Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 557

Chapter 557: Nick: If it weren't for this book, I don't even know you are doing this again...

After bidding farewell to Ivan, Nick Lemay took the drawing and sat on the sofa in the living room, drinking morning tea while pondering the idea of ​​improving the device.

At this moment, there was a sudden "boom boom" down the stairs on the stairs not far away, which sounded very hurried.

Nick LeMay turned his head strangely and looked over, and he saw a 70 cm tall little robot holding a book and quickly jumping down the stairs.

Perhaps because of his short height and being too anxious, the little robot suddenly failed to step on the right steps, his body suddenly lost his balance, and fell heavily on the next step, just like a “thump-thump-thump” obedience all the way. It rolled down.

The alchemy creatures that make up the robot screamed in panic, clutching their companions with both hands, but due to inertia, many alchemy creatures outside were thrown out, and finally hit the ground. At that time, it just fell apart and broke into one place...

Seeing this scene, Nick LeMay shook his head. It seemed that these alchemy creatures had to be improved a little bit.

The "little turnip heads" scattered on the ground quickly regrouped after a few seconds of panic.

But they weren't grouped together, but like an ant moving house, he lifted up the thick booklet and moved it slowly in front of Nick LeMay.

"What is this?" Nick LeMay picked up the pamphlet curiously, and was fascinated by the picture on the cover.

"New Century Declaration"?

Nick LeMay looked at the name of the booklet and couldn't help frowning.

The little alchemy creatures are talking about something. Although it sounds like meaningless words like "Ullara", Nick LeMay can accurately hear what they want to express.

"You found it in the corner of Hals' room..." Nick LeMay nodded. It should be something Ivan forgot to bring...josei

Nick LeMay drew out his wand and wanted to cast a spell to notify Dumbledore, asking Fox to pick it up, and return it to him when Ivan arrived at the school.

Just looking at the picture on the cover of the booklet, Nick LeMay hesitated.

This kind of thing that is easy to carry around and painted with weird patterns always reminds him of the catastrophe that spread across Europe decades ago.

When Grindelwald emerged in the European magic world, he often promoted his ideas through speeches and distributing brochures.

This "New Century Proclamation" seems to him to be the same thing, and Nick LeMay can't help but worry about whether Ivan will be fooled by others.

After all, a 14-five-year-old little wizard is in the process of shaping the Three Views, and he is very easily affected by some extreme concepts, leading to an evil path. Nick Lemay originally intended to accept Ivan as a disciple, and it is even more impossible to let it go. Up.

Thinking of this, Nick LeMay tried to turn the pages of the book, and then he saw the preface above.

[We should measure the value of a wizard by his level of magic rather than bloodliness...——Ivan Hals]

Seeing the content of the preface and the final signature, Nick LeMay's face changed slightly, and he looked a little surprised.

Nick LeMay thought that this "Declaration of New Century" was given to Ivan by someone who wanted to confuse him, but he didn't expect the situation to be the opposite. The content in this booklet was written by Ivan himself. I intend to use this to explain a certain kind of thought...

"Anti-blood theory?"

Nick LeMay raised his eyebrows, guessed something from the prologue, after hesitating for a moment, he continued to look through it.

The more I look at Nick LeMay's expression, the more serious it becomes, but it quickly turns into a thoughtful look.

Because he discovered that the content written in the "New Century Manifesto" is not purely opposed to pure blood, and does not mean to beat the pure blood wizard to death, but advocates equality and weakens the advantage and influence of pure blood wizards as much as possible.

Some of the ideas explained in    also made Nick Le May very interested. They are all aimed at the shortcomings of the current magical world, and seem to incorporate a part of Muggle ideas.

As for the length of Ivan’s deification of himself, Nick LeMay ignored it. Personality cultism is regarded as the most commonly used method by emerging forces.

"I didn't expect Hals to have such deep thoughts at this age..." At the end, Nick LeMay slowly put down the booklet and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It's normal for a little wizard to have the idea of ​​changing the magic world on a whim. What is really rare is that Ivan can analyze the reasons for it and give some plans.

"Genius?" Nick Le May muttered to himself.

He remembered the conversation he had with Dumbledore last year. It is no wonder that the strongest white wizard in England paid so much attention to Ivan Hals, even a little jealous.

Now he understands...

During the one and a half months in this mansion, Ivan has been gentle and polite, like a precocious big boy. If it weren’t for this "New Century Proclamation," Nick Le May would never have thought that Ivan would have hidden this. Such a big ambition!

This skill of disguise and forbearance is really shocking!

"No, it's not right~www.mtlnovel.com~ shouldn't be pretended." Nick LeMay shook his head and rejected the idea. He lived more than six hundred years old. Naturally, he has a way of seeing people. No matter how old the little wizard pretends, there is no reason to hide it from him.

There is no conflict between being ambitious and being gentle and polite...

"Unfortunately, it's still a little tender..." Nick LeMay looked at the booklet placed on the table and said with a sigh.

The concept of ignoring ancestry and that all people are equal based on ability is too idealistic. It is okay to shout slogans. If you want to really implement it in the magical world, there is a lot of resistance, and it will inevitably meet opposition from all parties.

Of course, in the eyes of Nick LeMay, these are all small things. With Ivan's talent, the magical world will have no rivals in ten years, and it will be a big deal.

The important thing is that Ivan wants to completely reform the magic world and promote communication between Muggles and wizards. This will touch the bottom line of many people, break the hundreds of years of tacit understanding between Muggles and wizards, and make it unpredictable. s consequence.

You must know that signing a secrecy law to isolate the wizarding world from Muggles is not just a move by England or a region in Europe, but the consensus of the entire wizarding world!

In these hundreds of years, many smart people can see that the power balance of wizards and Muggles is gradually tilting toward the latter.

There are not a few wizards who want to fight and break the tradition, and Grindelwald is only one of the most radical in the past 100 years!

But these people failed without exception...

Those in power who put out the flames of reform are certainly not fools, because isolating the Muggle world from the wizarding world is precisely the gentlest they can think of... and the only feasible move!

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