showed anger on their faces. They are at the lowest end of the wizard's discrimination chain and can deeply understand Ivan's words.

With their ability, if they weren't discriminated against in the magical world, they wouldn't be so poor if they were not accepted by the world.

But the rest of the wizards felt the same way.

They can be recruited by Esiah. Their magic level is absolutely not bad, but they are rejected by the normal magical world because of their concentration in black magic or other various factors, and they fall into the Knock Down Alley.

If there is a chance, no one will be willing to live like this!

Ivan’s words undoubtedly gave them a good vent, blaming all the crimes they said they had suffered on the pure-blooded wizards who had occupied so many resources!

This is exactly what Ivan wants to achieve, and that is to point the finger at the six pure-blood families that control the wizarding market!

Of course, he is not talking nonsense, the distribution of wealth and power in the magical world is indeed very unfair.

is like the Black family where Sirius belongs. They have so much money that they can't be spent on spending several generations, and there are a lot of properties. Even if they don't do anything, they can earn money every day by collecting rent.

The Malfoy family pays more attention to power and has made friends with many officials of the Ministry of Magic.

Each generation of the two families automatically inherited the seat of one of the twelve board members of Hogwarts.

The entire magical world is so big, there are so many decent jobs, a carrot and a pit, unless it is a particularly good talent, it is not easy for ordinary wizards to find good jobs.

In contrast, some pure-blooded wizards have the right to speak in the magic world, but they never do practical things and only seek personal gain for themselves.

It has been more than two hundred years since the Muggle Industrial Revolution!

The Muggle world has undergone earth-shaking changes, but the magical world is like a pool of stagnant water, and there is still no substantial change as before...

The most direct proof is that children from the wizarding family have very limited knowledge of the outside world. In addition to the Muggle studies course as an elective course at Hogwarts, they also deliberately do not learn everything about Muggles.

What I saw in Knapped Alley made Ivan feel very ridiculous. A group of people with special powers would be reduced to the point where they could not afford to eat if they strictly abide by the rules of the magic world.

He has always felt that there will be poverty and poverty that wizards have lived. In the final analysis, it is the problem of the entire Ministry of Magic system!

The number of wizards is extremely rare. In Ivan’s eyes, each one is a very precious talent. The magic power they master can play a greater role instead of being forced to gather together to compete for the limited resources!

Ivan was interested, and talked freely, from the unfair distribution of resources in the magical world to the various flaws in the magical world's system.

These thoughts are his summary of the past few years in the magic world. There has been no place to talk about it, and now he has finally found an opportunity!

He was a Muggle in his previous life. He is very clear about the development of Muggle technology in the next few decades. With the rise of the Internet, it will become more and more difficult for wizards to hide their tracks, and the contradictions between the two sides will again intensify.

And now that he is a member of the wizard, he can't help but worry...


In the quiet chamber, a burst of laughter suddenly rang, interrupting Ivan's words.

"Mr. Reese Nott, do you seem to have any different opinions?" Ivan turned to look at Reese who was laughing, and asked with interest.

"The nobility of a pure-blood wizard cannot be contaminated by you mudblood and hemp-blood hybrids." Reese Knott's face wore a grinning smile and looked at everyone present with contempt.

Fren and others stared at him angrily. If I hadn't taken into account Ivan's presence, they would have used their heart and bones to let Reese Nott feel that life is better than death.

Rise Knott didn't care about their gaze at all. He looked straight at Ivan and continued to speak arrogantly.

"But you are right. The Ministry of Magic's regulations have a big problem. Otherwise, we don't have to stay in the small magic world, we should hide from Muggles! "

Ivan smiled and didn't reply. The so-called Muggle Protection Law protects not only Muggles, but also wizards!

"Mr. Reese Knott, I think you need to understand a truth. Sometimes weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is!" Ivan said word by word.

"Yeah, arrogance!" Reese Nott's mouth twitched, and he noticed that Ivan was close enough to him.

He is not so leisurely to chat with this little wizard, letting the other party as close as possible and letting his guard down is what he wants to do.

Originally, Reese even planned to confide some information to accomplish this after suffering some torture, but he didn't expect the other party to approach it actively.

While thinking about it, Reese Knott's body shook, and then it swelled rapidly, breaking off the rope directly and turning into a large brown bear, waving his claws and grabbing Ivan's head!

Illegal Animagus!

When Reese Knott's figure began to change, the wizards present immediately realized this.

Because of the extremely small number of Animagus in the magic world, Reese Knott had never used such an ability in front of them before, so that they had no defense at all!

Walker was also taken aback. He immediately drew out his wand and wanted to rescue ~www.mtlnovel.com~ However, Reese Nott was too close to Ivan, so close that I can reach Ivan's body with just one paw. , The huge bear's face was full of triumph.

When he was arrested in the battle before, he had always hidden this identity.

Even though his Animagus is a combat type, he has almost no chance of winning against multiple wizards. Even if he has played a guardian wizard, he will lose to follow-up support.

So it's better to hide it and wait for an opportunity to catch an important person!

At first, his goal was Aisia, but this woman was not easy to deal with. Even a sneak attack would have a high probability of failing. Who would have imagined that a thirteen or fourteen-year-old wizard walked in front of him on his own initiative. His chance!

Ivan faced the suddenly violent Reese, his expression unchanged, just gently extended his hand.

The white tender, slender arm poked out from the sleeve and faced the brown bear that was nearly three meters high in front of him.

Rise Knott couldn't help wondering if the little wizard had lost his mind to such a ridiculous behavior.

But the next moment that arm deformed at an astonishing speed right in front of his eyes, becoming as thick as a waist, and his fingers slammed open, strangling his neck, and handing him to him. Lifted it up.

Also inflated was Ivan's body. He was half-bent, and his head was already on the ceiling. Thanks to the ceiling being high enough, otherwise he would have to squat down!

And the huge brown bear that Reese Nott has turned into is in front of that figure, just like an eight or nine-year-old child standing in front of a strong man of an iron tower, it looks so pitiful and powerless!

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