Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 518

Chapter 518: Ivan: What? I am so ambitious that I want to do a big...

Aysia's expression is very weird. Does Hogwarts still teach these things on weekdays? Or is it that your child is actually a natural leader?

Dougt is also feeling this.

Originally, he thought this meeting was just a familiar one, let Ivan hone it, and he was even ready to be messed up by Ivan.

After all, among the more than 30 wizards present, except for the seven werewolves such as Fren, everyone else met Ivan for the first time. The two were very strange, and there was no basis for trust.

The dozen or so friends he brought with him are even more shrewd. They are all the masters who don’t see rabbits or scatter eagles, and they are difficult to deal with.

For a thirteen or four-year-old wizard, it is almost impossible to get their approval in a short time!

However, Ivan did it!

In this short assembly of less than an hour, he directly conquered everyone present with his powerful strength, unparalleled potential, and grand goals and determination!

Don't talk about the unsuspecting audience, even after he listened to Ivan's speech, there was an idea of ​​following this kid to do a big business in his heart!

After   , Ivan smiled uncontrollably after getting praise from Dougt and Aysia.

He didn't read so many books in his last life for nothing. The theoretical knowledge was very rich, but he couldn't find the room for development.

Of course, theory belongs to theory. Before that, his actual combat experience was basically zero!

Ivan's legs were soft when he flicked these wizards in the conference room. If his acting skills had not reached the point of proficiency, he would have been stretched out.

"By the way, I always forgot to introduce to you... Dobby!" Ivan suddenly remembered one thing before saying something, so he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

The crisp voice sounded in the conference hall, which shocked Dougt. He didn't forget that Ivan just killed Reese Nott with a snap of his fingers.

Fortunately, snapping his fingers this time didn't seem to exert the corresponding power. Instead, a short, wrinkled house elf appeared in front of them.

"Sir!" Dobby blinked his eyes and bowed to Ivan in tribute, then looked at Aysia, and greeted a little nervously. "Hello, Mrs. Hals!"

"What is it?" Aysia glanced at Dobby curiously, then looked at Ivan again.

When she saw this house elf in that small alley before, she wanted to ask, but too many people were there and it was delayed.

"It's called Dobby. It was originally a house-elf in the Malfoy family, but now it's free..." Ivan opened the mouth to tell Aysia about the things that happened last school year.

Due to the existence of Dougt and the fact that I don’t want Esiah to worry too much, Ivan directly omitted the experience of the Basilisk and the Slytherin Chamber, and only mentioned that it was sold to Lucius Malfoy during the first-year summer vacation I wrote a dangerous diary for myself.

And this black magic item is very special, with his own ideas, he is waiting for the opportunity to control the new magic defense teaching professor, wanting to "cleanse" the whole Hogwarts and kill those low-blooded Muggle seeds.

"Lucius Malfoy! How dare he cheat you like this?!" Hearing this, Aysia was very annoyed.

She is proficient in alchemy, even if she doesn't know the related knowledge of Horcrux, she can understand how powerful a thinking black magic item is.

Thinking like this, Aysia couldn't help but feel a little scared, she said rather complaining. "Why haven't you mentioned such a dangerous thing to me before, what if something goes wrong?"

"I know there is a problem with it, so I just want to study it!" Ivan explained in an awkward way, and then pretended to lightly say that the thing had been destroyed by himself.

"So you asked me to teach you Lihuo in order to destroy it?" Aysia suddenly remembered that Ivan had suddenly asked her about the release method of Lihuo. Now I think it should be used to destroy this one. Of magic items.

"Yes! I tried many methods but couldn't cause damage to it, so I thought of the Lihuo Curse!" Ivan nodded, because he has Level 5 Occlumency and the Lihuo Ring. Dare to hold Horcrux for such a long time.

Although he almost overturned the car in the end, the benefits were obvious. During that semester, his magic level could only be described by leaps and bounds, and he successfully found a way to integrate multiple bloodlines.

If other factors are aside, Ivan also has to admit that Tom is a great teacher, or the kind that can be carried with him.

"Okay, Aisia, I think little Ivan has his own ideas, didn't he always deal with it well?" Dougter also said to help, he doesn't want Ivan and Aisia to make things happen because of this little thing. It's very stiff.

For Ivan's various legendary experiences in school, Dougter was also very surprised. No wonder Ivan's strength has increased substantially every time he comes back. This campus career is also a bit exciting.

Esiah had also died down at this time, she was just a little angry at Ivan's adventurous behavior.

Ivan continued to speak, and Dolby was worried about Harry’s safety and secretly informed him in violation of the order, and finally revealed what Lucius found and punished.

"After I destroyed the diary, I set up a game, put a glove in the diary and gave it to Lucius. He threw the damaged diary to Dobby as I thought. ..." Ivan added.

Aisia and Dougt understood this immediately.

House elves are servants of wizards. The only way to be free is to receive a piece of clothing handed to them by the master.

But this is a shame for the normal house elves, because once they are expelled from the family by their owner, it means that they lose the meaning of existence.

But the house elf in front of him is obviously a freak, Dobby said proudly. "Yes, the great Lord Hals liberated Dobby and made Dobby a free house elf..."

Dobby gets more excited as he speaks, especially when Ivan is willing to use one silver silver per week as a salary to hire himself, the bulb-sized eyes are filled with moving tears, and his nose twitches...

Dougert and Aysia looked at Ivan with weird gazes, and Ivan hurriedly interrupted the house elf's words.

"Dobby! If there is no order from me in the future, please stop mentioning employment matters!"

He finally created an image of caring for his subordinates in front of the wizards. Ivan didn't want it to be ruined because of this!

