Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 558

Chapter 558: Let fate make the decision! (2 in 1)

Thinking of this, Nick Le May unavoidably felt a little powerless.

Don't look at the existence of wizards as a secret to ordinary Muggles, but the top Muggles know it.

The two sides usually establish a certain cooperative relationship. As for whether the status is equal, it depends on the balance of power between the Muggle government and the magical world.

For example, in France, the Muggle government has weak control over the wizarding world. The Ministry of Magic is nominally a department of the country, but it has a high degree of freedom and tends to complement each other. It also has corresponding seats in the Muggle parliament.

In addition, the Muggle government will help conceal the existence of the magical world and allow the magic academy to recruit students in the local area... It can be said that the magical world can smoothly conceal it with the help of the top Muggle leaders. Indispensable.

In exchange, the Ministry of Magic will supervise the wizards in the country, regulate their behavior, and send a powerful Auror to protect the president and important officials to prevent the Muggle head from being controlled by some malicious wizards, or even spy wizards sent from other countries. .

occasionally deals with things that the Muggle government does not handle.

Therefore, the attitudes of various countries towards the group of wizards are very contradictory. To put it briefly, it is necessary to win and be guarded!

The wooing is to resist the wizards of other countries and guarantee the interests of the country.

Defense is the magical ability of fear wizards to modify memories, read thoughts, and teleport!

Anyone in power does not want to become a puppet in the hands of others one day.

The two worlds have always maintained a delicate balance in this contradictory relationship!

Until now, there has been no major trouble. The "International Wizarding Union Confidentiality Act" signed in 1689 and officially promulgated in 1692 is absolutely indispensable!

The basis for the birth of this law is that Muggle witch hunts began to intensify in the 15th century.

At that time, Muggle's persecution of witches and wizards had reached an extreme point.

Although wizards are born with magical powers, they are too few.

At that time, the total number of wizards in Europe was probably less than 10,000, and they were scattered in various countries and regions. Most of them had not been systematically studied. They could only release some weak magic by instinct. The strength was very weak and difficult. Resist the persecution of Muggles!

The implementation of the "International Wizarding Federation Confidentiality Act" has created shelters for wizards, isolating the magical world from the Muggle world, uniting scattered compatriots, and gathering strength to learn magic. Melon dare not act rashly.

It can be said that this law has greatly eased the most intense low-level conflict between wizards and Muggles, turning it into high-level communication.

But this also caused a lot of hidden dangers, making most wizards forced to be out of touch with the times.

Since then, the Muggle world has made fewer and fewer actions against wizards, and after the Industrial Revolution, it has completely turned to Huairou.

Because the Muggle elite knows who will benefit from this delay, this method of boiling frogs in warm water also avoids the war between wizards and Muggles. It is perfect!

The wizards who took the initiative to hide are bound by their cocoons, and they can’t say anything.

Who would have thought that in just a few hundred years, the Muggle world would have undergone earth-shaking changes!

In comparison, the speed of magic changes is far less than that of technology, and the wizards are all trapped in a small circle, and the ideology is obsolete, which causes the gap to widen.

When they finally made up their minds to make changes, they found that this state has been going on for hundreds of years, and it has become the consensus of the world. Change means facing greater obstacles!

Not everyone has this courage and is willing to bear the consequences!

Turn a blind eye, maintain the status quo and wait for the successor to deal with it, becoming the first choice of most people in power in the magical world!

Nick LeMay sighed slowly, opened the "New Century Declaration" again, and looked at the beautiful imagination of wizards and Muggles in the book, and felt more naive.

But there is also a trace of yearning...

"Peace, communication... new era..." Nick Le May muttered to himself, can such a vision really be realized?

Vaguely, Nick LeMay remembered the previous conversation with Dumbledore, and suddenly felt that Dumbledore might be right. This should be the best opportunity!

Nick LeMay flipped through the book, revisited the content of the "New Century Declaration", and said with a smile when he saw the words calling for change at the end.

"Oh, the writing is pretty good!"

Although Ivan’s idea is somewhat idealistic, it is such a pure thing that is often the most attractive and contagious.

If it can be released on a large scale in the magic world, Nico Lemay believes that "New Century Proclamation" will definitely be recognized and even sought after by a large number of young wizards!

"So don't you help that kid?"

In the silent, empty living room, a faint voice suddenly rang.

"I'm too old, two hundred years ago, my old bone might still want to move..." Nick LeMay shook his head and looked at a clearing beside him.

An old witch in a loose robe is standing there, her face is peaceful, wrinkles all over her face tell the traces of the years, and more importantly, her body is illusory, with a faint mist spreading like a ghost. general.

The old witch looked at Nick LeMay with her eyes full of love, but then a little blame appeared on her face, and pointed to Nick LeMay's left hand, saying something in her mouth.

There is no sound around, and only Nick Leme can hear the faint sound.

"No, I can't return this thing to Albus..." Nick LeMay shook his head and rejected the old witch's proposal, gently stroking the ring on his left hand. The black gems on it were very dazzling.

If Dumbledore were here, I would be surprised to find that the ring was intact, and it would not take two years to fix it, as Nick LeMay said.

But the resurrection stone did not hurt the core. For an alchemist like Nick Lemay, eliminating those minor effects is naturally easy, and it doesn't take much time.

I said that deliberately because after a period of research, Nick LeMay found that the energy contained in this Deathly Hallows was amazing, and it was not inferior to the Philosopher's Stone.

The more he studied, the more shocked he became.

In addition, Dumbledore's enthusiasm for the Deathly Hallows also made him very worried.

Nick LeMay once read the collection of English fairy tales. He is very clear about the story of the Deathly Hallows. Coupled with the research these days, he does not think that collecting the Three Hallows can relieve Dumbledore's dilemma.

