Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 569

Chapter 569: what? You guys actually talked about house elves for 1 night!

Ivan's words stopped Hermione, seven or eighty thousand gallons was undoubtedly an astronomical figure in her opinion.josei

After a long time, the little witch stammered. "But the hard work of the house elves is worth so much, isn't it? If you hire a wizard, it would be more expensive than that!"

"That is, they have to take care of the teachers and students in the school carefully, and ordinary wizards can't do it!" Ivan said with a smile, and did not completely deny Hermione's words.

But before the little witch was happy, I heard Ivan continue. "Then have you ever thought about it? If so many house elves have left their owners and gained freedom, how will they live? No wizard would be willing to hire them!"

"In addition, you should also go to the kitchen to ask the house elves for their opinions, and then make a decision. If you really want to protect them, you should listen to them more!" Ivan said with comfort.

In fact, he didn't want Hermione to waste time on such a thing, because it was a thankless thing.

As a magical creature that has been enslaved by wizards for thousands of years, the group of house elves has long lost the sense of resistance, and what is left is only the morbid concept of slavery, and the loyalty to the master is carved in the bone!

If any house elves make a mistake, they don’t even need the master to do it, they will punish themselves.

Ivan's words reminded Hermione of what happened to Shining. After being abandoned by the owner, Crouch, no wizard was willing to take Shining. In the end, Sirius suggested that it stay at the Black's house to solve the problem.

"Also, if you really want to change something, you might as well take a look at this!" Ivan suddenly thought of something, took out a book from his pocket where he had cast an extension curse, and handed it to the little witch.

"From the clerk to the minister of magic-how do the wizards reach the pinnacle of power?" Hermione took the book in surprise, looked at the cover and read the title.

Hermione looked at Ivan with a weird look, and didn't quite understand why Ivan would give herself this kind of book?

"When you become the Minister of Magic, can you really change the situation of the house elves!" Ivan seriously suggested.

He felt that Hermione cared so much about the status quo of the house elves, apart from the sudden burst of sympathy, in the final analysis, it was too idle!

So it's better to find something to do for her, set a lofty goal or something, and maybe forget about it after a period of time calmly and calmly.

"You don't need to say, I will be too!" Hermione held the book in her arms and said confidently.

She has seen too many things that need to be corrected in the magic world over the years, such as the unfair treatment of house elves, and the discrimination against Muggles by pure-blood wizards, etc...

Looking at the energetic little witch in front of him, Ivan then remembered that Hermione really became the Minister of Magic in the original time and space!

Liberation of the house elves is probably not a casual talk.

Hermione really intends to practice her philosophy!

Of course, from what Ivan learned, even if Hermione really became the Minister of Magic, it would be impossible to completely liberate the house elves.

Because this means confronting most of the powerful and powerful in the magical world, it would be nice to pass some laws to make the life of the house elves a little better.

"Then you have to work hard!" Ivan didn't mean to pour cold water on Hermione, but said encouragingly.

Although he does not approve of letting house elves and wizards equal rights, Ivan still does not object to improving their living conditions, otherwise he would not be willing to pay Dobby a salary.

In contrast, some extreme pure-blood families enjoy the convenience brought by the house elves, while they fight and scold at every turn, and treat the house elves as pests. It is indeed strange...

Even Muggle slave owners know to take care of their slaves occasionally to protect their private property for longer, but some arrogant wizards do not understand this at all.

Just as Ivan was thinking this way, a slight noise faintly heard upstairs, interrupting his thoughts.

Ivan turned his head subconsciously and looked towards the stairs.

"What's the matter?" Hermione didn't notice anything wrong, but looked at Ivan's movements strangely.

"Shhh..." Ivan put his index finger to his mouth and made a gesture of silence. With a thought, he took out the map of the live spot from his arms and opened it for a glance.

"Sure enough!" Ivan saw the names stacked next to the Gryffindor lounge on the map, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Hermione also took a look at it, then her face flushed.

Ivan stood up directly, waving his wand and pointing to the dark stairway above.

A crimson light beam of magical power shot out from the top of the wand, slammed into the steps and exploded, making a thunderbolt sound, and countless sparks spattered, which looked very gorgeous.

George and the others, who were crouching there and eavesdropping, were frightened for a while, and suddenly became a mess. Several of them rolled down the stairs in embarrassment~www.mtlnovel.com~ You didn’t sleep at night. What do we monitor? "

Ivan looked at George and Fred who were smashed, and a few witches and witches who had only met each other in the lounge, and asked speechlessly.

"We're just passing by... passing by!" George touched his still aching chest, and said nonchalantly.

While talking, George glared at Fred behind him fiercely. If it weren't for the uncomfortable squatting just now, they had to change their movements and make some noise, they wouldn't be caught.

"Yes! Too hungry at night, we are going to the kitchen to find something to eat!" Fred also hurriedly explained.

They had heard that Ivan and Hermione would be dating in the Gryffindor lounge tonight, so they couldn't sleep at night, gossiping, and they were ready to learn to observe.

Who knew that Ivan and Hermione had a chat with the house elves all night!

This is so strange!

Knowing this a long time ago, Fred thought he might as well sleep in the dormitory!

Other little wizards also found various reasons to prove that they just passed here by "coincidence".

"House elves also need a rest, I advise you not to trouble them at night!" Hermione glared at George and the others angrily, then looked at Ivan again, hesitated for a while, and finally whispered. "I'm going back to sleep now!"

After finishing speaking, Hermione hurriedly returned to the girls' bedroom with the book without waiting for Ivan's response.

Seeing that there is no excitement to watch, George, Fred and others also drove off, one by one running faster than the rabbit, for fear of being intercepted by Ivan.

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