"Dobby understands, sir, must not want people to know how kind he is to a house elf..." Dobby said sobbing.

Dobby's peculiar brain circuit made Ivan very speechless. He shook his head and didn't say anything. He turned to Aysia and asked if Dobby could stay at home in the future.

Esiah naturally has no opinion. She has been busy dealing with the wizarding market recently and has not had much time to take care of the housework. Dobby's existence just makes up for this vacancy.

Dougt frowned, doubting Dobby's loyalty issues. A house elf who betrayed the original owner was not very likable.

But thinking that Ivan had fooled so many wizards in just one hour, he wouldn't be able to deal with a house elf, so he was relieved again.

After persuading Esiah to accept Dobby, Ivan turned to curiously asked the two of the things that happened in Knockdown Alley in the past few months, and how they contradicted the Wizarding Market.

"After you left, Aysia and I felt that it was necessary to clean up Knockout Alley before you come back. This is one of the few things we can do for you!" Dougt was very proud to explain this to Ivan. Achievements over the past few months.

They gathered enough people to get rid of some disobedient thorns. As for the large number of ordinary wizards, they did not care, because those people are easy to deal with, and they will automatically attach themselves after they win the final victory. come.

"I wanted to persuade the Knot family to join us at the beginning. If he knows the current affairs, I don't want to embarrass him, but the old guy doesn't know what is good or bad, so he blasted the person I sent out..." Grid said with a sneer. He had given the other party a chance, but it was a pity that the other party didn't cherish it.

"Wait, Dean Dougert... shouldn't the cause of the matter be that we made a big noise in the wizarding market two years ago, and the Knott family deliberately retaliated against us?" Ivan interrupted Dougt, confused. 'S words, couldn't help but asked.

"This is indeed a good saying..." Doug Tat suddenly felt his eyes light up. Why didn't he think of using this as a reason before?josei

Fortunately, it is too late to remedy it. Dougte immediately said that he had not considered it well before and did not notice the influence of public opinion. Tomorrow he will order someone to collect the crimes of the Nott family.

Aisia saw something, and couldn't help but remind Ivan that in order to achieve a more ambitious ideal, I don't need to be constrained by the means to be just...If you want to do a big cause, it's not too kind!

Listening to the words of the two, Ivan fell into confusion.

what? I have more ambitious ideals and want to do a big business?

Why did I never know?

"Who did you listen to?" Ivan was very suspicious that Aysia might have misunderstood something, and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course it's from Bok! If he hadn't told me about your arrangement, I'm afraid I would have been kept in the dark by you..." Aysia sighed, said with emotion, and then she stared in dissatisfaction. After taking a look at Ivan, he continued.

"You shouldn't tell Bok about such a secret plan. If he passes it directly, it would be bad!"

"But I only talked to him about alchemy, and asked him how to lay out secret doors on magic items." Ivan looked dazed and completely confused. Is there any connection between these two things? ?

"So I have always said that the old boy is very clever. He guessed that you are planning to apply the secret door technology to the protection ring sold to the Auror. Fortunately, when the right time is right, you can eliminate the strongest of the Ministry of Magic in one fell swoop. Power!" Dougt began to explain.

When mentioning Bock, Dougte still tickles his teeth with hatred. He still remembers the old guy blowing up his house.

Ivan was stunned. He recalled the scene when he was chatting with Bok.

It seems...probably...maybe I said that before?

But he did it just to keep an eye out, so as not to be pitted by the magic items he sold!

is just to protect yourself! It has nothing to do with the ambitious want to rule Knockdown Alley!

After all, he and Aysia have done a lot of things that violated the laws of the magical world, and there is no guarantee that a large number of Aurors will come to arrest them one day.

Ivan can’t wait to use the time converter to go back in time and twist Boke’s head off, so that he will not make up some weird things in his brain, and pass on the things that the brain has made to Aysia and others.

It’s no wonder that when he was at Hogwarts, the task of Unifying Knockdown Alley increased some progress every once in a while. It turned out that Aysia was fooled by Bock...

Thinking of this, Ivan was ready to explain.

However, before he could even speak, Doug said admiringly. "Neither I nor Esiah thought that you had planned such a meticulous plan without knowing it!"

"Yes, when Bok told me about it, I almost thought it was him who made a mistake...It's not like a layout that a child can come up with." Aysia also said with a smile.

is indeed a mistake!

Ivan smiled bitterly to himself~www.mtlnovel.com~ However, looking at Dougt's admiring gaze and the smile on Aysia's face, he swallowed again.

Ivan can’t imagine how embarrassing it would be if I told the truth now that Isia and Dougt understood that they had worked hard for a few months and had an oolong scene...

All previous efforts will become meaningless!

And those wizards who have spent a lot of money to summon up with great difficulty have all become enthusiastic under his speech, ready to attack at any time.

If you go out now and tell them that everything is a misunderstanding, and then disband on the spot, go back to each house, maybe what a mess will happen!

Not to mention that the beams they have formed with the Wizard Market have already reached a point where they cannot be eased. Even if they are willing to stop now, the Knot family cannot let them go!

So now there is only one way to go to the dark, according to the original plan to solve the wizard market in order to eliminate the threat, so that a lot of spent Jin Jialong will not be in vain!

The most important thing is that Ivan remembered Trelawney’s prophecy,

As Peter Pettigrew escapes from Azkaban, part of the prophecy has now been fulfilled, and Ivan feels that he must prepare for the worst.

At this time, a group of strong and loyal subordinates is very important!

In view of this, Ivan really didn't know how to explain to Aysia.

Can it be said that although he is content with the status quo and has no big ambitions, he still needs some loyal hands to guard against the resurrection of the previous Dark Lord for some special reason?

It might as well not explain!

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