Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 517

Chapter 517: fast! Write it down! This is the action plan of the organization! (...

The sudden death of Reese Nott shocked the wizards present.

Some people even wonder if Ivan secretly moved something on Reese Nott's body, or that he had crushed some important organs when he became a giant before, so that Reese Nott happened to be here. Die at this time!

But these conjectures are obviously untenable. Reese Knott just showed that everyone was watching, and he was full of breath when speaking, and there was no sign of poisoning. The expression at the time of death seemed to be horrible. thing!

so that some wizards think that Ivan's actions just now are some kind of rituals that have been lost, which can extract human souls!

Dougte, who was watching this scene next to him, was equally shocked, unable to understand how Ivan killed Reese Nott at all.

He thought he had overestimated Ivan as much as possible, but in the end he found that all he knew was just the tip of the iceberg...

Just when everyone was shocked and horrified, Ivan slowly turned around and looked around in the conference hall.

All the people present bowed their heads in fear, and did not dare to look at Ivan. Even the wizards who had looked at Ivan's actions proudly before, are now completely humble.

They are afraid of Ivan's powerful power and strange killing methods. No matter who is willing to offend this mysterious little wizard, they will become the next Reese Nott!

Seeing this scene, Ivan nodded in satisfaction. It seems that Liwei is still very effective this time. It is worthwhile that he used so much magic power to kill people with snake eyes. He also pretended to snap his fingers and disturbed the flames with magic power to divert the crowd. attention.

However, Ivan also knew the truth that he couldn't match it, so he didn't intend to beat them any more, and turned his eyes to the body of Reese Nott.

He forgot which book he had read. After being severely impacted, speeches can often be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so Ivan paused, and when everyone’s mood eased a little, he said loudly again. .

"Everyone, you must have seen it just now, and there are many dull and ignorant among the pure-blood wizards!

They adhere to the so-called bloodline difference, judging a person's value based on the purity of his bloodline! Denying our efforts and dedication, thinking that mixed-breed and Muggle-breeds are born to serve them pure-blood wizards..."

"But I think it's time for those old ideas to be reversed!"

While speaking, Ivan had quietly blessed himself with a loud voice curse, and his firm voice continued to echo in the closed discussion hall.

More and more wizards were thinking deeply and found resonance, remembering the unfair treatment they had suffered. They mustered up the courage to look at Ivan again, looking forward to his next words.

Ivan didn't let them down either. He swept through the excited or angry faces, and raised his tone again.

"I hope that one day all wizards can receive the most just treatment, whether he is a pure-blood, a mixed-blood, a child of a Muggle family, or a werewolf!

We will measure the value of a wizard by his magic level instead of his blood! The glory of the wizard should depend on how many kinds of magic he has researched and improved, and how much he has made for the current magic world!

Wizards who graduated from Hogwarts don’t have to go out of school to do a chore, be a little salesperson or become a writer...that’s not what a wizard should do!

More people should devote their energy to the study of magic and explore the mysteries!josei

Someone once asked me about the nature of magic, but he rummaged through the book but couldn't find the answer, and this is the question we need to pursue! "

Ivan gave a speech impassioned, not only to arouse the emotions of everyone, but also to express his deep dissatisfaction with the magic world and some expectations!

He has always believed that most wizards who master the magic world are engaged in some meaningless work. The magic power they master should have a greater effect, and more people need to devote themselves to the cause of magic research!

Wizards should not shrink into the small magic world. The limited resources here limit their abilities and performance. They should go out, face the world, and go to a larger space!

Listening to Ivan’s words, the Fren and others standing on both sides were a little bit excited in their hearts, and couldn’t help but indulge in the beautiful picture drawn by Ivan.

Regardless of blood lineage, based on magic and contribution, even ordinary wizards have a chance to surpass those noble pure-blood wizards as long as they have outstanding abilities!

This is something they didn't even dare to think about...

Even the four dark wizards who surrendered were full of enthusiasm.

They are willing to work for the Knot family, for nothing more than money, they have no loyalty, and even for their lives, they have to be criticized by those law enforcement officers, and they have a lot of complaints in their hearts.

The most important thing is that the little wizard in front of him proved with his strength that he is not painting a big cake!

The age of weakness has all transformed into terrifying potential in their hearts!

You need to know that Ivan can kill with his fingers at the age of thirteen or four, and his strength can crush a group of dark wizards. If in a few years, how terrifying will he grow?

Standing in the crowd, Gleason received a huge shock in his heart. He took out the parchment and quill from the pocket of the wizard robe at the fastest speed, his wrists trembling, and he scribbled on it. what.

"What are you doing?" Dougter lowered his voice, glanced at the parchment somewhat strangely, and realized that Gleason seemed to be preparing to record all Ivan's words.

"Didn't you find it? Dougt?" Gleason said excitedly. Seeing Dougt's confusion, he shook his head in exclamation and said solemnly. "Your Excellency Hals' words clarified the thoughts and goals... Obviously, this is the program of the future organization!"

Dougt was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted immediately, very annoyed that he didn't even notice this for the first time, so that the guy Gleason took the lead!

He couldn't help but regret that he had pulled Gleason in so early, and with the ingenuity of the other party, he might lose his position in the future!

Dougert secretly became vigilant, he must work harder to figure out Ivan's mind, and he must not be compared to others!

At this time, Gleason didn't make sense of Dougert. While listening to Ivan's speech, he worked hard to record the main points on the parchment, and the quill quickly slid on the parchment.

After seeing Ivan’s unfathomable combat power and thinking far beyond the times, Gleason was completely amazed, where is this potential stock, it is simply a predator who is about to subvert the magic world!

is just lurking in the dark waiting for the opportunity at this time!