The resurrection stone does not have the ability to truly resurrect people. Instead, it may become the fuse to destroy the fragile balance of the moment, so he prefers to let this deathly sacred instrument be buried along with his own death.

However, the "New Century Manifesto" written by Ivan has shaken Nick LeMay's original idea.

A powerful and unconstrained force usually stirs up chaos, but it may not be able to turn into a sword overcoming obstacles...

"Forget it, let fate make the decision!" Nick LeMay hesitated, and finally sighed. Anyway, he won't live long. The magic world can't handle things, so he can only leave it to the reserves to toss.

Thinking about this, Nick Lemey frowned and gradually loosened, looking at the old witch in front of him, his face became more and more peaceful, he took off the ring from his hand, and talked one by one in his mouth.

When I finish the last thing, I will accompany you!

The old witch's figure slowly faded, before disappearing, she smiled and nodded, and responded to Nick LeMay's words.


At the same time, London’s Kingdom Cross Station,josei

Along with a shift in space, Ivan's figure appeared out of thin air in an alley near the station.

[Ding, after practice, Apparition/Apparition has been upgraded, the current level is 6]

"Has the Phantom Shift upgraded? It's pretty fast!" Ivan glanced at the system's skill bar and said with emotion.

It seems that the frequent ultra-long-distance teleportation these days can still achieve the effect of exercise... No wonder he has recently felt that the consumption of this magic has been reduced a lot, and it has become more comfortable to use.

If you have time to practice for a while, maybe you can try to practice teleportation in battle.

Ivan thought as he walked towards Kingdom Cross Station with his small suitcase and owl cage.

I was in a hurry when I came just now, and now there is a full 15 minutes before the start, so there is plenty of time.

In fact, even if you accidentally be late and miss the Hogwarts train, it will not have any effect.

He is not Harry or Ron, so he will apparate directly to Hogsmeade Village, and then go back to school through the secret road, which is much faster than taking the train!

Stepping into the station, Ivan went straight to platform nine and three-quarters. When he approached, he was surprised to find that he was here. Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley family were all waiting here, seeming to say something.

Because of her sight, Hermione was the first to see Ivan.

The little witch's face first showed a happy expression, she wanted to step forward, but she soon thought of something, she paused, and her mouth was closed, her face was very ugly.

"Hey, Ivan! This way!" Harry and the others quickly noticed the existence of Ivan and waved their hands.

"Long time no see, Harry!" Ivan smiled and opened his hand, and hugged Harry as he walked forward.

George and Fred also hugged him, jokingly squeezing him and Harry in between.

Ivan reluctantly broke free, looked helplessly at the two Weasley brothers who had escaped, and asked casually. "George and Fred, how is your research recently?"

"It’s superb! Our skipping candy and automatic quill pens are very popular. We received a lot of orders during the summer vacation. We have been busy for a long time before we got enough goods...

There is also the portable swamp that I told you last time. We have also improved it. That thing can turn the entire auditorium into a swamp! If Filch confiscates our inventory this time, I will sneak one and go to his office..."

Speaking of the joke toy, George was very excited and talked endlessly.

"Ahem..." Fred next to him hurriedly coughed a few times and reminded him.

George felt cold behind him, and turned his head slightly trembling, Mrs. Weasley was staring at him with her waist in the dark.

"George... I remember you promised me that your toys won't bother the professors in school!" Mrs. Weasley said angrily.

Although she reluctantly agreed with the Weasley brothers to study joke products because of the previous agreement, it was not without conditions! George promised her that the toys they made were harmless and purely for fun.

"Mom, George promised you that, I'm Fred... He never told me about this, you should scold him!" George played with the usual identity swap with a guilty conscience. Without hesitation, he sold Fred in an attempt to confuse him.

Fred looked at him angrily, and the two soon started fighting.

In the end, neither of them escaped a catastrophe, and Mrs. Weasley was severely taught by Mrs. Weasley, which attracted the attention of a group of passing Muggles.

Ivan looked at the scolded George and Fred, a little embarrassed, he thought that Mrs. Weasley had accepted the magic items they had made before asking!

"Okay, Molly! It's late now, the kids should get on the train!" Arthur Weasley looked at the time, and quickly persuaded Molly, who was still very angry, to save George and Frey. De's ears are about to be deafened.

Immediately afterwards, everyone lined up and prepared to enter the nine and three-quarters platform in twos and threes.

Ivan wanted to enter ~www.mtlnovel.com with Hermione and Harry, but when he approached, he was frightened by Hermione's fierce eyes.

Ivan, confused, had to go in with George and Fred instead.

"Get ready, time is limited, you better hurry up, three... two... one... punch!" Mrs. Weasley issued a command.

Ivan took the lead, holding his suitcase and owl cage, and hurriedly ran into it according to the instructions, and passed through the wall to the Wizard Station.

As the departure time was approaching, the wizard station was very lively and there were noisy noises everywhere. Seven or eight little wizards crowded in front of the train and waved goodbye to their parents. A timid freshman even cried on the spot because of leaving home for the first time.

Two or three seconds later, George and Fred also passed through the wall behind.

"I'm sorry, George, I shouldn't have asked that before..." Ivan said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, it's because mom managed to be too wide..." George waved his hand indifferently.

Fred also smiled and said, "It seems we have to make up a communication code next time!"

"Yes! Then mother won't find out." George patted Fred on the shoulder and said very excitedly. "Fred, you are such a genius!"

"Does that still need to be said?! Could it be that you only know today?" Fred raised his eyebrows.

The two laughed happily, and the slaps and anger at each other just now didn't seem to affect their relationship.

Or they just pretended to fool Mrs. Weasley, but it was a pity that they didn't succeed this time.

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