Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 556

Chapter 556: Forgotten book

After excluding the options of escape and surrender, there is only one road ahead!

That is to increase one's strength as much as possible. Once the situation is critical, use the Courageous Loyalty Curse to hold back. As long as he raises the level of magic, and integrates several bloodlines, Ivan thinks that it is no problem to successfully kill Voldemort...

Because of this, Ivan hesitated how to deal with this "New Century Declaration."

It is not difficult to see how much effort Gleason, as the editor of this booklet, is two-finger-wide and the depth of the content.

Also, only those who think hard every day and are not afraid of staying up late to bald the strong can complete it in less than two months...

If I write a letter directly to refuse and request the burning of the book, it will undoubtedly make Gleason feel chilly, and even feel resentful...

If the hearts of the people are scattered, the team will not be able to lead... Ivan deeply understands this truth, so this matter must be handled carefully!

"Then it can only be modified!" Ivan thought for a long time, and finally made a decision!

After pondering for a while, Ivan slowly began to write, and first praised Gleason's progressive ideas expounded in the book in a complimentary tone, and said that Gleason's understanding and summary of his own words were very good.

But at the same time, Ivan also mentioned in his letter that he was not satisfied with the contents of the first and second parts of the "New Century Declaration" and needed to be revised, and hinted that Gleason should focus on elaborating the concept and weaken the content Personality cult thought.

That's right... it's a weakening, not a complete removal!

Although personal cultism has many disadvantages, if it is well controlled, it is not unusable.

For example, during the Muggle World War, both belligerent countries used this method. The difference is the difference in degree. The most extreme example is the mustache...

Ivan does not want to be deified, but as a pioneer, he can use this identity and the ideas promoted in the "New Century Manifesto" to improve the team's sense of identity.

No way, compared to forces that have operated for decades like the Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters, the wizards on his side were all temporarily pulled up in Knockdown Alley. If you want to ensure loyalty, you have to think more about crooked ideas. Row.

In a sense, Gleason is indeed an individual talent. The idea of ​​brainwashing with brochures is very good, but it is a pity that talent is used in the wrong place.

If the other party is a Death Eater and changes this pamphlet to a pure blood theory, then Voldemort will definitely be ecstatic and introduce him as a confidant...

But he doesn't need such extreme concepts here, so these contents must be modified to some extent!

"It's really troublesome..." Ivan threw the book aside, muttering to himself in distress.

He is a person who is not very good at management. Compared to being surrounded by a large number of people, he is more accustomed to fighting alone, so he has no worries.

If it hadn't been for Esiah to recruit people in Knockturn Alley because of some misunderstanding, he would really not consider developing power.

At the beginning, I made good friends with werewolf wizards such as Fren and Walker only to test the effect of the wolf poison potion, and by the way to prevent the malicious dark wizards in Knockdown Alley.

But now that's the end of the matter, Ivan can only go on so black.

After all, with his current strength, there is a big gap with Voldemort, far from being able to protect himself by fighting alone.

In the original time and space, McGonagall, Slughorn, and Kingsley briefly contained Voldemort in the First Battle of Hogwarts, which shows that in the wizard's battle, the number is not completely useless.

It is still necessary to have more trusted helpers, at least to help contain the large number of Death Eaters.

Ivan lay exhausted on the bed, thinking about the Goblet of Fire to be held this year and the strange snake face after Voldemort's resurrection.


the next morning.

Ivan was awakened by a loud noise. When he opened his eyes, he saw a large number of small alchemy creatures beating on the bedside table. Obviously the sound he heard just now was caused by these little guys.josei

Ivan frowned and was about to complain a few words when he saw these "little carrot heads" pushing a large clock over.

The time above points to ten twenty...

"It's actually so late!" Ivan's face changed, only to realize that this group of alchemy creatures kindly wanted to remind themselves.

"Thanks, Wu Ka Ka..." Ivan said apologetically, and a carp quickly sat up.

quickly got dressed, and after washing in the bathroom, Ivan grabbed his suitcase as quickly as possible, lifted the owl's cage, and rushed downstairs.

It’s okay if he doesn’t hurry up. The Hogwarts train departs at eleven o'clock, and he has been delayed for several minutes just getting dressed and washed.

Thanks to him, he had prepared everything he was going to bring a few days earlier.

"See you next year, Wu Ka Ka!" Ivan went out hurriedly. When the door closed, he did not forget to say goodbye.

The alchemy creatures in the room waved their hands at Ivan, yelling goodbye in their mouths ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ After the door was closed, they piled up and assembled into a small robot 70 cm tall. , The routine began to make the bed and clean the room.

After stacking the beds and putting everything in place, the alchemy creatures unexpectedly noticed a book that was thrown into the corner, and gathered curiously...

At the same time, Ivan walked downstairs, passing by the living room, and happened to see Nick LeMay coming out of the studio.

"Hals, if I hadn't asked Ukhaka to call you, you might have missed this year's train..." Nick LeMay looked at the clock on the wall and said jokingly.

"I'm sorry, teacher, it was a little late yesterday!" Ivan awkwardly scratched his hair, because last night he thought about Voldemort's things before going to bed, and in his sleep there was the snake without a nose. The face... was so ugly that he almost woke him up.

"Then you have to hurry up... No, I'll save breakfast for you, let's eat a little bit later!" Nick LeMay smiled and pointed to the polenta and a few slices of bread on the table. Said.

Ivan nodded, took the bowl of polenta and drank it cleanly, grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it in his mouth, ran out, and said goodbye to Nick LeMay without a word.

"Teacher... see you next year!"

Nick LeMay looked at the back of Ivan hurriedly leaving, shook his head amusedly and said nothing.

ran all the way to the courtyard outside the hut, Ivan thought of Kingdom Cross Station in his mind, waved his wand vigorously, and recited the spell.


A vortex of space engulfed Ivan in an instant.

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