As a person who is aware of current affairs, Gleason will certainly not go against the tide of the times, let alone miss this major life-changing opportunity!

So Gleason had an idea. He was going to put Ivan's words and deeds into a booklet, as the spiritual program of the organization members, and then copy a lot of them, and get one copy for everyone to study and learn!

Just thinking about it, Gleason couldn't help but admire his quick wit! He feels that this proposal will definitely make a great contribution and will be appreciated by Your Excellency Hals!

Ivan, who is located in the center of the conference hall, didn't know that some of the thoughts he had expressed casually were about to be compiled into a book, and he was still making the final speech, his tone became more and more high.

"Noble as the Black family, as arrogant as the Malfoy family, who once knelt down at Voldemort's feet, pedigree is just the humble opinion of the ignorant... I hope you remember one thing-this is the magic world, and magic is the power!

After Ivan finished speaking the last sentence, there was a strange silence on the court.

Just as Ivan doubted whether there was something wrong with his speech, thunderous applause suddenly rang out in the silent discussion hall.

Many wizards shouted in excitement, and there were singing and praises all around.

Gleason looked at this rare scene very excitedly, and the quill in his hand quickly outlined a picture.

He wants to paint this exciting scene, cast magic on it, and use it as the cover of the brochure!

But what should be the title?

New Century Black Demon Declaration?

Gleason slowly fell into contemplation...

Ivan on the other side was enjoying the cheers of the crowd, and he was very happy. It seemed that some of the things he talked casually could still be recognized, at least he didn't mess things up!

Of course, while being happy, Ivan did not forget that he had one last thing to do!

Ivan raised his hand and pressed it down amidst the cheers of the crowd, and made a motion to silence.

The noisy discussion hall immediately became extremely quiet, and everyone spontaneously stopped applauding, waiting to listen to Ivan's next words.

"Everyone! It's not the time to be happy yet... The wizard market in Knockdown Alley is still controlled by the Knot family, and it is inevitable that there will be some sad things in the road to the better."

"Such as today! Our companion Elfer Grint encountered an ambush carefully arranged by the Nott family during the inspection mission, and unfortunately left us!"

Ivan's words became very heavy. Although he did not know the sacrificed Elfer Grint, it did not prevent him from praising the other party for his bravery and decisiveness, and aroused the anger of the wizards present.

Just as he imagined, the wizards whose emotions were completely mobilized clamored to enter the wizard market, destroy the Knot family, give teeth for teeth and blood for blood!

"You are all right! Elfer Grint will not sacrifice in vain, I will definitely make the Knot family pay a sufficient price!" Ivan nodded in agreement, but then changed his voice again, emphasizing that it is more important now. It is to hold a funeral for the victims!

The time is set to be tomorrow, and he will participate in person!

"Dougt!" Ivan suddenly turned his head and said.

"Your Excellency Hals..." Dougt walked out of the crowd, his expression was very humble, and his casual appearance was completely different on weekdays.

"What is our pension?" Ivan asked.

Don’t you know? Dougt was a little confused, but after thinking about it carefully, he immediately guessed what Ivan meant, and replied calmly.

"It's a hundred gallons!"

"Too little! Starting today, the pension has been tripled! In addition, if there is a suitable job in the future, priority will be given to Mrs. Grint, Elfer's mother!" Ivan said.

"Triple? Three hundred gallons?!" Dougt put on a startled look, he retorted hurriedly. "This is not in line with the rules, even the Ministry of Magic's Auror pension is not so much. In addition, our funds have been a little stretched recently. Is it too much to give 300 gallons..."

"What I said is the rules! I hope you remember that this is Knockover Alley, not the Ministry of Magic..." Ivan scolded Dougt hard, and then looked around at everyone again.

"I don't want Elfer Grint to worry about his family after his sacrifice! As for Jin Jialong, it will be there when we capture the wizarding market!"

Ivan spoke earnestly, and solemnly stated that all the people present are like-minded companions, and their lives cannot be measured by money!

The wizards on both sides of    were all moved. Most of them were impoverished. They came to Knockturn Alley because they couldn't get along in the magical world. Ivan's words immediately made them feel that they are valued...

You must know that in places like Turnover Alley, human lives are not very valuable, UU reading www. Don't say that uukanshu.com is so caring for another employer. After the war, he didn't even have the most basic pension!

Thinking of Ivan’s previous rhetoric again, many wizards were excited for a while, and they felt that the seedler died for his confidant.

"Well, if you have nothing else, let's end today's meeting!" Ivan's mouth slightly raised, but on the surface he pretended to be sad, waved his hand to signal the end of the meeting...

More than thirty wizards bowed one after another, and then left the conference hall with mixed emotions. .

Gleason is a little worried that Dougter will steal his own merits, so he specially warned Dougter about keeping the brochure confidential before leaving. He even wanted to wait for the production to be completed and present it by himself!

Dougt curled his lips and looked at Gleason's handwriting on the entire parchment and the lifelike simple strokes. He couldn't help but sigh, why didn't he expect it just now?

In just a few minutes, the wizards performed apparitions outside the shop and disappeared in place, leaving only Ivan, Dougt, and Aysia in the conference hall.

Ivan, who has been straining his mind, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he will be weakened if he puts on it!

"Mom, how did I behave just now? Is it okay?" Ivan turned his gaze to Esiah and asked.

"Unexpectedly... it's amazing, impeccable!" Aysia stepped forward and rubbed his hair, both gratified and emotional.

It’s just one thing that Aysia has been unable to figure out is, where did Ivan learn these skills to win people’s hearts, and why are they so proficient?

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