Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 570

Chapter 570: Little Crouch

Within a few minutes, Ivan was left alone in the lounge again.

A farce came to an end.

Ivan shook his head and extinguished the fire.

Fortunately, his purpose of easing relations with Hermione tonight has been achieved, so Ivan has no intention of pursuing the troublesome George and others.

"By the way, just look at what he is doing..." Ivan muttered to himself, walking in the corridor back to the bedroom, and opened the map of the spot again, ready to find Barty Crouch Jr. Whereabouts, confirm his whereabouts.

However, Ivan's gaze swept across the map, but unexpectedly did not find a trace of Barty Crouch Jr.

"Did Little Crouch ran out temporarily and wasn't in the castle?" Ivan was puzzled, but he quickly overthrew the idea because a familiar name came into view.

Aristo Moody!

"This... how is it possible?" Ivan felt a chill in his heart as he watched the slowly moving names on the map.

Moody in the school is actually real, not Barty Crouch Jr. pretending to be...

Otherwise, even if he could find Moody's name on the live map, he should have been trapped somewhere, instead of wandering around the campus at night!

Ivan faintly felt that things exceeded his expectations.

Could it be that Voldemort changed his resurrection plan? But why is this? Will it be related to yourself?

Countless thoughts surged into my heart at the same time, and Ivan's brows became more frowning, which meant that he might lose the advantage brought by the "Prophet".

But what did Moody's run out at night? A doubt came out of Ivan's heart again, staring at the map of the live spot in his hand.

Judging from the location, Moody's was wandering in a corridor of the castle at this time. After a while, he entered the staff lounge and stopped in place, probably ready to go to bed.

"Would you like to take a look..." Ivan touched his chin and wanted to sneak into Moody's lounge to check, but hesitated to dispel the idea.

As an experienced and suspicious Auror, Moody’s room can’t be furnished without corresponding arrangement. I’m afraid I’ll be found out as soon as I enter it, and it’s not good to make a mistake.

"Damn it, what about the Triwizard Tournament?" Ivan put away the map of the live spot in anguish. He originally wanted to control Little Crouch to release the Confusion Curse, but now this plan is going to be ruined.


Early the next morning, Ivan, who had suffered from insomnia all night, woke up from bed with a yawn, and after a casual wash, he was ready to start the new semester of courses.

There was heavy rain all night, and the sky outside was still a bit gray. Large patches of blue-gray dark clouds blocked the sun, but in the early morning it seemed as if it was already evening.

"Which classes are you taking today? Hmm... herbal medicine class, magic animal protection class, and divination class!" Harry looked at the class schedule and rummaged in the suitcase for the corresponding books.

"I really hope it doesn't rain today, or else the protection of magical creatures class will be over!" Ron looked at the gloomy sky outside the window and complained.

But soon Ron stopped thinking like that, he couldn't wait to slap himself in exchange for a rainstorm!

Because today's course is too bad, except for Professor Sprout's herbal medicine course, the other two courses are like nightmares!

Hagrid didn't know that he brought in a creature called the snail from there, and asked them to take care of it.

This kind of creature is very disgusting. They look like deformed and shelled large lobsters, and they have a very strong fishy smell all over, which is really unlikable.

In the afternoon, the divination class was not much better. Professor Trelawney babbled that they would have an unknown omen this year. He also tried to predict Harry’s birth date from the trajectory of the planet and concluded that it must be. in winter!

Finally, Professor Trelawney arranged a class assignment and sent a complicated circular chart to everyone, asking them to fill in the position of the planet at the time of their birth, thinking that the direction of the planet contained a mysterious omen ...

Ivan filled out a random copy. He didn't even know where the nine planets were when he was born. Then he looked at Harry and Ron left and right, and found that they should also be filled in randomly.

In the whole class, only Hermione honestly calculated it carefully according to the formula and performed precise calculations...

Although the final result seems to be far from the truth...

"She must be crazy to talk nonsense in class. Everyone knows that Harry was born at the end of July, but Professor Trelawney thought you were born in winter, which is not allowed!"

After class, Ron couldn't help but vomit as soon as he left the classroom. He felt that his choice of divination class was definitely a bad decision!

"Even the masters always make mistakes, don't they? Professor Trelawney had successfully predicted Peter's escape and the mysterious people before!" Hermione defended Trelawney.

Since the last time the prediction was verified, Hermione changed her attitude towards the divination class and became enthusiastic~www.mtlnovel.com~ and even made several predictions in private based on the knowledge in the textbook!

It's a pity that it's basically all wrong...

This made Hermione somewhat discouraged. She didn't seem to have any talent for prophecy.

"Who knows if it's crooked and straight? Maybe she was just talking nonsense last time! The mysterious man has been dead for more than ten years, and he can't be back..." Ron curled his lips while Trelawney was in class. God's babbling appearance made him more and more suspicious of the accuracy of the opponent's prediction.

"Did you forget? Didn't we deal with him a few years ago?" Ivan looked at Ron in surprise.

"Oh, yeah! You and Harry have seen him..." Ron's tone was very perfunctory. He had not seen Voldemort with his own eyes, and subconsciously felt that it was impossible for the Dark Lord to resurrect this kind of thing!josei

Professor Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic are not furnishings...

Ivan naturally saw Ron's thoughts, shook his head, and said nothing more.

Of course, Trelawney’s predictions cannot be all correct.

After all, she threatens several new students every year, saying that she sees signs of death in each other.

Most of these words will not be fulfilled, otherwise, if so many people die every year, who would dare to come to Hogwarts to go to school?

However, under certain circumstances, Trelawney's remarks are still very accurate.

Especially a word that comes out unintentionally, or a word spoken in a trance state, that is the real prophecy!

will be verified 100%!

Unfortunately, the prediction of the return of the Dark Lord last time is a true prediction!

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